Sanctions Search API: v2

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The following routes are available for this service:
GET/account/register/templateGet a template to create a new account
import java.math.*;
import java.util.*;
import net.servicestack.client.*;

public class dtos

    public static class RegisterAccountTemplate

    public static class RegisterAccountTemplateResponse
        * The response data
        @ApiMember(Description="The response data")
        public RegisterAccountTemplateData data = null;
        public RegisterAccountTemplateData getData() { return data; }
        public RegisterAccountTemplateResponse setData(RegisterAccountTemplateData value) { = value; return this; }

    public static class RegisterAccountTemplateData extends BaseResponse
        * The request body of the RegisterAccount endpoint
        @ApiMember(Description="The request body of the RegisterAccount endpoint")
        public RegisterAccountRequest request = null;

        * Reference data to fill out the RegisterAccount body
        @ApiMember(Description="Reference data to fill out the RegisterAccount body")
        public ReferenceData referenceData = null;
        public RegisterAccountRequest getRequest() { return request; }
        public RegisterAccountTemplateData setRequest(RegisterAccountRequest value) { this.request = value; return this; }
        public ReferenceData getReferenceData() { return referenceData; }
        public RegisterAccountTemplateData setReferenceData(ReferenceData value) { this.referenceData = value; return this; }

    public static class BaseResponse implements IBaseDataResponse, IHasResponseStatus
        * The status of the response
        @ApiMember(Description="The status of the response")
        public ResponseStatus responseStatus = null;
        public ResponseStatus getResponseStatus() { return responseStatus; }
        public BaseResponse setResponseStatus(ResponseStatus value) { this.responseStatus = value; return this; }

    public static class ArrayOfResponseError extends ArrayList<ResponseError>

    public static class RegisterAccountRequest
        * The desired login username for the account
        @ApiMember(Description="The desired login username for the account", IsRequired=true)
        public String username = null;

        * The password for account login
        @ApiMember(Description="The password for account login", IsRequired=true)
        public String password = null;

        * The contact email address for the account holder
        @ApiMember(Description="The contact email address for the account holder", IsRequired=true)
        public String email = null;

        * The full legal name of the account holder
        @ApiMember(Description="The full legal name of the account holder", IsRequired=true)
        public String fullName = null;

        * The registered name of the company associated with this account
        @ApiMember(Description="The registered name of the company associated with this account", IsRequired=true)
        public String companyName = null;

        * The primary contact phone number of the company
        @ApiMember(Description="The primary contact phone number of the company", IsRequired=true)
        public String companyPhone = null;

        * The first line of the company’s address (e.g., street name and number)
        @ApiMember(Description="The first line of the company’s address (e.g., street name and number)", IsRequired=true)
        public String address1 = null;

        * The second line of the company’s address (optional)
        @ApiMember(Description="The second line of the company’s address (optional)")
        public String address2 = null;

        * The third line of the company’s address (optional)
        @ApiMember(Description="The third line of the company’s address (optional)")
        public String address3 = null;

        * The city where the company is located (optional)
        @ApiMember(Description="The city where the company is located (optional)")
        public String city = null;

        * The postal or ZIP code of the company’s address
        @ApiMember(Description="The postal or ZIP code of the company’s address", IsRequired=true)
        public String postcode = null;

        * The country where the company is registered
        @ApiMember(Description="The country where the company is registered", IsRequired=true)
        public String country = null;

        * The classification of the company (e.g., LLC, Corporation, Sole Proprietorship)
        @ApiMember(Description="The classification of the company (e.g., LLC, Corporation, Sole Proprietorship)", IsRequired=true)
        public String companyType = null;

        * The industry sector the company operates in
        @ApiMember(Description="The industry sector the company operates in", IsRequired=true)
        public String companyIndustry = null;

        * The trade body, network, or affiliation the company is a member of (if applicable)
        @ApiMember(Description="The trade body, network, or affiliation the company is a member of (if applicable)")
        public String companyNetwork = null;

