As of May 2021, new API users, and those who choose to upgrade will receive search results in a new format.
This new format will include all Sanctions search results in one Array/List of "SearchResultEntry" type objects, rather than multiple arrays of different typed objects.
If you have created an API account prior to May 2021 or you have not upgraded to the new format, you will continue to receive the legacy format.
You can view the documentation for both formats below.
Parameter | Type | Format | Description |
Id | Int64 | Id number of the search | |
SearchCriteria | SearchCriteria | Instance of SearchCriteria object (see search criteria) | |
SearchSources new | Array | Array of SearchSource objects (see search source) | |
SearchType | String | The type of search requested. Either: "individual" or "entity". | |
AffectedByUpdate | Boolean | Has this search record been affected by an update to the sanctions list, if so a new decision is required for the status of the record, see "ClientInResults" and "ClientNotInResults" | |
ClientInResults | Boolean | True if the record has been updated to indicate that the client was found in the results | |
ClientNotInResults | Boolean | True if the record has been updated to indicate that the client was not found in the results | |
DateSearched | DateTime | ISO 8601 | Date the record was first searched |
DateUpdated | DateTime | ISO 8601 | Date the record was last affected by a sanctions list update |
NumOfResults | Int | The number of search results found | |
IsArchived | Boolean | True if the record has been archived and is no longer being checked during sanctions list updates | |
DateArchived | DateTime | ISO 8601 | Date the record was archived, null if not archived |
ListSearchResults | Array | Array of SearchResultEntry objects (see search results) |
Legacy Parameters
SearchResults Deprecated | Object | Now deprecated. Contains an array of results for each individual sanctions list. | |
SearchResults > HMTResults Deprecated | Array | Array of SearchResultHmTreasury objects (see search results) | |
SearchResults > HMTUkraineResults Deprecated | Array | Array of SearchResultHmTreasury objects (see search results) | |
SearchResults > OfacResults Deprecated | Array | Array of SearchResultOfac objects (see search results) | |
SearchResults > DfatResults Deprecated | Array | Array of SearchResultDfat objects (see search results) | |
SearchResults > OsfiResults Deprecated | Array | Array of SearchResultOsfi objects (see search results) | |
SearchResults > CanadianJusticeResults Deprecated | Array | Array of SearchResultCanadianJustice objects (see search results) | |
SearchResults > CanadianSemaResults Deprecated | Array | Array of SearchResultCanadianSema objects (see search results) | |
SearchResults > SwissSecoResults Deprecated | Array | Array of SearchResultEntry objects (see search results) |