JSON/XML: PUT https://api.sanctionssearch.com/v2/clients/{id}/
JSON/XML Legacy: POST https://api.sanctionssearch.com/v2/{json/xml}/reply/UpdateClient/

This method allows user to verify a client. Confirming the OCR results of a clients documents is essential before completing a ValidId check for the client. If they are not correct, this method gives you the opportunity to correct any mistakes before verifying the documents.

This can only be done when the Client is in the state 'PendingVerification'.

All Passports, Driving Licences and Other Documents must have their IsVerified flags set to true.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Format Description
Name Required String Max length 250 characters The full name of the client
Reference String Max length 250 characters Your reference, if any
Passports Array Array of Passport objects (see here)
DrivingLicences Array Array of DrivingLicence objects (see here)
OtherDocuments Array Array of OtherDocument objects (see here)

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Format Description
ResponseStatus ResponseStatus   Instance of ResponseStatus object (see here)
Client Client   Instance of Client object (see here)