POST | /companylookups/create | Create a company lookup |
import java.math.*;
import java.util.*;
import net.servicestack.client.*;
public class dtos
public static class AddCompanyLookup extends BaseRequest
public AddCompanyLookupRequest request = null;
public AddCompanyLookupRequest getRequest() { return request; }
public AddCompanyLookup setRequest(AddCompanyLookupRequest value) { this.request = value; return this; }
public static class BaseRequest implements IBaseRequest
* The authentication credentials
@ApiMember(Description="The authentication credentials", IsRequired=true, ParameterType="header, body")
public Authentication authentication = null;
public Authentication getAuthentication() { return authentication; }
public BaseRequest setAuthentication(Authentication value) { this.authentication = value; return this; }
public static class Authentication
* The API User ID provided by us when you signed up to use our API
@ApiMember(Description="The API User ID provided by us when you signed up to use our API", IsRequired=true, ParameterType="header, body")
public String apiUserId = null;
* The API User Key provided by us when you signed up to use our API
@ApiMember(Description="The API User Key provided by us when you signed up to use our API", IsRequired=true, ParameterType="header, body")
public String apiUserKey = null;
public String getApiUserId() { return apiUserId; }
public Authentication setApiUserId(String value) { this.apiUserId = value; return this; }
public String getApiUserKey() { return apiUserKey; }
public Authentication setApiUserKey(String value) { this.apiUserKey = value; return this; }
public static class AddCompanyLookupRequest
* If the search should be saved against a single Sub User account, specify their username here
@ApiMember(Description="If the search should be saved against a single Sub User account, specify their username here")
public String subUserName = null;
public Integer companyLookupId = null;
public String companyRegistrationNumber = null;
public String companyName = null;
public String companyAddress = null;
public String companyCountry = null;
public Boolean performEnhancedSearch = null;
public ArrayOfLists selectedLists = null;
* If the search should be linked to other searches, specify the them here
@ApiMember(Description="If the search should be linked to other searches, specify the them here")
public ArrayOfLinkedTo linkedTo = null;
public String getSubUserName() { return subUserName; }
public AddCompanyLookupRequest setSubUserName(String value) { this.subUserName = value; return this; }
public Integer getCompanyLookupId() { return companyLookupId; }
public AddCompanyLookupRequest setCompanyLookupId(Integer value) { this.companyLookupId = value; return this; }
public String getCompanyRegistrationNumber() { return companyRegistrationNumber; }
public AddCompanyLookupRequest setCompanyRegistrationNumber(String value) { this.companyRegistrationNumber = value; return this; }
public String getCompanyName() { return companyName; }
public AddCompanyLookupRequest setCompanyName(String value) { this.companyName = value; return this; }
public String getCompanyAddress() { return companyAddress; }
public AddCompanyLookupRequest setCompanyAddress(String value) { this.companyAddress = value; return this; }
public String getCompanyCountry() { return companyCountry; }
public AddCompanyLookupRequest setCompanyCountry(String value) { this.companyCountry = value; return this; }
public Boolean isPerformEnhancedSearch() { return performEnhancedSearch; }
public AddCompanyLookupRequest setPerformEnhancedSearch(Boolean value) { this.performEnhancedSearch = value; return this; }
public ArrayOfLists getSelectedLists() { return selectedLists; }
public AddCompanyLookupRequest setSelectedLists(ArrayOfLists value) { this.selectedLists = value; return this; }
public ArrayOfLinkedTo getLinkedTo() { return linkedTo; }
public AddCompanyLookupRequest setLinkedTo(ArrayOfLinkedTo value) { this.linkedTo = value; return this; }
public static class ArrayOfLists extends ArrayList<String>
public static class ArrayOfLinkedTo extends ArrayList<LinkedTo>
public static class LinkedTo
public Integer clientId = null;
public Long id = null;
public String type = null;
public String subtype = null;
public String status = null;
public String description = null;
public Boolean isArchived = null;
public String name = null;
public Date date = null;
public Integer getClientId() { return clientId; }
public LinkedTo setClientId(Integer value) { this.clientId = value; return this; }
public Long getId() { return id; }
public LinkedTo setId(Long value) { = value; return this; }
public String getType() { return type; }
public LinkedTo setType(String value) { this.type = value; return this; }
public String getSubtype() { return subtype; }
public LinkedTo setSubtype(String value) { this.subtype = value; return this; }
public String getStatus() { return status; }
public LinkedTo setStatus(String value) { this.status = value; return this; }
public String getDescription() { return description; }
public LinkedTo setDescription(String value) { this.description = value; return this; }
public Boolean getIsArchived() { return isArchived; }
public LinkedTo setIsArchived(Boolean value) { this.isArchived = value; return this; }
public String getName() { return name; }
public LinkedTo setName(String value) { = value; return this; }
public Date getDate() { return date; }
public LinkedTo setDate(Date value) { = value; return this; }
public static class AddCompanyLookupResponse
public AddCompanyLookupData data = null;
public AddCompanyLookupData getData() { return data; }
public AddCompanyLookupResponse setData(AddCompanyLookupData value) { = value; return this; }
public static class AddCompanyLookupData extends BaseResponse implements IBaseSearchResponse
public ArrayOfLinkedTo linkedTo = null;
public CompanyLookupSearchRecord searchRecord = null;
public ArrayOfLinkedTo getLinkedTo() { return linkedTo; }
public AddCompanyLookupData setLinkedTo(ArrayOfLinkedTo value) { this.linkedTo = value; return this; }
public CompanyLookupSearchRecord getSearchRecord() { return searchRecord; }
public AddCompanyLookupData setSearchRecord(CompanyLookupSearchRecord value) { this.searchRecord = value; return this; }
public static class BaseResponse implements IBaseDataResponse, IHasResponseStatus
* The status of the response
@ApiMember(Description="The status of the response")
public ResponseStatus responseStatus = null;
public ResponseStatus getResponseStatus() { return responseStatus; }
public BaseResponse setResponseStatus(ResponseStatus value) { this.responseStatus = value; return this; }
public static class ArrayOfResponseError extends ArrayList<ResponseError>
public static class CompanyLookupSearchRecord
public Integer id = null;
public SearchCriteria searchCriteria = null;
public ArrayOfLists selectedLists = null;
public Date date = null;
public Boolean hasCompanyId = null;
public Boolean hasCompanyDetails = null;
public Boolean hasStartedSearches = null;
public Boolean hasCompletedSearches = null;
public ArrayList<CompanyDirectorOrShareholder> companyDirectorsAndShareholders = null;
public SearchListItem companySearchRecord = null;
public Boolean hasEnhancedInformation = null;
public CompanyLookupEnhanced enhancedInformation = null;
public Integer getId() { return id; }
public CompanyLookupSearchRecord setId(Integer value) { = value; return this; }
public SearchCriteria getSearchCriteria() { return searchCriteria; }
public CompanyLookupSearchRecord setSearchCriteria(SearchCriteria value) { this.searchCriteria = value; return this; }
public ArrayOfLists getSelectedLists() { return selectedLists; }
public CompanyLookupSearchRecord setSelectedLists(ArrayOfLists value) { this.selectedLists = value; return this; }
public Date getDate() { return date; }
public CompanyLookupSearchRecord setDate(Date value) { = value; return this; }
public Boolean isHasCompanyId() { return hasCompanyId; }
public CompanyLookupSearchRecord setHasCompanyId(Boolean value) { this.hasCompanyId = value; return this; }
public Boolean isHasCompanyDetails() { return hasCompanyDetails; }
public CompanyLookupSearchRecord setHasCompanyDetails(Boolean value) { this.hasCompanyDetails = value; return this; }
public Boolean isHasStartedSearches() { return hasStartedSearches; }
public CompanyLookupSearchRecord setHasStartedSearches(Boolean value) { this.hasStartedSearches = value; return this; }
public Boolean isHasCompletedSearches() { return hasCompletedSearches; }
public CompanyLookupSearchRecord setHasCompletedSearches(Boolean value) { this.hasCompletedSearches = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<CompanyDirectorOrShareholder> getCompanyDirectorsAndShareholders() { return companyDirectorsAndShareholders; }
