Parameter | Type | Format | Description |
AVSCardHolder Required | String | Max length 250 characters | Name on the card |
AVSCardNumber Required | String | Max length 50 characters | Full card number |
AVSCardType Required | String | Max length 6 characters | Type of card, valid values are: "VISA", "DELTA" (Visa Delta), "MC" (Mastercard), "SWITCH", "SOLO" (Maestro), "UKE" (UK Visa Electron) |
AVSCardStart | String | Length 4 characters (MMYY) | Start date if applicable |
AVSCardExpire Required | String | Length 4 characters (MMYY) | Expiry date |
AVSIssueNumber | String | Max length 50 characters | Card issue number (Maestro & Solo only) |
AVSCV2 Required | String | Max length 50 characters | Card CV2 number |
AVSAddress1 Required | String | Max length 250 characters | The first line of the address the card is registered at |
AVSAddress2 Required | String | Max length 250 characters | The second line of the address the card is registered at |
AVSAddress3 Required | String | Max length 250 characters | The third line of the address the card is registered at |
AVSAddress4 | String | Max length 250 characters | |
AVSAddress5 | String | Max length 250 characters | |
AVSPostCode Required | String | Max length 9 characters, min 5 characters | The postcode, or local equivalent if outside the UK, of the address at which the card is registered |