
Parameter Type Format Description
ClientFileId Int64   The ID of the ClientFile
FirstName String   The first name from the passport
MiddleName String   The middle name from the passport
LastName String   The last name from the passport
DateOfBirth String DD/MM/YYYY The date of birth from the passport
Gender String   The gender from the passport (M or F)
MrzLine1 String   The first line of the MRZ from the passport
MrzLineTwo1 String   The first 9 characters of the second line of the MRZ from the passport
MrzLineTwo2 String   The 10th character of the second line of the MRZ from the passport
MrzLineTwo3 String   The 11th to 13th characters of the second line of the MRZ from the passport
MrzLineTwo4 String   The 14th to 20th characters of the second line of the MRZ from the passport
MrzLineTwo5 String   The 21st character of the second line of the MRZ from the passport
MrzLineTwo6 String   The 22nd to 28th characters of the second line of the MRZ from the passport
MrzLineTwo7 String   The 29th to 42nd characters of the second line of the MRZ from the passport
MrzLineTwo8 String   The final 2 characters of the second line of the MRZ from the passport
OriginalImageUrl String   The URL for the original passport image, see GetClientDocument
CroppedImageUrl String   The URL for the cropped passport image, see GetClientDocument
IsVerified Boolean   Whether the not passport data has been confirmed correct