POST | /companylookups/create | Create a company lookup |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Request | body | AddCompanyLookupRequest | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Authentication | header, body | Authentication | Yes | The authentication credentials |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
ApiUserId | header, body | string | Yes | The API User ID provided by us when you signed up to use our API |
ApiUserKey | header, body | string | Yes | The API User Key provided by us when you signed up to use our API |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
SubUserName | form | string | No | If the search should be saved against a single Sub User account, specify their username here |
CompanyLookupId | form | int? | No | |
CompanyRegistrationNumber | form | string | No | |
CompanyName | form | string | No | |
CompanyAddress | form | string | No | |
CompanyCountry | form | string | No | |
PerformEnhancedSearch | form | bool | No | |
SelectedLists | form | ArrayOfLists | No | |
LinkedTo | form | ArrayOfLinkedTo | No | If the search should be linked to other searches, specify the them here |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
ClientId | form | int? | No | |
Id | form | long? | No | |
Type | form | string | No | |
Subtype | form | string | No | |
Status | form | string | No | |
Description | form | string | No | |
IsArchived | form | bool? | No | |
Name | form | string | No | |
Date | form | DateTime? | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Data | form | AddCompanyLookupData | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
LinkedTo | form | ArrayOfLinkedTo | No | |
SearchRecord | form | CompanyLookupSearchRecord | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
ResponseStatus | form | ResponseStatus | No | The status of the response |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
ErrorCode | form | string | No | |
Message | form | string | No | |
StackTrace | form | string | No | |
Errors | form | ArrayOfResponseError | No | |
Meta | form | Dictionary<string, string> | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
ErrorCode | form | string | No | |
FieldName | form | string | No | |
Message | form | string | No | |
Meta | form | Dictionary<string, string> | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Id | form | int | No | |
SearchCriteria | form | SearchCriteria | No | |
SelectedLists | form | ArrayOfLists | No | |
Date | form | DateTime | No | |
HasCompanyId | form | bool | No | |
HasCompanyDetails | form | bool | No | |
HasStartedSearches | form | bool | No | |
HasCompletedSearches | form | bool | No | |
CompanyDirectorsAndShareholders | form | List<CompanyDirectorOrShareholder> | No | |
CompanySearchRecord | form | SearchListItem | No | |
HasEnhancedInformation | form | bool | No | |
EnhancedInformation | form | CompanyLookupEnhanced | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Name | form | string | No | |
Address | form | string | No | |
Country | form | string | No | |
DateOfBirth | form | string | No | |
Nationality | form | string | No | |
Reference | form | string | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Id | form | long | No | |
SearchType | form | string | No | |
DateSearched | form | DateTime | No | |
DateUpdated | form | DateTime | No | |
NumOfResults | form | int | No | |
ClientInResults | form | bool | No | |
ClientNotInResults | form | bool | No | |
AffectedByUpdate | form | bool | No | |
SearchCriteria | form | SearchCriteria | No | |
IsDirector | form | bool | No | |
IsShareholder | form | bool | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Id | form | long | No | |
SearchType | form | string | No | |
DateSearched | form | DateTime | No | |
DateUpdated | form | DateTime | No | |
DateArchived | form | DateTime? | No | |
IsArchived | form | bool | No | |
NumOfResults | form | int | No | |
ClientInResults | form | bool | No | |
ClientNotInResults | form | bool | No | |
AffectedByUpdate | form | bool | No | |
SearchCriteria | form | SearchCriteria | No | |
SearchSources | form | List<SearchSource> | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
ListId | form | string | No | |
ListName | form | string | No | |
ListShortName | form | string | No | |
IsAffectedByListUpdate | form | bool? | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Summary | form | CompanyLookupEnhancedSummary | No | |
ContactInformation | form | CompanyLookupEnhancedContactInfo | No | |
SicCodes | form | List<CompanyLookupEnhancedSicCode> | No | |
PreviousNames | form | List<CompanyLookupEnhancedPreviousName> | No | |
ShareStructure | form | CompanyLookupEnhancedShareStructure | No | |
Directors | form | CompanyLookupEnhancedDirectors | No | |
GroupStructure | form | CompanyLookupEnhancedStructure | No | |
CountyCourtJudgements | form | CompanyLookupEnhancedCCJs | No | |