public CompanyLookupSearchRecord setCompanyDirectorsAndShareholders(ArrayList<CompanyDirectorOrShareholder> value) { this.companyDirectorsAndShareholders = value; return this; }
public SearchListItem getCompanySearchRecord() { return companySearchRecord; }
public CompanyLookupSearchRecord setCompanySearchRecord(SearchListItem value) { this.companySearchRecord = value; return this; }
public Boolean isHasEnhancedInformation() { return hasEnhancedInformation; }
public CompanyLookupSearchRecord setHasEnhancedInformation(Boolean value) { this.hasEnhancedInformation = value; return this; }
public CompanyLookupEnhanced getEnhancedInformation() { return enhancedInformation; }
public CompanyLookupSearchRecord setEnhancedInformation(CompanyLookupEnhanced value) { this.enhancedInformation = value; return this; }
public static class SearchCriteria
public String name = null;
public String address = null;
public String country = null;
public String dateOfBirth = null;
public String nationality = null;
public String reference = null;
public String getName() { return name; }
public SearchCriteria setName(String value) { = value; return this; }
public String getAddress() { return address; }
public SearchCriteria setAddress(String value) { this.address = value; return this; }
public String getCountry() { return country; }
public SearchCriteria setCountry(String value) { = value; return this; }
public String getDateOfBirth() { return dateOfBirth; }
public SearchCriteria setDateOfBirth(String value) { this.dateOfBirth = value; return this; }
public String getNationality() { return nationality; }
public SearchCriteria setNationality(String value) { this.nationality = value; return this; }
public String getReference() { return reference; }
public SearchCriteria setReference(String value) { this.reference = value; return this; }
public static class CompanyDirectorOrShareholder
public Long id = null;
public String searchType = null;
public Date dateSearched = null;
public Date dateUpdated = null;
public Integer numOfResults = null;
public Boolean clientInResults = null;
public Boolean clientNotInResults = null;
public Boolean affectedByUpdate = null;
public SearchCriteria searchCriteria = null;
public Boolean isDirector = null;
public Boolean isShareholder = null;
public Long getId() { return id; }
public CompanyDirectorOrShareholder setId(Long value) { = value; return this; }
public String getSearchType() { return searchType; }
public CompanyDirectorOrShareholder setSearchType(String value) { this.searchType = value; return this; }
public Date getDateSearched() { return dateSearched; }
public CompanyDirectorOrShareholder setDateSearched(Date value) { this.dateSearched = value; return this; }
public Date getDateUpdated() { return dateUpdated; }
public CompanyDirectorOrShareholder setDateUpdated(Date value) { this.dateUpdated = value; return this; }
public Integer getNumOfResults() { return numOfResults; }
public CompanyDirectorOrShareholder setNumOfResults(Integer value) { this.numOfResults = value; return this; }
public Boolean isClientInResults() { return clientInResults; }
public CompanyDirectorOrShareholder setClientInResults(Boolean value) { this.clientInResults = value; return this; }
public Boolean isClientNotInResults() { return clientNotInResults; }
public CompanyDirectorOrShareholder setClientNotInResults(Boolean value) { this.clientNotInResults = value; return this; }
public Boolean isAffectedByUpdate() { return affectedByUpdate; }
public CompanyDirectorOrShareholder setAffectedByUpdate(Boolean value) { this.affectedByUpdate = value; return this; }
public SearchCriteria getSearchCriteria() { return searchCriteria; }
public CompanyDirectorOrShareholder setSearchCriteria(SearchCriteria value) { this.searchCriteria = value; return this; }
public Boolean getIsDirector() { return isDirector; }
public CompanyDirectorOrShareholder setIsDirector(Boolean value) { this.isDirector = value; return this; }
public Boolean getIsShareholder() { return isShareholder; }
public CompanyDirectorOrShareholder setIsShareholder(Boolean value) { this.isShareholder = value; return this; }
public static class SearchListItem
public Long id = null;
public String searchType = null;
public Date dateSearched = null;
public Date dateUpdated = null;
public Date dateArchived = null;
public Boolean isArchived = null;
public Integer numOfResults = null;
public Boolean clientInResults = null;
public Boolean clientNotInResults = null;
public Boolean affectedByUpdate = null;
public SearchCriteria searchCriteria = null;
public ArrayList<SearchSource> searchSources = null;
public Long getId() { return id; }
public SearchListItem setId(Long value) { = value; return this; }
public String getSearchType() { return searchType; }
public SearchListItem setSearchType(String value) { this.searchType = value; return this; }
public Date getDateSearched() { return dateSearched; }
public SearchListItem setDateSearched(Date value) { this.dateSearched = value; return this; }
public Date getDateUpdated() { return dateUpdated; }
public SearchListItem setDateUpdated(Date value) { this.dateUpdated = value; return this; }
public Date getDateArchived() { return dateArchived; }
public SearchListItem setDateArchived(Date value) { this.dateArchived = value; return this; }
public Boolean getIsArchived() { return isArchived; }
public SearchListItem setIsArchived(Boolean value) { this.isArchived = value; return this; }
public Integer getNumOfResults() { return numOfResults; }
public SearchListItem setNumOfResults(Integer value) { this.numOfResults = value; return this; }
public Boolean isClientInResults() { return clientInResults; }
public SearchListItem setClientInResults(Boolean value) { this.clientInResults = value; return this; }
public Boolean isClientNotInResults() { return clientNotInResults; }
public SearchListItem setClientNotInResults(Boolean value) { this.clientNotInResults = value; return this; }
public Boolean isAffectedByUpdate() { return affectedByUpdate; }
public SearchListItem setAffectedByUpdate(Boolean value) { this.affectedByUpdate = value; return this; }
public SearchCriteria getSearchCriteria() { return searchCriteria; }
public SearchListItem setSearchCriteria(SearchCriteria value) { this.searchCriteria = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<SearchSource> getSearchSources() { return searchSources; }
public SearchListItem setSearchSources(ArrayList<SearchSource> value) { this.searchSources = value; return this; }
public static class SearchSource
public String listId = null;
public String listName = null;
public String listShortName = null;
public Boolean isAffectedByListUpdate = null;
public String getListId() { return listId; }
public SearchSource setListId(String value) { this.listId = value; return this; }
public String getListName() { return listName; }
public SearchSource setListName(String value) { this.listName = value; return this; }
public String getListShortName() { return listShortName; }
public SearchSource setListShortName(String value) { this.listShortName = value; return this; }
public Boolean getIsAffectedByListUpdate() { return isAffectedByListUpdate; }
public SearchSource setIsAffectedByListUpdate(Boolean value) { this.isAffectedByListUpdate = value; return this; }
public static class CompanyLookupEnhanced
public CompanyLookupEnhancedSummary summary = null;
public CompanyLookupEnhancedContactInfo contactInformation = null;
public ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedSicCode> sicCodes = null;
public ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedPreviousName> previousNames = null;
public CompanyLookupEnhancedShareStructure shareStructure = null;
public CompanyLookupEnhancedDirectors directors = null;
public CompanyLookupEnhancedStructure groupStructure = null;
public CompanyLookupEnhancedCCJs countyCourtJudgements = null;
public ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedEvent> eventHistory = null;
public ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedCommentary> commentaries = null;
public CompanyLookupEnhancedCreditAccount creditAccounts = null;
public ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedFinancialStatement> financialStatements = null;
public CompanyLookupEnhancedSummary getSummary() { return summary; }
public CompanyLookupEnhanced setSummary(CompanyLookupEnhancedSummary value) { this.summary = value; return this; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedContactInfo getContactInformation() { return contactInformation; }
public CompanyLookupEnhanced setContactInformation(CompanyLookupEnhancedContactInfo value) { this.contactInformation = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedSicCode> getSicCodes() { return sicCodes; }
