
Parameter Type Format Description
AVSCardHolder Required String Max length 250 characters Name on the card
AVSCardNumber Required String Max length 50 characters Full card number
AVSCardType Required String Max length 6 characters Type of card, valid values are: "VISA", "DELTA" (Visa Delta), "MC" (Mastercard), "SWITCH", "SOLO" (Maestro), "UKE" (UK Visa Electron)
AVSCardStart String Length 4 characters (MMYY) Start date if applicable
AVSCardExpire Required String Length 4 characters (MMYY) Expiry date
AVSIssueNumber String Max length 50 characters Card issue number (Maestro & Solo only)
AVSCV2 Required String Max length 50 characters Card CV2 number
AVSAddress1 Required String Max length 250 characters The first line of the address the card is registered at 
AVSAddress2 Required String Max length 250 characters The second line of the address the card is registered at
AVSAddress3 Required String Max length 250 characters The third line of the address the card is registered at
AVSAddress4 String Max length 250 characters  
AVSAddress5 String Max length 250 characters  
AVSPostCode Required String Max length 9 characters, min 5 characters The postcode, or local equivalent if outside the UK, of the address at which the card is registered