Sanctions Search API: v2

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The following routes are available for this service:
POST/clientsAdd a client
namespace SanctionsSearch.Api2.ServiceModel.Operations.Base

open System
open System.Collections
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Runtime.Serialization
open ServiceStack
open ServiceStack.DataAnnotations

    type ResponseError() = 
        member val ErrorCode:String = null with get,set

        member val FieldName:String = null with get,set

        member val Message:String = null with get,set

        member val Meta:Dictionary<String, String> = new Dictionary<String, String>() with get,set

    type ArrayOfResponseError() = 
        inherit ResizeArray<ResponseError>()

    type ResponseStatus() = 
        member val ErrorCode:String = null with get,set

        member val Message:String = null with get,set

        member val StackTrace:String = null with get,set

        member val Errors:ArrayOfResponseError = null with get,set

        member val Meta:Dictionary<String, String> = new Dictionary<String, String>() with get,set

    type BaseResponse() = 
        ///The status of the response
        [<ApiMember(Description="The status of the response")>]
        member val ResponseStatus:ResponseStatus = null with get,set

    type LinkedTo() = 
        member val ClientId:Nullable<Int32> = new Nullable<Int32>() with get,set
        member val Id:Nullable<Int64> = new Nullable<Int64>() with get,set
        member val Type:String = null with get,set
        member val Subtype:String = null with get,set
        member val Status:String = null with get,set
        member val Description:String = null with get,set
        member val IsArchived:Nullable<Boolean> = new Nullable<Boolean>() with get,set
        member val Name:String = null with get,set
        member val Date:Nullable<DateTime> = new Nullable<DateTime>() with get,set

    type ArrayOfLinkedTo() = 
        inherit ResizeArray<LinkedTo>()

    [<DataContract(Name="ClientState", Namespace="")>]
    type ClientState =
        | Undefined = 0
        | PendingCompletion = 1
        | PendingOcr = 2
        | PendingVerification = 3
        | Verified = 4

    type Face() = 
        member val Age:Nullable<Double> = new Nullable<Double>() with get,set
        member val Gender:String = null with get,set
        member val Emotion:String = null with get,set
        member val Smile:Nullable<Double> = new Nullable<Double>() with get,set
        member val HairColour:String = null with get,set
        member val FacialHair:String = null with get,set
        member val Makeup:String = null with get,set
        member val Glasses:String = null with get,set
        member val Accessories:String = null with get,set

    type VideoTimestamp() = 
        member val TagName:String = null with get,set
        member val Milli:Nullable<Int32> = new Nullable<Int32>() with get,set
        member val ImageUrl:String = null with get,set

    type Video() = 
        member val Id:Int32 = new Int32() with get,set
        member val VideoUrl:String = null with get,set
        member val ImageUrl:String = null with get,set
        member val VideoTimestamps:ResizeArray<VideoTimestamp> = new ResizeArray<VideoTimestamp>() with get,set

    type Location() = 
        member val Latitude:Double = new Double() with get,set
        member val Longitude:Double = new Double() with get,set

    type Image() = 
        member val Id:Int32 = new Int32() with get,set
        member val Name:String = null with get,set
        member val OcrId:Nullable<Int32> = new Nullable<Int32>() with get,set
        member val Url:String = null with get,set

    type ArrayOfImages() = 
        inherit ResizeArray<Image>()

    type PassportChipData() = 
        member val IsIssuerVerified:Boolean = new Boolean() with get,set
        member val IssuerCommonName:String = null with get,set
        member val IssuerOrganisationName:String = null with get,set
        member val IssuerCountry:String = null with get,set
        member val MRZLine1:String = null with get,set
        member val MRZLine2:String = null with get,set
        member val IsMrzLine1Verified:Boolean = new Boolean() with get,set
        member val IsMrzLine2Verified:Boolean = new Boolean() with get,set
        member val DataGroupsVerified:Int32[] = [||] with get,set
        member val DataGroupsFailed:Int32[] = [||] with get,set
        member val IsFaceMatch:Boolean = new Boolean() with get,set
        member val FaceMatchConfidence:Nullable<Decimal> = new Nullable<Decimal>() with get,set