public CompanyLookupEnhanced setSicCodes(ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedSicCode> value) { this.sicCodes = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedPreviousName> getPreviousNames() { return previousNames; }
public CompanyLookupEnhanced setPreviousNames(ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedPreviousName> value) { this.previousNames = value; return this; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedShareStructure getShareStructure() { return shareStructure; }
public CompanyLookupEnhanced setShareStructure(CompanyLookupEnhancedShareStructure value) { this.shareStructure = value; return this; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedDirectors getDirectors() { return directors; }
public CompanyLookupEnhanced setDirectors(CompanyLookupEnhancedDirectors value) { this.directors = value; return this; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedStructure getGroupStructure() { return groupStructure; }
public CompanyLookupEnhanced setGroupStructure(CompanyLookupEnhancedStructure value) { this.groupStructure = value; return this; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedCCJs getCountyCourtJudgements() { return countyCourtJudgements; }
public CompanyLookupEnhanced setCountyCourtJudgements(CompanyLookupEnhancedCCJs value) { this.countyCourtJudgements = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedEvent> getEventHistory() { return eventHistory; }
public CompanyLookupEnhanced setEventHistory(ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedEvent> value) { this.eventHistory = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedCommentary> getCommentaries() { return commentaries; }
public CompanyLookupEnhanced setCommentaries(ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedCommentary> value) { this.commentaries = value; return this; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedCreditAccount getCreditAccounts() { return creditAccounts; }
public CompanyLookupEnhanced setCreditAccounts(CompanyLookupEnhancedCreditAccount value) { this.creditAccounts = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedFinancialStatement> getFinancialStatements() { return financialStatements; }
public CompanyLookupEnhanced setFinancialStatements(ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedFinancialStatement> value) { this.financialStatements = value; return this; }
public static class CompanyLookupEnhancedSummary
public String name = null;
public String country = null;
public String registrationNumber = null;
public String dateOfIncorporation = null;
public String typeOfIncorporation = null;
public String companyStatus = null;
public String address = null;
public String telephone = null;
public String sicCode = null;
public String sicDescription = null;
public String principleActivity = null;
public CompanyLookupEnhancedLatestAccounts latestAccounts = null;
public String getName() { return name; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedSummary setName(String value) { = value; return this; }
public String getCountry() { return country; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedSummary setCountry(String value) { = value; return this; }
public String getRegistrationNumber() { return registrationNumber; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedSummary setRegistrationNumber(String value) { this.registrationNumber = value; return this; }
public String getDateOfIncorporation() { return dateOfIncorporation; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedSummary setDateOfIncorporation(String value) { this.dateOfIncorporation = value; return this; }
public String getTypeOfIncorporation() { return typeOfIncorporation; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedSummary setTypeOfIncorporation(String value) { this.typeOfIncorporation = value; return this; }
public String getCompanyStatus() { return companyStatus; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedSummary setCompanyStatus(String value) { this.companyStatus = value; return this; }
public String getAddress() { return address; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedSummary setAddress(String value) { this.address = value; return this; }
public String getTelephone() { return telephone; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedSummary setTelephone(String value) { this.telephone = value; return this; }
public String getSicCode() { return sicCode; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedSummary setSicCode(String value) { this.sicCode = value; return this; }
public String getSicDescription() { return sicDescription; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedSummary setSicDescription(String value) { this.sicDescription = value; return this; }
public String getPrincipleActivity() { return principleActivity; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedSummary setPrincipleActivity(String value) { this.principleActivity = value; return this; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedLatestAccounts getLatestAccounts() { return latestAccounts; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedSummary setLatestAccounts(CompanyLookupEnhancedLatestAccounts value) { this.latestAccounts = value; return this; }
public static class CompanyLookupEnhancedLatestAccounts
public String currency = null;
public BigDecimal turnover = null;
public BigDecimal shareholdersEquity = null;
public Integer creditRating = null;
public Integer creditLimit = null;
public String creditRatingDescription = null;
public Integer accountRefDay = null;
public Integer accountRefMonth = null;
public Date accountNextDueDate = null;
public Date accountLastMadeUpDate = null;
public String accountCategory = null;
public Date returnLastMadeUpDate = null;
public String getCurrency() { return currency; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedLatestAccounts setCurrency(String value) { this.currency = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getTurnover() { return turnover; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedLatestAccounts setTurnover(BigDecimal value) { this.turnover = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getShareholdersEquity() { return shareholdersEquity; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedLatestAccounts setShareholdersEquity(BigDecimal value) { this.shareholdersEquity = value; return this; }
public Integer getCreditRating() { return creditRating; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedLatestAccounts setCreditRating(Integer value) { this.creditRating = value; return this; }
public Integer getCreditLimit() { return creditLimit; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedLatestAccounts setCreditLimit(Integer value) { this.creditLimit = value; return this; }
public String getCreditRatingDescription() { return creditRatingDescription; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedLatestAccounts setCreditRatingDescription(String value) { this.creditRatingDescription = value; return this; }
public Integer getAccountRefDay() { return accountRefDay; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedLatestAccounts setAccountRefDay(Integer value) { this.accountRefDay = value; return this; }
public Integer getAccountRefMonth() { return accountRefMonth; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedLatestAccounts setAccountRefMonth(Integer value) { this.accountRefMonth = value; return this; }
public Date getAccountNextDueDate() { return accountNextDueDate; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedLatestAccounts setAccountNextDueDate(Date value) { this.accountNextDueDate = value; return this; }
public Date getAccountLastMadeUpDate() { return accountLastMadeUpDate; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedLatestAccounts setAccountLastMadeUpDate(Date value) { this.accountLastMadeUpDate = value; return this; }
public String getAccountCategory() { return accountCategory; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedLatestAccounts setAccountCategory(String value) { this.accountCategory = value; return this; }
public Date getReturnLastMadeUpDate() { return returnLastMadeUpDate; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedLatestAccounts setReturnLastMadeUpDate(Date value) { this.returnLastMadeUpDate = value; return this; }
public static class CompanyLookupEnhancedContactInfo
public CompanyLookupEnhancedAddress registeredAddress = null;
public ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedAddress> tradingAddresses = null;
public ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedWebsite> websites = null;
