' Options: 'Date: 2025-03-15 02:51:54 'Version: 8.30 'Tip: To override a DTO option, remove "''" prefix before updating 'BaseUrl: https://api.sanctionssearch.com/v2 ' '''GlobalNamespace: '''MakePartial: True '''MakeVirtual: True '''MakeDataContractsExtensible: False '''AddReturnMarker: True '''AddDescriptionAsComments: True '''AddDataContractAttributes: False '''AddIndexesToDataMembers: False '''AddGeneratedCodeAttributes: False '''AddResponseStatus: False '''AddImplicitVersion: '''InitializeCollections: True '''ExportValueTypes: False 'IncludeTypes: GetPdfs.* '''ExcludeTypes: '''AddNamespaces: '''AddDefaultXmlNamespace: http://schemas.servicestack.net/types Imports System Imports System.Collections Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports System.Runtime.Serialization Imports ServiceStack Imports ServiceStack.DataAnnotations Imports SanctionsSearch.Api2.ServiceModel.Types Imports SanctionsSearch.Api2.ServiceModel.Operations.Base Imports SanctionsSearch.Api2.ServiceModel.Operations.Account Namespace Global Namespace SanctionsSearch.Api2.ServiceModel.Operations.Account Public Partial Class GetPdfs Inherits BaseRequest Implements IReturn(Of GetPdfsResponse) ''' '''The request data ''' Public Overridable Property Request As GetPdfsRequest End Class Public Partial Class GetPdfsData Inherits BaseResponse ''' '''List of Documents, but not including the file data ''' Public Overridable Property Documents As ArrayOfPdfDocument End Class Public Partial Class GetPdfsRequest ''' '''If the saved documents are kept within a single Sub User account, specify their username here ''' Public Overridable Property SubUserName As String End Class Public Partial Class GetPdfsResponse ''' '''The response data ''' Public Overridable Property Data As GetPdfsData End Class End Namespace Namespace SanctionsSearch.Api2.ServiceModel.Operations.Base Public Partial Class ArrayOfResponseError Inherits List(Of ResponseError) End Class Public Partial Class BaseRequest Implements IBaseRequest ''' '''The authentication credentials ''' Public Overridable Property Authentication As Authentication End Class Public Partial Class BaseResponse Implements IBaseDataResponse Implements IHasResponseStatus ''' '''The status of the response ''' Public Overridable Property ResponseStatus As ResponseStatus End Class Public Interface IBaseDataResponse Property ResponseStatus As ResponseStatus End Interface Public Interface IBaseRequest Property Authentication As Authentication End Interface Public Interface IHasResponseStatus Property ResponseStatus As ResponseStatus End Interface Public Partial Class ResponseError Public Sub New() Meta = New Dictionary(Of String, String) End Sub Public Overridable Property ErrorCode As String Public Overridable Property FieldName As String Public Overridable Property Message As String Public Overridable Property Meta As Dictionary(Of String, String) End Class Public Partial Class ResponseStatus Public Sub New() Meta = New Dictionary(Of String, String) End Sub Public Overridable Property ErrorCode As String Public Overridable Property Message As String Public Overridable Property StackTrace As String Public Overridable Property Errors As ArrayOfResponseError Public Overridable Property Meta As Dictionary(Of String, String) End Class End Namespace Namespace SanctionsSearch.Api2.ServiceModel.Types Public Partial Class ArrayOfPdfDocument Inherits List(Of PdfDocument) End Class Public Partial Class Authentication ''' '''The API User ID provided by us when you signed up to use our API ''' Public Overridable Property ApiUserId As String ''' '''The API User Key provided by us when you signed up to use our API ''' Public Overridable Property ApiUserKey As String End Class Public Partial Class PdfDocument ''' '''The ID of the saved document ''' Public Overridable Property Id As Long ''' '''Is the document ready to download ''' Public Overridable Property IsReady As Boolean ''' '''The name of the saved document ''' Public Overridable Property Name As String ''' '''The file name (including extension) of the saved document ''' Public Overridable Property FileName As String ''' '''The type of saved document (Human readable, pep, sanctions, validid, companylookup, etc.) ''' Public Overridable Property Type As String ''' '''If this document is a Saved Sanctions Search, the ID of the search it relates to ''' Public Overridable Property SanctionsSearchId As Nullable(Of Long) ''' '''If this document is a Saved PEP Search, the ID of the search it relates to ''' Public Overridable Property PepSearchId As Nullable(Of Long) ''' '''If this document is a Saved ValidID Search, the ID of the search it relates to ''' Public Overridable Property ValidIdSearchId As Nullable(Of Integer) ''' '''If this document is a Saved CompanyLookup Search, the ID of the search it relates to ''' Public Overridable Property CompanyLookupSearchId As Nullable(Of Integer) ''' '''The date the saved document was created/requested ''' Public Overridable Property DateCreated As Date ''' '''The date the saved document will be no longer available. You can request a new document using the SaveSearch, SavePepSearch, etc. methods ''' Public Overridable Property DateExpires As Date End Class End Namespace End Namespace