This method allows users to search for directors and shareholders of companies from the company registration number.

If the user does not know the company registration number you can use the method SearchCompanyLookup in order to return a list of companies matching the name so that the user can choose the correct one and obtain the company number to then use for this method.

Users can just use the name and the address of the company and the system will make a "best guess" for the actual company. This is not advised however, as whilst it is normally accurate it cannot be guaranteed to be the correct result.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Format Description
CompanyLookupId Optional Int32   The ID number of a CompanyLookup search, in order to resume an incomplete search. Leave blank to start a new search.
CompanyName String Max length 250 characters Name of the company being searched. Required if there is no value for CompanyRegistrationNumber
CompanyAddress String Max length 250 characters Registered company address, leave blank to use the address from companies house if specifying CompanyRegistrationNumber
CompanyCountry Required String ISO 3166 Alpha-3 The alpha-3 country code which the company is registered in. Only 'GBR' and 'IRL' are supported at this time
CompanyRegistrationNumber Recommended String   The company registration number, highly recommended. Use SearchCompanyLookup to get list of companies matching the specified name, and their associated registration number. Then use the company number in this request. If this is left blank, the API will make a best guess at the company being searched.

Required if there is no value for CompanyName.
SelectedLists > ListId Required String Max length 5 characters

Array of sanctions lists to be included in the search. At least one is required.

The following values are valid:

ALL Perform your search against all your enabled lists, no further values are required if you select "ALL"

DFAT Australian DFAT Sanctions List
EUR EU Sanctions List
HMTSL HM Treasury Sanctions List
HMTUK HM Treasury Ukraine Securities List
UKSAN UK Sanctions List
OFACC OFAC Consolidated (Non SDN) List
OFACL OFAC Specially Designated Nationals List
CASEM Canadian Consolidated Sanctions List
OSFI Deprecated Canadian OSFI Sanctions List
CAJUS Deprecated Canadian Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials
SSECO Swiss SECO Sanctions
SNGPO Singapore TSOFA Sanctions List
BELSL Belgium Sanctions List
FRESL French Sanctions List
UN United Nations Sanctions List
NZL New Zealand Sanctions List
UAE United Arab Emirates Sanctions List

Example specifying the All lists lists:
Example specifying the HM Treasury list:
Example specifying the US and HM Treasury list:
PerformEnhancedSearch Boolean If set to True, will perform an enhanced search for additional company information, including group structure, previous names, and financial statements (see here)
SubUserName New string Null or max length 50 characters If this is specified, the search will be created for the specified sub user, otherwise it will be created in the main user account.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Format Description
ResponseStatus ResponseStatus   Instance of ResponseStatus object (see here)
SearchRecord SearchRecord   Instance of CompanyLookup SearchRecord object (see here)