public CompanyLookupEnhancedAdditionalContact additionalContactInfo = null;
public CompanyLookupEnhancedAddress getRegisteredAddress() { return registeredAddress; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedContactInfo setRegisteredAddress(CompanyLookupEnhancedAddress value) { this.registeredAddress = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedAddress> getTradingAddresses() { return tradingAddresses; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedContactInfo setTradingAddresses(ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedAddress> value) { this.tradingAddresses = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedWebsite> getWebsites() { return websites; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedContactInfo setWebsites(ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedWebsite> value) { this.websites = value; return this; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedAdditionalContact getAdditionalContactInfo() { return additionalContactInfo; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedContactInfo setAdditionalContactInfo(CompanyLookupEnhancedAdditionalContact value) { this.additionalContactInfo = value; return this; }
public static class CompanyLookupEnhancedAddress
public String fullAddress = null;
public String address1 = null;
public String address2 = null;
public String address3 = null;
public String address4 = null;
public String postCode = null;
public String telephone = null;
public String getFullAddress() { return fullAddress; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedAddress setFullAddress(String value) { this.fullAddress = value; return this; }
public String getAddress1() { return address1; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedAddress setAddress1(String value) { this.address1 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress2() { return address2; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedAddress setAddress2(String value) { this.address2 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress3() { return address3; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedAddress setAddress3(String value) { this.address3 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress4() { return address4; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedAddress setAddress4(String value) { this.address4 = value; return this; }
public String getPostCode() { return postCode; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedAddress setPostCode(String value) { this.postCode = value; return this; }
public String getTelephone() { return telephone; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedAddress setTelephone(String value) { this.telephone = value; return this; }
public static class CompanyLookupEnhancedWebsite
public String website = null;
public String getWebsite() { return website; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedWebsite setWebsite(String value) { = value; return this; }
public static class CompanyLookupEnhancedAdditionalContact
public String telephone = null;
public String faxNumber = null;
public String emailAddress = null;
public String webAddress = null;
public String twitter = null;
public String facebook = null;
public String googlePlus = null;
public String linkedIn = null;
public String contactName = null;
public String businessClassification = null;
public String getTelephone() { return telephone; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedAdditionalContact setTelephone(String value) { this.telephone = value; return this; }
public String getFaxNumber() { return faxNumber; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedAdditionalContact setFaxNumber(String value) { this.faxNumber = value; return this; }
public String getEmailAddress() { return emailAddress; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedAdditionalContact setEmailAddress(String value) { this.emailAddress = value; return this; }
public String getWebAddress() { return webAddress; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedAdditionalContact setWebAddress(String value) { this.webAddress = value; return this; }
public String getTwitter() { return twitter; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedAdditionalContact setTwitter(String value) { this.twitter = value; return this; }
public String getFacebook() { return facebook; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedAdditionalContact setFacebook(String value) { this.facebook = value; return this; }
public String getGooglePlus() { return googlePlus; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedAdditionalContact setGooglePlus(String value) { this.googlePlus = value; return this; }
public String getLinkedIn() { return linkedIn; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedAdditionalContact setLinkedIn(String value) { this.linkedIn = value; return this; }
public String getContactName() { return contactName; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedAdditionalContact setContactName(String value) { this.contactName = value; return this; }
public String getBusinessClassification() { return businessClassification; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedAdditionalContact setBusinessClassification(String value) { this.businessClassification = value; return this; }
public static class CompanyLookupEnhancedSicCode
public Integer sicCode2003 = null;
public String sicCode2003Description = null;
public Integer sicCode2007 = null;
public String sicCode2007Description = null;
public String status = null;
public Integer getSicCode2003() { return sicCode2003; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedSicCode setSicCode2003(Integer value) { this.sicCode2003 = value; return this; }
public String getSicCode2003Description() { return sicCode2003Description; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedSicCode setSicCode2003Description(String value) { this.sicCode2003Description = value; return this; }
public Integer getSicCode2007() { return sicCode2007; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedSicCode setSicCode2007(Integer value) { this.sicCode2007 = value; return this; }
public String getSicCode2007Description() { return sicCode2007Description; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedSicCode setSicCode2007Description(String value) { this.sicCode2007Description = value; return this; }
public String getStatus() { return status; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedSicCode setStatus(String value) { this.status = value; return this; }
public static class CompanyLookupEnhancedPreviousName
public Date dateChanged = null;
public String name = null;
public Date getDateChanged() { return dateChanged; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedPreviousName setDateChanged(Date value) { this.dateChanged = value; return this; }
public String getName() { return name; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedPreviousName setName(String value) { = value; return this; }
public static class CompanyLookupEnhancedShareStructure
public BigDecimal issuedShareCapital = null;
public ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedShareholder> shareholders = null;
public BigDecimal getIssuedShareCapital() { return issuedShareCapital; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedShareStructure setIssuedShareCapital(BigDecimal value) { this.issuedShareCapital = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedShareholder> getShareholders() { return shareholders; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedShareStructure setShareholders(ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedShareholder> value) { this.shareholders = value; return this; }
public static class CompanyLookupEnhancedShareholder
public String title = null;
public String forename = null;
public String surname = null;
public String address1 = null;
public String address2 = null;
public String address3 = null;
public String address4 = null;
public String address5 = null;
public String postCode = null;
public String shareType = null;
public BigDecimal number = null;
public BigDecimal value = null;
public String currency = null;
public String shareholderType = null;
public String shareClass = null;
public String getTitle() { return title; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedShareholder setTitle(String value) { this.title = value; return this; }
public String getForename() { return forename; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedShareholder setForename(String value) { this.forename = value; return this; }
public String getSurname() { return surname; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedShareholder setSurname(String value) { this.surname = value; return this; }
