
Parameter Type Format Description
Id Int64   Id number of the search
SearchCriteria SearchCriteria   Instance of SearchCriteria object (see search criteria)
SearchType String   The type of search requested. Either: "individual" or "entity".
AffectedByUpdate Boolean   Has this search record been affected by an update to the sanctions list, if so a new decision is required for the status of the record, see "ClientInResults" and "ClientNotInResults"
ClientInResults Boolean   True if the record has been updated to indicate that the client was found in the results
ClientNotInResults Boolean   True if the record has been updated to indicate that the client was not found in the results
DateSearched DateTime ISO 8601 Date the record was first searched
DateUpdated DateTime ISO 8601 Date the record was last updated (ClientInResults / ClientNotInResults)
NumOfResults Int   The number of search results found
IsDirector Boolean   Is the search for a director
IsShareholder Boolean   Is the search for a shareholder