        * Indicates agreement to the terms and conditions (required)
        @ApiMember(Description="Indicates agreement to the terms and conditions (required)", IsRequired=true)
        public Boolean agreeToTerms = null;

        * Indicates agreement to the data protection statement (required)
        @ApiMember(Description="Indicates agreement to the data protection statement (required)", IsRequired=true)
        public Boolean agreeToDataProtection = null;

        * Indicates consent to be contacted (optional)
        @ApiMember(Description="Indicates consent to be contacted (optional)")
        public Boolean agreeToContact = null;

        * Indicates agreement to the privacy policy (required)
        @ApiMember(Description="Indicates agreement to the privacy policy (required)", IsRequired=true)
        public Boolean agreeToPrivacy = null;

        * An optional voucher code for discounts or promotions
        @ApiMember(Description="An optional voucher code for discounts or promotions")
        public String voucherCode = null;

        * An optional code that grants access to certain features or subscriptions
        @ApiMember(Description="An optional code that grants access to certain features or subscriptions")
        public String accountActivationCode = null;

        * The company's VAT registration number (if applicable)
        @ApiMember(Description="The company's VAT registration number (if applicable)")
        public String vatNumber = null;

        * The country where the company is VAT-registered
        @ApiMember(Description="The country where the company is VAT-registered")
        public String vatCountry = null;
        public String getUsername() { return username; }
        public RegisterAccountRequest setUsername(String value) { this.username = value; return this; }
        public String getPassword() { return password; }
        public RegisterAccountRequest setPassword(String value) { this.password = value; return this; }
        public String getEmail() { return email; }
        public RegisterAccountRequest setEmail(String value) { = value; return this; }
        public String getFullName() { return fullName; }
        public RegisterAccountRequest setFullName(String value) { this.fullName = value; return this; }
        public String getCompanyName() { return companyName; }
        public RegisterAccountRequest setCompanyName(String value) { this.companyName = value; return this; }
        public String getCompanyPhone() { return companyPhone; }
        public RegisterAccountRequest setCompanyPhone(String value) { this.companyPhone = value; return this; }
        public String getAddress1() { return address1; }
        public RegisterAccountRequest setAddress1(String value) { this.address1 = value; return this; }
        public String getAddress2() { return address2; }
        public RegisterAccountRequest setAddress2(String value) { this.address2 = value; return this; }
        public String getAddress3() { return address3; }
        public RegisterAccountRequest setAddress3(String value) { this.address3 = value; return this; }
        public String getCity() { return city; }
        public RegisterAccountRequest setCity(String value) { = value; return this; }
        public String getPostcode() { return postcode; }
        public RegisterAccountRequest setPostcode(String value) { this.postcode = value; return this; }
        public String getCountry() { return country; }
        public RegisterAccountRequest setCountry(String value) { = value; return this; }
        public String getCompanyType() { return companyType; }
        public RegisterAccountRequest setCompanyType(String value) { this.companyType = value; return this; }
        public String getCompanyIndustry() { return companyIndustry; }
        public RegisterAccountRequest setCompanyIndustry(String value) { this.companyIndustry = value; return this; }
        public String getCompanyNetwork() { return companyNetwork; }
        public RegisterAccountRequest setCompanyNetwork(String value) { this.companyNetwork = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isAgreeToTerms() { return agreeToTerms; }
        public RegisterAccountRequest setAgreeToTerms(Boolean value) { this.agreeToTerms = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isAgreeToDataProtection() { return agreeToDataProtection; }
        public RegisterAccountRequest setAgreeToDataProtection(Boolean value) { this.agreeToDataProtection = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isAgreeToContact() { return agreeToContact; }
        public RegisterAccountRequest setAgreeToContact(Boolean value) { this.agreeToContact = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isAgreeToPrivacy() { return agreeToPrivacy; }
        public RegisterAccountRequest setAgreeToPrivacy(Boolean value) { this.agreeToPrivacy = value; return this; }
        public String getVoucherCode() { return voucherCode; }
        public RegisterAccountRequest setVoucherCode(String value) { this.voucherCode = value; return this; }
        public String getAccountActivationCode() { return accountActivationCode; }
        public RegisterAccountRequest setAccountActivationCode(String value) { this.accountActivationCode = value; return this; }
        public String getVatNumber() { return vatNumber; }
        public RegisterAccountRequest setVatNumber(String value) { this.vatNumber = value; return this; }
        public String getVatCountry() { return vatCountry; }
        public RegisterAccountRequest setVatCountry(String value) { this.vatCountry = value; return this; }