public String getAddress1() { return address1; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedShareholder setAddress1(String value) { this.address1 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress2() { return address2; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedShareholder setAddress2(String value) { this.address2 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress3() { return address3; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedShareholder setAddress3(String value) { this.address3 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress4() { return address4; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedShareholder setAddress4(String value) { this.address4 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress5() { return address5; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedShareholder setAddress5(String value) { this.address5 = value; return this; }
public String getPostCode() { return postCode; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedShareholder setPostCode(String value) { this.postCode = value; return this; }
public String getShareType() { return shareType; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedShareholder setShareType(String value) { this.shareType = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getNumber() { return number; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedShareholder setNumber(BigDecimal value) { this.number = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getValue() { return value; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedShareholder setValue(BigDecimal value) { this.value = value; return this; }
public String getCurrency() { return currency; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedShareholder setCurrency(String value) { this.currency = value; return this; }
public String getShareholderType() { return shareholderType; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedShareholder setShareholderType(String value) { this.shareholderType = value; return this; }
public String getShareClass() { return shareClass; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedShareholder setShareClass(String value) { this.shareClass = value; return this; }
public static class CompanyLookupEnhancedDirectors
public ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedDirector> currentDirectors = null;
public ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedDirector> previousDirectors = null;
public ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedDirector> getCurrentDirectors() { return currentDirectors; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedDirectors setCurrentDirectors(ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedDirector> value) { this.currentDirectors = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedDirector> getPreviousDirectors() { return previousDirectors; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedDirectors setPreviousDirectors(ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedDirector> value) { this.previousDirectors = value; return this; }
public static class CompanyLookupEnhancedDirector
public String name = null;
public String address = null;
public String gender = null;
public Date appointmentDate = null;
public Date resignationDate = null;
public Date dateOfBirth = null;
public String position = null;
public Integer idNumber = null;
public Integer currentDirectorships = null;
public Integer previousDirectorships = null;
public Integer totalDirectorships = null;
public String getName() { return name; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedDirector setName(String value) { = value; return this; }
public String getAddress() { return address; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedDirector setAddress(String value) { this.address = value; return this; }
public String getGender() { return gender; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedDirector setGender(String value) { this.gender = value; return this; }
public Date getAppointmentDate() { return appointmentDate; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedDirector setAppointmentDate(Date value) { this.appointmentDate = value; return this; }
public Date getResignationDate() { return resignationDate; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedDirector setResignationDate(Date value) { this.resignationDate = value; return this; }
public Date getDateOfBirth() { return dateOfBirth; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedDirector setDateOfBirth(Date value) { this.dateOfBirth = value; return this; }
public String getPosition() { return position; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedDirector setPosition(String value) { this.position = value; return this; }
public Integer getIdNumber() { return idNumber; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedDirector setIdNumber(Integer value) { this.idNumber = value; return this; }
public Integer getCurrentDirectorships() { return currentDirectorships; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedDirector setCurrentDirectorships(Integer value) { this.currentDirectorships = value; return this; }
public Integer getPreviousDirectorships() { return previousDirectorships; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedDirector setPreviousDirectorships(Integer value) { this.previousDirectorships = value; return this; }
public Integer getTotalDirectorships() { return totalDirectorships; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedDirector setTotalDirectorships(Integer value) { this.totalDirectorships = value; return this; }
public static class CompanyLookupEnhancedStructure
public ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedCompany> parentCompanies = null;
public ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedCompany> subsidiaryCompanies = null;
public ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedCompany> getParentCompanies() { return parentCompanies; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedStructure setParentCompanies(ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedCompany> value) { this.parentCompanies = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedCompany> getSubsidiaryCompanies() { return subsidiaryCompanies; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedStructure setSubsidiaryCompanies(ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedCompany> value) { this.subsidiaryCompanies = value; return this; }
public static class CompanyLookupEnhancedCompany
public String country = null;
public String companyName = null;
public String companyNumber = null;
public String getCountry() { return country; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedCompany setCountry(String value) { = value; return this; }
public String getCompanyName() { return companyName; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedCompany setCompanyName(String value) { this.companyName = value; return this; }
public String getCompanyNumber() { return companyNumber; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedCompany setCompanyNumber(String value) { this.companyNumber = value; return this; }
public static class CompanyLookupEnhancedCCJs
public ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedCCJ> possibleCCJs = null;
public ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedCCJ> exactCCJs = null;
public ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedCCJ> getPossibleCCJs() { return possibleCCJs; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedCCJs setPossibleCCJs(ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedCCJ> value) { this.possibleCCJs = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedCCJ> getExactCCJs() { return exactCCJs; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedCCJs setExactCCJs(ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedCCJ> value) { this.exactCCJs = value; return this; }
public static class CompanyLookupEnhancedCCJ
public Date date = null;
public String court = null;
public BigDecimal amount = null;
public String caseNumber = null;
public String status = null;
public String datePaid = null;
public String incomingRecordDetails = null;
public Date getDate() { return date; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedCCJ setDate(Date value) { = value; return this; }
public String getCourt() { return court; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedCCJ setCourt(String value) { this.court = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getAmount() { return amount; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedCCJ setAmount(BigDecimal value) { this.amount = value; return this; }
