This method allows users to add a PEP search for an individual
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Format | Description |
Name Required | String | Max length 250 characters |
Full name of the individual, or the full company name For individuals, at least two names must be provided and single character names are not allowed. |
Address | String | Max length 250 characters | Home address of the individual, or the registered company address |
Country | String | Max length 250 characters | Country of birth for an individual, or the country which the company is registered in. |
DateOfBirth | String | Max length 100 characters | Date of birth for the individual. DD/MM/YYYY format. Leave blank for company searches. |
Nationality | String | Max length 250 characters | Nationality of the individual. Leave blank for company searches. |
Reference | String | Max length 250 characters | Your reference, if any |
Type Required | String | Max length 10 characters | The type of search requested. Specify either: "individual" or "entity". |
PerformSanctionsSearch | Bool | Should a sanctions search be performed as well | |
SelectedLists > ListId | String | Max length 5 characters |
Array of sanctions lists to be included in the search. At least one is required if the parameter PerformSanctionsSearch is set to true. The following values are valid:
ALL Perform your search against all your enabled lists, no further values are required if you select "ALL" Example specifying the All lists lists: <SelectedLists> <ListId>ALL</ListId> </SelectedLists>Example specifying the HM Treasury list: <SelectedLists> <ListId>HMTSL</ListId> </SelectedLists>Example specifying the US and HM Treasury list: <SelectedLists> <ListId>OFACL</ListId> <ListId>HMTSL</ListId> </SelectedLists> |
ExcludeResults | Bool | Default is false |
Should the response exclude the full list of search results. If this is false (the default), the response will include the full search record, and all search results. If this is true, the response will be slightly faster, and will not include the list of search results. However, it will still include the "NumOfResults" field, to indicate the number of search results. |
DayOneSearch | Bool | Default is false |
If you set this to true, the PEP Search will be performed as a day-one search only. If you set this to false, or omit the parameter, the search will be performed as a full 1-year PEP Search & Monitor. A day one-search costs less money as it does not include any ongoing monitoring. A day-one search is not available for entity searches. please contact us for more information. |
SubUserName | string | Null or max length 50 characters | If this is specified, the search will be created for the specified sub user, otherwise it will be created in the main user account. |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Format | Description |
ResponseStatus | ResponseStatus | Instance of ResponseStatus object (see here) | |
SearchRecord | SearchRecord | Instance of SearchRecord (PEP) object (see here) | |
IncludesSanctionsSearchRecord | Bool | Whether the response includes the sanctions search record (if selected) | |
SanctionsSearchRecord | SearchRecord | Instance of SearchRecord (Sanctions) object (see here) |