Parameter | Type | Format | Description |
Id | Int32 | Id number of the search | |
SanctionsSearchId | Int64 | Id number of the sanctions search record | |
Date | DateTime | ISO 8601 | |
SearchListIds | String |
Comma seperated list of sanctions list id's. There are two valid values: "HMTSL" for the HM Treasury Sanctions List and "OFACL" for the US Treasury Sanctions List. |
HasError | Boolean | Has the search failed | |
HasCompletedRequest | Boolean | Has the record completed the identity check part of the search | |
HasCompletedSearch | Boolean | Has the record completed the sanctions search part | |
Type | Int |
What type of ValidID search is this, valid values:
Reference | String | Reference as supplied on the request | |
BasicRequest | BasicRequest | Instance of BasicRequest (see here) | |
BankEnabled | Boolean | Flag to enable checking of a bank account | |
BankRequest | BankRequest | Required if BankEnabled is true. Instance of BankRequest (see here) | |
BankLiveEnabled | Boolean | Flag to enable checking of a bank account with live information from the bank. Requires BankEnabled and BankRequest | |
CompanyDirectorEnabled | Boolean | Flag to enable checking of company directorships | |
CreditActiveEnabled | Boolean | Flag to enable checking for active credit accounts | |
DrivingEnabled | Boolean | Flag to enable checking of a driving licence | |
DrivingRequest | DrivingRequest | Required if DrivingEnabled is true. Instance of DrivingRequest (see here) | |
ElectricityEnabled | Boolean | Flag to enable checking of an electricity account (MPAN) | |
ElectricityRequest | ElectricityRequest | Required if ElectricityEnabled is true. Instance of ElectricityRequest (see here) | |
IdCardEnabled | Boolean | Flag to enable checking of a Identity Card | |
IdCardRequest | IdCardRequest | Required if IdCardEnabled is true. Instance of IdCard (see here) | |
NHSEnabled | Boolean | Flag to enable checking of a NHS (National Health Service) number | |
NHSRequest | NHSRequest | Required if NHSEnabled is true. Instance of NHSRequest (see here) | |
NIEnabled | Boolean | Flag to enable checking of a NI (National Insurance) number | |
NIRequest | NIRequest | Required if NIEnabled is true. Instance of NIRequest (see here) | |
PassportEnabled | Boolean | Flag to enable checking of a passport | |
PassportRequest | PassportRequest | Required if PassportEnabled is true. Instance of PassportRequest (see here) | |
PRSEnabled | Boolean | Flag to enable checking for property ownership from the Land Registry property register | |
SearchActivityEnabled | Boolean | Flag to enable checking of search activity | |
SmartlinkEnabled | Boolean | Flag to enable checking for previous addresses | |
Result | Result | Instance of Result (see here) | |
SanctionsResult | SanctionsResult | Instance of SanctionsResult (see here) | |
Deprecated | |||
Boolean | Is this an enhanced search, use Type in future | ||
Boolean | Flag to enable credit/debit card pre-authorisation | ||
CardAVSRequest | Required if CardAVSEnabled is true. Instance of CardAVSRequest (see here) | ||
Boolean | Flag to enable checking of persons gender | ||
Boolean | Flag to enable checking of a mobile phone number | ||
MobileRequest | Required if MobileEnabled is true. Instance of MobileRequest (see here) | ||
Boolean | Flag to enable checking of a landline phone number | ||
TelephoneRequest | Required if TelephoneEnabled is true. Instance of TelephoneRequest (see here) | ||
Boolean | Flag to enable checking of birth records | ||
BirthRequest | Required if BirthEnabled is true. Instance of BirthRequest (see here) | ||
Boolean | Flag to enable checking a credit/debit card number is valid | ||
CardNumberRequest | Required if CardNumberEnabled is true. Instance of CardNumberRequest (see here) | ||
Boolean | Flag to enable checking of a marriage certificate | ||
MarriageRequest | Required if MarriageEnabled is true. Instance of MarriageRequest (see here) | ||
Boolean | Flag to enable checking for online profiles (Twitter) | ||
Boolean | Flag to enable checking of a electoral roll registration number | ||
PollNumberRequest | Required if PollNumberEnabled is true. Instance of PollNumberRequest (see here) | ||
Boolean | Flag to enable checking of a Travel Visa | ||
TravelVisaRequest | Required if TravelVisaEnabled is true. Instance of TravelVisa (see here) |