public String getCaseNumber() { return caseNumber; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedCCJ setCaseNumber(String value) { this.caseNumber = value; return this; }
public String getStatus() { return status; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedCCJ setStatus(String value) { this.status = value; return this; }
public String getDatePaid() { return datePaid; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedCCJ setDatePaid(String value) { this.datePaid = value; return this; }
public String getIncomingRecordDetails() { return incomingRecordDetails; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedCCJ setIncomingRecordDetails(String value) { this.incomingRecordDetails = value; return this; }
public static class CompanyLookupEnhancedEvent
public Date date = null;
public String description = null;
public Date getDate() { return date; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedEvent setDate(Date value) { = value; return this; }
public String getDescription() { return description; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedEvent setDescription(String value) { this.description = value; return this; }
public static class CompanyLookupEnhancedCommentary
public String text = null;
public String positiveOrNegative = null;
public Integer priority = null;
public String getText() { return text; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedCommentary setText(String value) { this.text = value; return this; }
public String getPositiveOrNegative() { return positiveOrNegative; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedCommentary setPositiveOrNegative(String value) { this.positiveOrNegative = value; return this; }
public Integer getPriority() { return priority; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedCommentary setPriority(Integer value) { this.priority = value; return this; }
public static class CompanyLookupEnhancedCreditAccount
public ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedCreditLimit> creditLimitHistory = null;
public ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedCreditRating> creditRatingHistory = null;
public ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedCreditLimit> getCreditLimitHistory() { return creditLimitHistory; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedCreditAccount setCreditLimitHistory(ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedCreditLimit> value) { this.creditLimitHistory = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedCreditRating> getCreditRatingHistory() { return creditRatingHistory; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedCreditAccount setCreditRatingHistory(ArrayList<CompanyLookupEnhancedCreditRating> value) { this.creditRatingHistory = value; return this; }
public static class CompanyLookupEnhancedCreditLimit
public Date date = null;
public Integer dateOrder = null;
public Integer amount = null;
public Date getDate() { return date; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedCreditLimit setDate(Date value) { = value; return this; }
public Integer getDateOrder() { return dateOrder; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedCreditLimit setDateOrder(Integer value) { this.dateOrder = value; return this; }
public Integer getAmount() { return amount; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedCreditLimit setAmount(Integer value) { this.amount = value; return this; }
public static class CompanyLookupEnhancedCreditRating
public Date date = null;
public Integer dateOrder = null;
public Integer amount = null;
public String shortDescription = null;
public String description = null;
public Date getDate() { return date; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedCreditRating setDate(Date value) { = value; return this; }
public Integer getDateOrder() { return dateOrder; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedCreditRating setDateOrder(Integer value) { this.dateOrder = value; return this; }
public Integer getAmount() { return amount; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedCreditRating setAmount(Integer value) { this.amount = value; return this; }
public String getShortDescription() { return shortDescription; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedCreditRating setShortDescription(String value) { this.shortDescription = value; return this; }
public String getDescription() { return description; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedCreditRating setDescription(String value) { this.description = value; return this; }
public static class CompanyLookupEnhancedFinancialStatement
public Integer yearEndDateOrder = null;
public Date yearEndDate = null;
public Integer summaryNumberOfWeeks = null;
public String summaryCurrency = null;
public String summaryConsolidatedAccount = null;
public CompanyLookupFinancialProfit profitAndLoss = null;
public CompanyLookupFinancialBalance balanceSheet = null;
public CompanyLookupFinancialCapital capitalAndReserves = null;
public CompanyLookupFinancialOther other = null;
public CompanyLookupFinancialCash cash = null;
public CompanyLookupFinancialMisc misc = null;
public CompanyLookupFinancialRatios ratios = null;
public Integer getYearEndDateOrder() { return yearEndDateOrder; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedFinancialStatement setYearEndDateOrder(Integer value) { this.yearEndDateOrder = value; return this; }
public Date getYearEndDate() { return yearEndDate; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedFinancialStatement setYearEndDate(Date value) { this.yearEndDate = value; return this; }
public Integer getSummaryNumberOfWeeks() { return summaryNumberOfWeeks; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedFinancialStatement setSummaryNumberOfWeeks(Integer value) { this.summaryNumberOfWeeks = value; return this; }
public String getSummaryCurrency() { return summaryCurrency; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedFinancialStatement setSummaryCurrency(String value) { this.summaryCurrency = value; return this; }
public String getSummaryConsolidatedAccount() { return summaryConsolidatedAccount; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedFinancialStatement setSummaryConsolidatedAccount(String value) { this.summaryConsolidatedAccount = value; return this; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialProfit getProfitAndLoss() { return profitAndLoss; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedFinancialStatement setProfitAndLoss(CompanyLookupFinancialProfit value) { this.profitAndLoss = value; return this; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialBalance getBalanceSheet() { return balanceSheet; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedFinancialStatement setBalanceSheet(CompanyLookupFinancialBalance value) { this.balanceSheet = value; return this; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialCapital getCapitalAndReserves() { return capitalAndReserves; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedFinancialStatement setCapitalAndReserves(CompanyLookupFinancialCapital value) { this.capitalAndReserves = value; return this; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialOther getOther() { return other; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedFinancialStatement setOther(CompanyLookupFinancialOther value) { this.other = value; return this; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialCash getCash() { return cash; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedFinancialStatement setCash(CompanyLookupFinancialCash value) { = value; return this; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialMisc getMisc() { return misc; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedFinancialStatement setMisc(CompanyLookupFinancialMisc value) { this.misc = value; return this; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialRatios getRatios() { return ratios; }
public CompanyLookupEnhancedFinancialStatement setRatios(CompanyLookupFinancialRatios value) { this.ratios = value; return this; }
public static class CompanyLookupFinancialProfit
public BigDecimal turnover = null;
public BigDecimal export = null;
public BigDecimal costOfSales = null;
public BigDecimal grossProfit = null;
public BigDecimal wagesAndSalaries = null;
public BigDecimal directorEmolument = null;
public BigDecimal operatingProfit = null;
public BigDecimal depreciation = null;
public BigDecimal auditFees = null;
public BigDecimal interestPayments = null;
public BigDecimal pretaxProfit = null;
public BigDecimal taxation = null;
public BigDecimal profitAfterTax = null;
public BigDecimal dividendsPayable = null;