    public static class ReferenceData
        * A list of supported country values
        @ApiMember(Description="A list of supported country values")
        public ArrayOfCountry countries = null;

        * A list of valid industry classifications for companies
        @ApiMember(Description="A list of valid industry classifications for companies")
        public ArrayOfCompanyIndustry companyIndustries = null;

        * A list of accepted company types
        @ApiMember(Description="A list of accepted company types")
        public ArrayOfCompanyType companyTypes = null;

        * A list of countries where VAT registration is recognized
        @ApiMember(Description="A list of countries where VAT registration is recognized")
        public ArrayOfVATCountry vatCountries = null;

        * A URL linking to the terms and conditions document
        @ApiMember(Description="A URL linking to the terms and conditions document")
        public String termsAndConditionsLink = null;

        * A URL linking to the privacy policy
        @ApiMember(Description="A URL linking to the privacy policy")
        public String privacyPolicyLink = null;

        * The statement regarding contact preferences
        @ApiMember(Description="The statement regarding contact preferences")
        public String contactStatement = null;

        * The statement outlining data protection policies
        @ApiMember(Description="The statement outlining data protection policies")
        public String dataProtectionStatement = null;
        public ArrayOfCountry getCountries() { return countries; }
        public ReferenceData setCountries(ArrayOfCountry value) { this.countries = value; return this; }
        public ArrayOfCompanyIndustry getCompanyIndustries() { return companyIndustries; }
        public ReferenceData setCompanyIndustries(ArrayOfCompanyIndustry value) { this.companyIndustries = value; return this; }
        public ArrayOfCompanyType getCompanyTypes() { return companyTypes; }
        public ReferenceData setCompanyTypes(ArrayOfCompanyType value) { this.companyTypes = value; return this; }
        public ArrayOfVATCountry getVatCountries() { return vatCountries; }
        public ReferenceData setVatCountries(ArrayOfVATCountry value) { this.vatCountries = value; return this; }
        public String getTermsAndConditionsLink() { return termsAndConditionsLink; }
        public ReferenceData setTermsAndConditionsLink(String value) { this.termsAndConditionsLink = value; return this; }
        public String getPrivacyPolicyLink() { return privacyPolicyLink; }
        public ReferenceData setPrivacyPolicyLink(String value) { this.privacyPolicyLink = value; return this; }
        public String getContactStatement() { return contactStatement; }
        public ReferenceData setContactStatement(String value) { this.contactStatement = value; return this; }
        public String getDataProtectionStatement() { return dataProtectionStatement; }
        public ReferenceData setDataProtectionStatement(String value) { this.dataProtectionStatement = value; return this; }

    public static class ArrayOfCountry extends ArrayList<String>

    public static class ArrayOfCompanyIndustry extends ArrayList<String>

    public static class ArrayOfCompanyType extends ArrayList<String>

    public static class ArrayOfVATCountry extends ArrayList<String>


Java RegisterAccountTemplate DTOs

To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .xml suffix or ?format=xml


The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

GET /account/register/template HTTP/1.1 
Accept: application/xml
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml
Content-Length: length

<RegisterAccountTemplateResponse xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
          <Meta xmlns:d6p1="">
      <Meta xmlns:d4p1="">