JSON/XML: GET https://api.sanctionssearch.com/v2/clients/
JSON/XML Legacy: POST https://api.sanctionssearch.com/v2/{json/xml}/reply/GetClients/

This method returns paginated client records based on the specified filtering, sorting and pagination parameters.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Format Description
Page[offset] Int32   Query Param. The starting point in the list of records from where the data should be fetched. Zero based index.
Page[limit] Int32   Query Param. The maximum number of records to be returned in one page
Sort String   Query Param. Sort the results by the specified term. The default is status.

The following values are valid:

status Order by state (PendingVerification, then PendingCompletion, then Verified) ascending
-status Order by state descending
name Order by name ascending
-name Order by name descending
date Order by date ascending
-date Order by date descending

State String   Query Param. Filter the results to those that have a State matching the State specified. For a full list of values, see State on Client.
IsValidateMe Boolean   Query Param. Filter the results to those that have a IsValidateMe flag matching the specified value.
Name String   Query Param. Filter the results to those that have a Name including the specified value.
DateFrom DateTime ISO 8601 Query Param. Filter the results to those that were created after (or on) this date.
DateTo DateTime ISO 8601 Query Param. Filter the results to those that were created before this date.
SubUserName String   Query Param. Provide a value to only return searches that the specified sub user has permission to access. If this is null or empty, then sub user permissions will not be enforced and all applicable results will be returned.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Format Description
ResponseStatus ResponseStatus   Instance of ResponseStatus object (see here)
Clients Array   Array of ClientShorts objects (see here)
Meta Meta   Instance of Meta object (see here)