public BigDecimal retainedProfit = null;
public BigDecimal getTurnover() { return turnover; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialProfit setTurnover(BigDecimal value) { this.turnover = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getExport() { return export; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialProfit setExport(BigDecimal value) { this.export = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getCostOfSales() { return costOfSales; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialProfit setCostOfSales(BigDecimal value) { this.costOfSales = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getGrossProfit() { return grossProfit; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialProfit setGrossProfit(BigDecimal value) { this.grossProfit = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getWagesAndSalaries() { return wagesAndSalaries; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialProfit setWagesAndSalaries(BigDecimal value) { this.wagesAndSalaries = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getDirectorEmolument() { return directorEmolument; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialProfit setDirectorEmolument(BigDecimal value) { this.directorEmolument = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getOperatingProfit() { return operatingProfit; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialProfit setOperatingProfit(BigDecimal value) { this.operatingProfit = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getDepreciation() { return depreciation; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialProfit setDepreciation(BigDecimal value) { this.depreciation = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getAuditFees() { return auditFees; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialProfit setAuditFees(BigDecimal value) { this.auditFees = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getInterestPayments() { return interestPayments; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialProfit setInterestPayments(BigDecimal value) { this.interestPayments = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getPretaxProfit() { return pretaxProfit; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialProfit setPretaxProfit(BigDecimal value) { this.pretaxProfit = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getTaxation() { return taxation; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialProfit setTaxation(BigDecimal value) { this.taxation = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getProfitAfterTax() { return profitAfterTax; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialProfit setProfitAfterTax(BigDecimal value) { this.profitAfterTax = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getDividendsPayable() { return dividendsPayable; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialProfit setDividendsPayable(BigDecimal value) { this.dividendsPayable = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getRetainedProfit() { return retainedProfit; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialProfit setRetainedProfit(BigDecimal value) { this.retainedProfit = value; return this; }
public static class CompanyLookupFinancialBalance
public BigDecimal tangibleAccounts = null;
public BigDecimal intangibleAssets = null;
public BigDecimal totalFixedAssets = null;
public BigDecimal stock = null;
public BigDecimal tradeDebtors = null;
public BigDecimal cash = null;
public BigDecimal otherDebtors = null;
public BigDecimal miscCurrentAssets = null;
public BigDecimal totalCurrentAssets = null;
public BigDecimal tradeCreditors = null;
public BigDecimal bankLoansAndOverdrafts = null;
public BigDecimal otherShortTermFinance = null;
public BigDecimal miscCurrentLiabilities = null;
public BigDecimal totalCurrentLiabilities = null;
public BigDecimal bankLoansAndOverdraftsAndLTL = null;
public BigDecimal otherLongTermFinance = null;
public BigDecimal totalLongTermFinance = null;
public BigDecimal getTangibleAccounts() { return tangibleAccounts; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialBalance setTangibleAccounts(BigDecimal value) { this.tangibleAccounts = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getIntangibleAssets() { return intangibleAssets; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialBalance setIntangibleAssets(BigDecimal value) { this.intangibleAssets = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getTotalFixedAssets() { return totalFixedAssets; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialBalance setTotalFixedAssets(BigDecimal value) { this.totalFixedAssets = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getStock() { return stock; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialBalance setStock(BigDecimal value) { this.stock = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getTradeDebtors() { return tradeDebtors; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialBalance setTradeDebtors(BigDecimal value) { this.tradeDebtors = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getCash() { return cash; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialBalance setCash(BigDecimal value) { = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getOtherDebtors() { return otherDebtors; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialBalance setOtherDebtors(BigDecimal value) { this.otherDebtors = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getMiscCurrentAssets() { return miscCurrentAssets; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialBalance setMiscCurrentAssets(BigDecimal value) { this.miscCurrentAssets = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getTotalCurrentAssets() { return totalCurrentAssets; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialBalance setTotalCurrentAssets(BigDecimal value) { this.totalCurrentAssets = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getTradeCreditors() { return tradeCreditors; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialBalance setTradeCreditors(BigDecimal value) { this.tradeCreditors = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getBankLoansAndOverdrafts() { return bankLoansAndOverdrafts; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialBalance setBankLoansAndOverdrafts(BigDecimal value) { this.bankLoansAndOverdrafts = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getOtherShortTermFinance() { return otherShortTermFinance; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialBalance setOtherShortTermFinance(BigDecimal value) { this.otherShortTermFinance = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getMiscCurrentLiabilities() { return miscCurrentLiabilities; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialBalance setMiscCurrentLiabilities(BigDecimal value) { this.miscCurrentLiabilities = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getTotalCurrentLiabilities() { return totalCurrentLiabilities; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialBalance setTotalCurrentLiabilities(BigDecimal value) { this.totalCurrentLiabilities = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getBankLoansAndOverdraftsAndLTL() { return bankLoansAndOverdraftsAndLTL; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialBalance setBankLoansAndOverdraftsAndLTL(BigDecimal value) { this.bankLoansAndOverdraftsAndLTL = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getOtherLongTermFinance() { return otherLongTermFinance; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialBalance setOtherLongTermFinance(BigDecimal value) { this.otherLongTermFinance = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getTotalLongTermFinance() { return totalLongTermFinance; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialBalance setTotalLongTermFinance(BigDecimal value) { this.totalLongTermFinance = value; return this; }
public static class CompanyLookupFinancialCapital
public BigDecimal calledUpSharedCapital = null;
public BigDecimal profitAndLossAccountReserve = null;
public BigDecimal revaluationReserve = null;
public BigDecimal sundryReserves = null;
public BigDecimal shareholderFunds = null;