EventHistory | form | List<CompanyLookupEnhancedEvent> | No | |
Commentaries | form | List<CompanyLookupEnhancedCommentary> | No | |
CreditAccounts | form | CompanyLookupEnhancedCreditAccount | No | |
FinancialStatements | form | List<CompanyLookupEnhancedFinancialStatement> | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Name | form | string | No | |
Country | form | string | No | |
RegistrationNumber | form | string | No | |
DateOfIncorporation | form | string | No | |
TypeOfIncorporation | form | string | No | |
CompanyStatus | form | string | No | |
Address | form | string | No | |
Telephone | form | string | No | |
SicCode | form | string | No | |
SicDescription | form | string | No | |
PrincipleActivity | form | string | No | |
LatestAccounts | form | CompanyLookupEnhancedLatestAccounts | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Currency | form | string | No | |
Turnover | form | decimal? | No | |
ShareholdersEquity | form | decimal? | No | |
CreditRating | form | int? | No | |
CreditLimit | form | int? | No | |
CreditRatingDescription | form | string | No | |
AccountRefDay | form | int? | No | |
AccountRefMonth | form | int? | No | |
AccountNextDueDate | form | DateTime? | No | |
AccountLastMadeUpDate | form | DateTime? | No | |
AccountCategory | form | string | No | |
ReturnLastMadeUpDate | form | DateTime? | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
RegisteredAddress | form | CompanyLookupEnhancedAddress | No | |
TradingAddresses | form | List<CompanyLookupEnhancedAddress> | No | |
Websites | form | List<CompanyLookupEnhancedWebsite> | No | |
AdditionalContactInfo | form | CompanyLookupEnhancedAdditionalContact | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
FullAddress | form | string | No | |
Address1 | form | string | No | |
Address2 | form | string | No | |
Address3 | form | string | No | |
Address4 | form | string | No | |
PostCode | form | string | No | |
Telephone | form | string | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Website | form | string | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Telephone | form | string | No | |
FaxNumber | form | string | No | |
EmailAddress | form | string | No | |
WebAddress | form | string | No | |
form | string | No | ||
form | string | No | ||
GooglePlus | form | string | No | |
form | string | No | ||
ContactName | form | string | No | |
BusinessClassification | form | string | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
SicCode2003 | form | int? | No | |
SicCode2003Description | form | string | No | |
SicCode2007 | form | int? | No | |
SicCode2007Description | form | string | No | |
Status | form | string | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
DateChanged | form | DateTime? | No | |
Name | form | string | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
IssuedShareCapital | form | decimal? | No | |
Shareholders | form | List<CompanyLookupEnhancedShareholder> | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Title | form | string | No | |
Forename | form | string | No | |
Surname | form | string | No | |
Address1 | form | string | No | |
Address2 | form | string | No | |
Address3 | form | string | No | |
Address4 | form | string | No | |
Address5 | form | string | No | |
PostCode | form | string | No | |
ShareType | form | string | No | |
Number | form | decimal? | No | |
Value | form | decimal? | No | |
Currency | form | string | No | |
ShareholderType | form | string | No | |
ShareClass | form | string | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
CurrentDirectors | form | List<CompanyLookupEnhancedDirector> | No | |
PreviousDirectors | form | List<CompanyLookupEnhancedDirector> | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Name | form | string | No | |
Address | form | string | No | |
Gender | form | string | No | |
AppointmentDate | form | DateTime? | No | |
ResignationDate | form | DateTime? | No | |
DateOfBirth | form | DateTime? | No | |
Position | form | string | No | |
IdNumber | form | int? | No | |
CurrentDirectorships | form | int? | No | |
PreviousDirectorships | form | int? | No | |
TotalDirectorships | form | int? | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
ParentCompanies | form | List<CompanyLookupEnhancedCompany> | No | |
SubsidiaryCompanies | form | List<CompanyLookupEnhancedCompany> | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Country | form | string | No | |
CompanyName | form | string | No | |
CompanyNumber | form | string | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
PossibleCCJs | form | List<CompanyLookupEnhancedCCJ> | No | |
ExactCCJs | form | List<CompanyLookupEnhancedCCJ> | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Date | form | DateTime? | No | |
Court | form | string | No | |
Amount | form | decimal? | No | |
CaseNumber | form | string | No | |
