
Parameter Type Format Description
AddressForename String   Confirmation of the forename that has been matched to
AddressMiddleName String   Confirmation of the middle name that has been matched to
AddressSurname String   Confirmation of the surname that has been matched to
AddressMatchType String   Level of matching between the name provided and the name matched to. Values will be "FULL", "PARTIAL", "MULTIPLE" or blank
AddressDOB DateTime   Confirmation of the date of birth that has been matched to
AddressForenameAppended Bool   If a forename was not provided and it has been appended to this record, this object will be true
AddressMiddleNameAppended Bool   If a middle name was not provided and it has been appended to this record, this object will be true
AddressDOBAppended Bool   If a DOB was not provided and it has been appended to this record, this object will be true
AddressTelephone String   Telephone number taken from the Telephone Directory
AddressTelephoneName String   Telephone directory matched name
AddressGoneAway String   Shows if the subject has gone away. Will output N if there is no match. H, to indicate that the there is a High probability the subject has gone away. VH, to indicate that there is a Very High probability that the subject has gone away
AddressSource String   Shows the sources used to confirm the identity of the subject. Sources are displayed as a set data type using a comma separated list. See here for sources
CredivaFullER Bool   Returns true if subject was not found on edited Electoral Roll for at least one year but found on Full Electoral Roll
AddressValidated Bool   Returns true if the address was validated against our address database, otherwise returns false
AddressRecency DateTime   Shows the last capture date for the data sources displayed in the Address > Source field. The date reflects the capture date for the most recent source
Occupants Array   Array of Occupant (see here)
Sales Array   Array of Sale (see here)

Address Sources

Value Description
ER2000 Electoral Roll 2000.
ER2001 Electoral Roll 2001.
ER2002 Electoral Roll 2002.
ER2003 Electoral Roll 2003.
ER2004 Electoral Roll 2004.
ER2005 Electoral Roll 2005.
ER2006 Electoral Roll 2006.
ER2007 Electoral Roll 2007.
ER2008 Electoral Roll 2008.
ER2009 Electoral Roll 2009.
ER2010 Electoral Roll 2010.
ER2011 Electoral Roll 2011.
ER2012 Electoral Roll 2012.
ER2013 Electoral Roll 2013.
ER2014 Electoral Roll 2014.
ER2015 Electoral Roll 2015.
ER2016 Electoral Roll 2016.
ER2017 Electoral Roll 2017.
ER2018 Electoral Roll 2018.
ER2019 Electoral Roll 2019.
ER2020 Electoral Roll 2020.
RollingRegister Rolling Register.
Experian Experian.
InsolvencyService Insolvency Service.
RegistryTrust Registry Trust.
Shareholder Companies House - Shareholder.
Director Companies House - Director.
ScottishLR Registers of Scotland.
TR Tracesmart Register - Other.