Parameter | Type | Format | Description |
ListId | String | Max length 5 characters | The sanctions list ID, e.g. “HMTSL” or “OFACL” |
ListName | String | Max length 150 characters | The full name of the sanctions list, e.g. “HM Treasury Sanctions List” |
ListShortName | String | Max length 50 characters | The shortened name of the sanctions list, e.g. “HMT Sanctions” |
IsAffectedByListUpdate | Nullable Boolean |
This will be set to “true”, if this sanctions list was affected by a sanctions list update, otherwise it will be “false”.
This value is not always populated on GetSearches requests and can be null on those responses, see the “GetSearches > IncludeSearchSourcesFull” parameter. This parameter will always be provided (true/false) on responses to GetSearch requests. |