Parameter | Type | Format | Description |
Id | Int32 | Id number of the search | |
Date | DateTime | ISO 8601 | |
HasCompanyId | Boolean | Does the company lookup record have the company registration number. If not, you can resume this search, providing the search id to the AddCompanyLookup method | |
HasCompanyDetails | Boolean | Does the company lookup record have details of directors and shareholders. If not, you can resume this search, providing the search id to the AddCompanyLookup method | |
HasStartedSearches | Boolean | Has the company lookup started searching. If not, you can resume this search, providing the search id to the AddCompanyLookup method | |
HasCompletedSearches | Boolean | Has the company lookup completed searching. If not, you can resume this search, providing the search id to the AddCompanyLookup method | |
SelectedLists > ListId | String |
Array of sanctions lists which have been searched. There are two valid values: "HMTSL" for the HM Treasury Sanctions List and "OFACL" for the US Treasury Sanctions List. |
SearchCriteria | SearchCriteria | Instance of SearchCriteria (see here) | |
CompanyDirectorsAndShareholders | Array | Array of CompanyDirectorOrShareholder (see here) | |
CompanySearchRecord | CompanySearchRecord | Instance of CompanySearchRecord (see here) | |
HasEnhancedInformation | Boolean | Does the company lookup search include enhanced company information | |
EnhancedInformation | CompanyLookupEnhanced | The enhanced company information if it is included. Instance of CompanyLookupEnhanced |