Parameter | Type | Format | Description |
AddressForename | String | Confirmation of the forename that has been matched to | |
AddressMiddleName | String | Confirmation of the middle name that has been matched to | |
AddressSurname | String | Confirmation of the surname that has been matched to | |
AddressMatchType | String | Level of matching between the name provided and the name matched to. Values will be "FULL", "PARTIAL", "MULTIPLE" or blank | |
AddressDOB | DateTime | Confirmation of the date of birth that has been matched to | |
AddressForenameAppended | Bool | If a forename was not provided and it has been appended to this record, this object will be true | |
AddressMiddleNameAppended | Bool | If a middle name was not provided and it has been appended to this record, this object will be true | |
AddressDOBAppended | Bool | If a DOB was not provided and it has been appended to this record, this object will be true | |
AddressTelephone | String | Telephone number taken from the Telephone Directory | |
AddressTelephoneName | String | Telephone directory matched name | |
AddressGoneAway | String | Shows if the subject has gone away. Will output N if there is no match. H, to indicate that the there is a High probability the subject has gone away. VH, to indicate that there is a Very High probability that the subject has gone away | |
AddressSource | String | Shows the sources used to confirm the identity of the subject. Sources are displayed as a set data type using a comma separated list. See here for sources | |
CredivaFullER | Bool | Returns true if subject was not found on edited Electoral Roll for at least one year but found on Full Electoral Roll | |
AddressValidated | Bool | Returns true if the address was validated against our address database, otherwise returns false | |
AddressRecency | DateTime | Shows the last capture date for the data sources displayed in the Address > Source field. The date reflects the capture date for the most recent source | |
Occupants | Array | Array of Occupant (see here) | |
Sales | Array | Array of Sale (see here) |
Address Sources
Value | Description |
ER2000 | Electoral Roll 2000. |
ER2001 | Electoral Roll 2001. |
ER2002 | Electoral Roll 2002. |
ER2003 | Electoral Roll 2003. |
ER2004 | Electoral Roll 2004. |
ER2005 | Electoral Roll 2005. |
ER2006 | Electoral Roll 2006. |
ER2007 | Electoral Roll 2007. |
ER2008 | Electoral Roll 2008. |
ER2009 | Electoral Roll 2009. |
ER2010 | Electoral Roll 2010. |
ER2011 | Electoral Roll 2011. |
ER2012 | Electoral Roll 2012. |
ER2013 | Electoral Roll 2013. |
ER2014 | Electoral Roll 2014. |
ER2015 | Electoral Roll 2015. |
ER2016 | Electoral Roll 2016. |
ER2017 | Electoral Roll 2017. |
ER2018 | Electoral Roll 2018. |
ER2019 | Electoral Roll 2019. |
ER2020 | Electoral Roll 2020. |
RollingRegister | Rolling Register. |
Experian | Experian. |
InsolvencyService | Insolvency Service. |
RegistryTrust | Registry Trust. |
Shareholder | Companies House - Shareholder. |
Director | Companies House - Director. |
ScottishLR | Registers of Scotland. |
TR | Tracesmart Register - Other. |