
Parameter Type Format Description
Id Int32 The ID of the client
DateCreated DateTime ISO 8601 The date the client was created
Name String The full name of the client
Email String The clients email address
Reference String Your reference, if any
State String The point at which the client is in the ValidateMe process.

The following values are valid:

PendingCompletion The Client has yet to upload their documents
PendingOcr The Client has uploaded their documents, but they are pending processing
PendingVerification The Client documents have been uploaded, but they are awaiting verification
Verified The Client has been Verified

MobileInternational String The client's mobile phone number in international format (e.g. '+447123456789').
PostCode String The postal code of the client's address. Used in emails sent to the client to help them recognize the communication as genuine
IsValidateMe Bool Whether the client is uploading their documents via ValidateMe or DocumentUpload
Passports Array Array of Passport objects (see here)
DrivingLicences Array Array of DrivingLicence objects (see here)
OtherDocuments Array Array of OtherDocument objects (see here)