Status | form | string | No | |
DatePaid | form | string | No | |
IncomingRecordDetails | form | string | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Date | form | DateTime? | No | |
Description | form | string | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Text | form | string | No | |
PositiveOrNegative | form | string | No | |
Priority | form | int? | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
CreditLimitHistory | form | List<CompanyLookupEnhancedCreditLimit> | No | |
CreditRatingHistory | form | List<CompanyLookupEnhancedCreditRating> | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Date | form | DateTime? | No | |
DateOrder | form | int? | No | |
Amount | form | int? | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Date | form | DateTime? | No | |
DateOrder | form | int? | No | |
Amount | form | int? | No | |
ShortDescription | form | string | No | |
Description | form | string | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
YearEndDateOrder | form | int? | No | |
YearEndDate | form | DateTime? | No | |
SummaryNumberOfWeeks | form | int? | No | |
SummaryCurrency | form | string | No | |
SummaryConsolidatedAccount | form | string | No | |
ProfitAndLoss | form | CompanyLookupFinancialProfit | No | |
BalanceSheet | form | CompanyLookupFinancialBalance | No | |
CapitalAndReserves | form | CompanyLookupFinancialCapital | No | |
Other | form | CompanyLookupFinancialOther | No | |
Cash | form | CompanyLookupFinancialCash | No | |
Misc | form | CompanyLookupFinancialMisc | No | |
Ratios | form | CompanyLookupFinancialRatios | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Turnover | form | decimal? | No | |
Export | form | decimal? | No | |
CostOfSales | form | decimal? | No | |
GrossProfit | form | decimal? | No | |
WagesAndSalaries | form | decimal? | No | |
DirectorEmolument | form | decimal? | No | |
OperatingProfit | form | decimal? | No | |
Depreciation | form | decimal? | No | |
AuditFees | form | decimal? | No | |
InterestPayments | form | decimal? | No | |
PretaxProfit | form | decimal? | No | |
Taxation | form | decimal? | No | |
ProfitAfterTax | form | decimal? | No | |
DividendsPayable | form | decimal? | No | |
RetainedProfit | form | decimal? | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
TangibleAccounts | form | decimal? | No | |
IntangibleAssets | form | decimal? | No | |
TotalFixedAssets | form | decimal? | No | |
Stock | form | decimal? | No | |
TradeDebtors | form | decimal? | No | |
Cash | form | decimal? | No | |
OtherDebtors | form | decimal? | No | |
MiscCurrentAssets | form | decimal? | No | |
TotalCurrentAssets | form | decimal? | No | |
TradeCreditors | form | decimal? | No | |
BankLoansAndOverdrafts | form | decimal? | No | |
OtherShortTermFinance | form | decimal? | No | |
MiscCurrentLiabilities | form | decimal? | No | |
TotalCurrentLiabilities | form | decimal? | No | |
BankLoansAndOverdraftsAndLTL | form | decimal? | No | |
OtherLongTermFinance | form | decimal? | No | |
TotalLongTermFinance | form | decimal? | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
CalledUpSharedCapital | form | decimal? | No | |
ProfitAndLossAccountReserve | form | decimal? | No | |
RevaluationReserve | form | decimal? | No | |
SundryReserves | form | decimal? | No | |
ShareholderFunds | form | decimal? | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
NetWorth | form | decimal? | No | |
NetAssets | form | decimal? | No | |
WorkingCapital | form | decimal? | No | |
TotalAssets | form | decimal? | No | |
TotalLiabilities | form | decimal? | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
NetCashFlowFromOperations | form | decimal? | No | |
NetCashFlowBeforeFinancing | form | decimal? | No | |
NetCashFlowFromFinancing | form | decimal? | No | |
IncreaseInCash | form | decimal? | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
ContingentLiability | form | string | No | |
CapitalEmployed | form | decimal? | No | |
NumberOfEmployees | form | decimal? | No | |
Auditors | form | string | No | |
AuditorComments | form | string | No | |
Bankers | form | string | No | |
BankBranchCode | form | string | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
PreTaxProfitMargin | form | decimal? | No | |
CurrentRatio | form | decimal? | No | |
SalesNetworkingCapital | form | decimal? | No | |
Gearing | form | decimal? | No | |
Equity | form | decimal? | No | |
CreditorDays | form | decimal? | No | |
DebtorDays | form | decimal? | No | |
LiquidityAcidTest | form | decimal? | No | |
ReturnOnCapitalEmployed | form | decimal? | No | |
ReturnOnNetAssetsEmployed | form | decimal? | No | |
ReturnOnTotalAssetsEmployed | form | decimal? | No | |
CurrentDebtRatio | form | decimal? | No | |
TotalDebtRatio | form | decimal? | No | |
StockTurnoverRatio | form | decimal? | No |
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