    type Passport() = 
        member val ClientFileId:Int32 = new Int32() with get,set
        member val FirstName:String = null with get,set
        member val MiddleName:String = null with get,set
        member val LastName:String = null with get,set
        member val DateOfBirth:String = null with get,set
        member val Gender:String = null with get,set
        member val MrzLineOne:String = null with get,set
        member val MrzLineTwo1:String = null with get,set
        member val MrzLineTwo2:String = null with get,set
        member val MrzLineTwo3:String = null with get,set
        member val MrzLineTwo4:String = null with get,set
        member val MrzLineTwo5:String = null with get,set
        member val MrzLineTwo6:String = null with get,set
        member val MrzLineTwo7:String = null with get,set
        member val MrzLineTwo8:String = null with get,set
        member val Images:ArrayOfImages = null with get,set
        member val IsVerified:Boolean = new Boolean() with get,set
        member val IsFaceMatch:Nullable<Boolean> = new Nullable<Boolean>() with get,set
        member val FaceMatchConfidence:Nullable<Decimal> = new Nullable<Decimal>() with get,set
        member val HasPcvSearch:Boolean = new Boolean() with get,set
        member val HasDfaSearch:Boolean = new Boolean() with get,set
        member val IsPassportChipVerified:Nullable<Boolean> = new Nullable<Boolean>() with get,set
        member val PassportChipData:PassportChipData = null with get,set
        member val IsEligibleForPcv:Boolean = new Boolean() with get,set
        member val IsEligibleForDfa:Boolean = new Boolean() with get,set

    type ArrayOfPassports() = 
        inherit ResizeArray<Passport>()

    type DrivingLicence() = 
        member val ClientFileId:Int32 = new Int32() with get,set
        member val FirstName:String = null with get,set
        member val MiddleName:String = null with get,set
        member val LastName:String = null with get,set
        member val DateOfBirth:String = null with get,set
        member val Address:String = null with get,set
        member val DrivingLicenceNumber:String = null with get,set
        member val Images:ArrayOfImages = null with get,set
        member val IsVerified:Boolean = new Boolean() with get,set
        member val IsFaceMatch:Nullable<Boolean> = new Nullable<Boolean>() with get,set
        member val FaceMatchConfidence:Nullable<Decimal> = new Nullable<Decimal>() with get,set
        member val HasDfaSearch:Boolean = new Boolean() with get,set

    type ArrayOfDrivingLicences() = 
        inherit ResizeArray<DrivingLicence>()

    type OtherDocument() = 
        member val ClientFileId:Int32 = new Int32() with get,set
        member val Type:String = null with get,set
        member val TypeOther:String = null with get,set
        member val Description:String = null with get,set
        member val OriginalImageUrl:String = null with get,set
        member val CroppedImageUrl:String = null with get,set
        member val IsVerified:Boolean = new Boolean() with get,set

    type ArrayOfOtherDocuments() = 
        inherit ResizeArray<OtherDocument>()

    type ProofOfDocument() = 
        ///The ID of the ProofOfDocument
        [<ApiMember(Description="The ID of the ProofOfDocument", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Id:Int32 = new Int32() with get,set

        ///The name of the ProofOfDocument
        [<ApiMember(Description="The name of the ProofOfDocument", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Name:String = null with get,set

    type ArrayOfProofOfDocuments() = 
        inherit ResizeArray<ProofOfDocument>()

    type ProofOfDocumentCategory() = 
        ///The ID of the ProofOfDocumentCategory
        [<ApiMember(Description="The ID of the ProofOfDocumentCategory", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Id:Int32 = new Int32() with get,set

        ///The category or subject that requires proof (e.g., 'Name', 'Address', 'Right to work')
        [<ApiMember(Description="The category or subject that requires proof (e.g., 'Name', 'Address', 'Right to work')", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val ProofOf:String = null with get,set

