JSON/XML: POST https://api.sanctionssearch.com/v2/clients/
JSON/XML Legacy: POST https://api.sanctionssearch.com/v2/{json/xml}/reply/AddClient/

JSON/XML: POST https://api.sanctionssearch.com/v2/clients/

This method allows user to create a client. This method sends an SMS and email to the client containing login information, which the client can use to upload their documents via the ValidateMe mobile app.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Format Description
Name Required String Max length 250 characters The full name of the client
Email Required String Max length 250 characters The email address of the client
MobileInternational Required String Max length 15 characters The client's mobile phone number in international format (e.g. '+447123456789').
PostCode Required String Max length 250 characters The postal code of the client's address. Used in emails sent to the client to help them recognize the communication as genuine
ProofOfPreset Required String Max length 250 characters Specifies the type of ValidateMe preset

The following values are valid:

ValidateMe Allows you to set the ProofOfDocuments using the ProofOfDocumentCategories
PassportChipVerification Sets the only ProofOfDocument as 'Passport' under ProofOfDocumentCategory 'Name'

ProofOfDocumentCategories Array The categories of proof and selected documents that the client can use to provide proof. Required if ClientType is set to 'ValidateMe'

Array of ProofOfDocumentCategory objects (see here)

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Format Description
ResponseStatus ResponseStatus   Instance of ResponseStatus object (see here)
Client Client   Instance of Client object (see here)