public BigDecimal getCalledUpSharedCapital() { return calledUpSharedCapital; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialCapital setCalledUpSharedCapital(BigDecimal value) { this.calledUpSharedCapital = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getProfitAndLossAccountReserve() { return profitAndLossAccountReserve; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialCapital setProfitAndLossAccountReserve(BigDecimal value) { this.profitAndLossAccountReserve = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getRevaluationReserve() { return revaluationReserve; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialCapital setRevaluationReserve(BigDecimal value) { this.revaluationReserve = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getSundryReserves() { return sundryReserves; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialCapital setSundryReserves(BigDecimal value) { this.sundryReserves = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getShareholderFunds() { return shareholderFunds; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialCapital setShareholderFunds(BigDecimal value) { this.shareholderFunds = value; return this; }
public static class CompanyLookupFinancialOther
public BigDecimal netWorth = null;
public BigDecimal netAssets = null;
public BigDecimal workingCapital = null;
public BigDecimal totalAssets = null;
public BigDecimal totalLiabilities = null;
public BigDecimal getNetWorth() { return netWorth; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialOther setNetWorth(BigDecimal value) { this.netWorth = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getNetAssets() { return netAssets; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialOther setNetAssets(BigDecimal value) { this.netAssets = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getWorkingCapital() { return workingCapital; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialOther setWorkingCapital(BigDecimal value) { this.workingCapital = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getTotalAssets() { return totalAssets; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialOther setTotalAssets(BigDecimal value) { this.totalAssets = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getTotalLiabilities() { return totalLiabilities; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialOther setTotalLiabilities(BigDecimal value) { this.totalLiabilities = value; return this; }
public static class CompanyLookupFinancialCash
public BigDecimal netCashFlowFromOperations = null;
public BigDecimal netCashFlowBeforeFinancing = null;
public BigDecimal netCashFlowFromFinancing = null;
public BigDecimal increaseInCash = null;
public BigDecimal getNetCashFlowFromOperations() { return netCashFlowFromOperations; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialCash setNetCashFlowFromOperations(BigDecimal value) { this.netCashFlowFromOperations = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getNetCashFlowBeforeFinancing() { return netCashFlowBeforeFinancing; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialCash setNetCashFlowBeforeFinancing(BigDecimal value) { this.netCashFlowBeforeFinancing = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getNetCashFlowFromFinancing() { return netCashFlowFromFinancing; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialCash setNetCashFlowFromFinancing(BigDecimal value) { this.netCashFlowFromFinancing = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getIncreaseInCash() { return increaseInCash; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialCash setIncreaseInCash(BigDecimal value) { this.increaseInCash = value; return this; }
public static class CompanyLookupFinancialMisc
public String contingentLiability = null;
public BigDecimal capitalEmployed = null;
public BigDecimal numberOfEmployees = null;
public String auditors = null;
public String auditorComments = null;
public String bankers = null;
public String bankBranchCode = null;
public String getContingentLiability() { return contingentLiability; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialMisc setContingentLiability(String value) { this.contingentLiability = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getCapitalEmployed() { return capitalEmployed; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialMisc setCapitalEmployed(BigDecimal value) { this.capitalEmployed = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getNumberOfEmployees() { return numberOfEmployees; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialMisc setNumberOfEmployees(BigDecimal value) { this.numberOfEmployees = value; return this; }
public String getAuditors() { return auditors; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialMisc setAuditors(String value) { this.auditors = value; return this; }
public String getAuditorComments() { return auditorComments; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialMisc setAuditorComments(String value) { this.auditorComments = value; return this; }
public String getBankers() { return bankers; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialMisc setBankers(String value) { this.bankers = value; return this; }
public String getBankBranchCode() { return bankBranchCode; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialMisc setBankBranchCode(String value) { this.bankBranchCode = value; return this; }
public static class CompanyLookupFinancialRatios
public BigDecimal preTaxProfitMargin = null;
public BigDecimal currentRatio = null;
public BigDecimal salesNetworkingCapital = null;
public BigDecimal gearing = null;
public BigDecimal equity = null;
public BigDecimal creditorDays = null;
public BigDecimal debtorDays = null;
public BigDecimal liquidityAcidTest = null;
public BigDecimal returnOnCapitalEmployed = null;
public BigDecimal returnOnNetAssetsEmployed = null;
public BigDecimal returnOnTotalAssetsEmployed = null;
public BigDecimal currentDebtRatio = null;
public BigDecimal totalDebtRatio = null;
public BigDecimal stockTurnoverRatio = null;
public BigDecimal getPreTaxProfitMargin() { return preTaxProfitMargin; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialRatios setPreTaxProfitMargin(BigDecimal value) { this.preTaxProfitMargin = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getCurrentRatio() { return currentRatio; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialRatios setCurrentRatio(BigDecimal value) { this.currentRatio = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getSalesNetworkingCapital() { return salesNetworkingCapital; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialRatios setSalesNetworkingCapital(BigDecimal value) { this.salesNetworkingCapital = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getGearing() { return gearing; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialRatios setGearing(BigDecimal value) { this.gearing = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getEquity() { return equity; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialRatios setEquity(BigDecimal value) { this.equity = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getCreditorDays() { return creditorDays; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialRatios setCreditorDays(BigDecimal value) { this.creditorDays = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getDebtorDays() { return debtorDays; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialRatios setDebtorDays(BigDecimal value) { this.debtorDays = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getLiquidityAcidTest() { return liquidityAcidTest; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialRatios setLiquidityAcidTest(BigDecimal value) { this.liquidityAcidTest = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getReturnOnCapitalEmployed() { return returnOnCapitalEmployed; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialRatios setReturnOnCapitalEmployed(BigDecimal value) { this.returnOnCapitalEmployed = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getReturnOnNetAssetsEmployed() { return returnOnNetAssetsEmployed; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialRatios setReturnOnNetAssetsEmployed(BigDecimal value) { this.returnOnNetAssetsEmployed = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getReturnOnTotalAssetsEmployed() { return returnOnTotalAssetsEmployed; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialRatios setReturnOnTotalAssetsEmployed(BigDecimal value) { this.returnOnTotalAssetsEmployed = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getCurrentDebtRatio() { return currentDebtRatio; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialRatios setCurrentDebtRatio(BigDecimal value) { this.currentDebtRatio = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getTotalDebtRatio() { return totalDebtRatio; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialRatios setTotalDebtRatio(BigDecimal value) { this.totalDebtRatio = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getStockTurnoverRatio() { return stockTurnoverRatio; }
public CompanyLookupFinancialRatios setStockTurnoverRatio(BigDecimal value) { this.stockTurnoverRatio = value; return this; }
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