        ///The documents that can be used to provide proof for the specified category.
        [<ApiMember(Description="The documents that can be used to provide proof for the specified category.", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val ProofOfDocuments:ArrayOfProofOfDocuments = null with get,set

    type ArrayOfProofOfDocumentCategories() = 
        inherit ResizeArray<ProofOfDocumentCategory>()

    type Client() = 
        member val Id:Int32 = new Int32() with get,set
        member val DateCreated:DateTime = new DateTime() with get,set
        member val Name:String = null with get,set
        member val Email:String = null with get,set
        member val Reference:String = null with get,set
        member val State:ClientState = new ClientState() with get,set
        member val MobileInternational:String = null with get,set
        member val PostCode:String = null with get,set
        member val IsValidateMe:Boolean = new Boolean() with get,set
        member val Face:Face = null with get,set
        member val Video:Video = null with get,set
        member val Location:Location = null with get,set
        member val NumOfDocuments:Int32 = new Int32() with get,set
        member val Passports:ArrayOfPassports = null with get,set
        member val DrivingLicences:ArrayOfDrivingLicences = null with get,set
        member val OtherDocuments:ArrayOfOtherDocuments = null with get,set
        member val ProofOfDocumentCategories:ArrayOfProofOfDocumentCategories = null with get,set

    type AddClientData() = 
        inherit BaseResponse()
        member val LinkedTo:ArrayOfLinkedTo = null with get,set
        member val Client:Client = null with get,set

    type AddClientResponse() = 
        member val Data:AddClientData = null with get,set

    type Authentication() = 
        ///The API User ID provided by us when you signed up to use our API
        [<ApiMember(Description="The API User ID provided by us when you signed up to use our API", IsRequired=true, ParameterType="header, body")>]
        member val ApiUserId:String = null with get,set

        ///The API User Key provided by us when you signed up to use our API
        [<ApiMember(Description="The API User Key provided by us when you signed up to use our API", IsRequired=true, ParameterType="header, body")>]
        member val ApiUserKey:String = null with get,set

    type BaseRequest() = 
        ///The authentication credentials
        [<ApiMember(Description="The authentication credentials", IsRequired=true, ParameterType="header, body")>]
        member val Authentication:Authentication = null with get,set

    [<DataContract(Name="CreateMobileClientType", Namespace="")>]
    type CreateMobileClientType =
        | Undefined = 0
        | ValidateMe = 1
        | PassportChipVerification = 2

    type AddClientRequest() = 
        ///The full name of the client
        [<ApiMember(Description="The full name of the client", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Name:String = null with get,set

        ///The email address of the client
        [<ApiMember(Description="The email address of the client", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val Email:String = null with get,set

        ///The client's mobile phone number in international format (e.g. '+447123456789')
        [<ApiMember(Description="The client's mobile phone number in international format (e.g. '+447123456789')", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val MobileInternational:String = null with get,set

        ///The postal code of the client's address. Used in emails sent to the client to help them recognize the communication as genuine
        [<ApiMember(Description="The postal code of the client's address. Used in emails sent to the client to help them recognize the communication as genuine", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val PostCode:String = null with get,set

        ///Specifies the type of ValidateMe preset. Possible values are 'ValidateMe' for configuring RequiredDocuments, or 'PassportChipVerification' for setting the Passport as Proof of Name
        [<ApiMember(Description="Specifies the type of ValidateMe preset. Possible values are 'ValidateMe' for configuring RequiredDocuments, or 'PassportChipVerification' for setting the Passport as Proof of Name", IsRequired=true)>]
        member val ProofOfPreset:CreateMobileClientType = new CreateMobileClientType() with get,set

        ///The categories of proof and selected documents that the client can use to provide proof. Required if ClientType is set to 'ValidateMe'
        [<ApiMember(Description="The categories of proof and selected documents that the client can use to provide proof. Required if ClientType is set to 'ValidateMe'")>]
        member val ProofOfDocumentCategories:ArrayOfProofOfDocumentCategories = null with get,set

        ///If the client should be linked to other searches, specify the them here
        [<ApiMember(Description="If the client should be linked to other searches, specify the them here")>]
        member val LinkedTo:ArrayOfLinkedTo = null with get,set

    type AddClient() = 
        inherit BaseRequest()
        member val Request:AddClientRequest = null with get,set

F# AddClient DTOs

To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .xml suffix or ?format=xml


The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /clients HTTP/1.1 
Accept: application/xml
Content-Type: application/xml
Content-Length: length

<AddClient xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml
Content-Length: length

<AddClientResponse xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
          <Meta xmlns:d6p1="">
      <Meta xmlns:d4p1="">
            <DataGroupsFailed xmlns:d7p1="">
            <DataGroupsVerified xmlns:d7p1="">