/* Options: Date: 2025-03-15 15:20:20 Version: 8.30 Tip: To override a DTO option, remove "//" prefix before updating BaseUrl: https://api.sanctionssearch.com/v2 //GlobalNamespace: //MakePropertiesOptional: False //AddServiceStackTypes: True //AddResponseStatus: False //AddImplicitVersion: //AddDescriptionAsComments: True IncludeTypes: GetPdf.* //ExcludeTypes: //DefaultImports: */ export interface IReturn<T> { createResponse(): T; } // @DataContract export class Authentication { /** @description The API User ID provided by us when you signed up to use our API */ // @DataMember // @ApiMember(Description="The API User ID provided by us when you signed up to use our API", IsRequired=true, ParameterType="header, body") public apiUserId: string; /** @description The API User Key provided by us when you signed up to use our API */ // @DataMember // @ApiMember(Description="The API User Key provided by us when you signed up to use our API", IsRequired=true, ParameterType="header, body") public apiUserKey: string; public constructor(init?: Partial<Authentication>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } // @DataContract export class BaseRequest implements IBaseRequest { /** @description The authentication credentials */ // @DataMember // @ApiMember(Description="The authentication credentials", IsRequired=true, ParameterType="header, body") public authentication: Authentication; public constructor(init?: Partial<BaseRequest>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } export interface IBaseRequest { authentication: Authentication; } export class GetPdfRequest { /** @description If the saved document is kept within a single Sub User account, specify their username here */ // @ApiMember(Description="If the saved document is kept within a single Sub User account, specify their username here") public subUserName: string; /** @description The ID of the document to retrieve */ // @ApiMember(Description="The ID of the document to retrieve") public id: number; public constructor(init?: Partial<GetPdfRequest>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } // @DataContract export class ResponseError { // @DataMember(Order=1) public errorCode: string; // @DataMember(Order=2) public fieldName: string; // @DataMember(Order=3) public message: string; // @DataMember(Order=4) public meta: { [index: string]: string; }; public constructor(init?: Partial<ResponseError>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } export class ArrayOfResponseError extends Array<ResponseError> { public constructor(init?: Partial<ArrayOfResponseError>) { super(); (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } // @DataContract export class ResponseStatus { // @DataMember(Order=1) public errorCode: string; // @DataMember(Order=2) public message: string; // @DataMember(Order=3) public stackTrace: string; // @DataMember(Order=4) public errors: ArrayOfResponseError; // @DataMember(Order=5) public meta: { [index: string]: string; }; public constructor(init?: Partial<ResponseStatus>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } export class BaseResponse implements IBaseDataResponse, IHasResponseStatus { /** @description The status of the response */ // @ApiMember(Description="The status of the response") public responseStatus: ResponseStatus; public constructor(init?: Partial<BaseResponse>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } export class PdfDocument { /** @description The ID of the saved document */ // @ApiMember(Description="The ID of the saved document") public id: number; /** @description Is the document ready to download */ // @ApiMember(Description="Is the document ready to download") public isReady: boolean; /** @description The name of the saved document */ // @ApiMember(Description="The name of the saved document") public name: string; /** @description The file name (including extension) of the saved document */ // @ApiMember(Description="The file name (including extension) of the saved document") public fileName: string; /** @description The type of saved document (Human readable, pep, sanctions, validid, companylookup, etc.) */ // @ApiMember(Description="The type of saved document (Human readable, pep, sanctions, validid, companylookup, etc.)") public type: string; /** @description If this document is a Saved Sanctions Search, the ID of the search it relates to */ // @ApiMember(Description="If this document is a Saved Sanctions Search, the ID of the search it relates to") public sanctionsSearchId?: number; /** @description If this document is a Saved PEP Search, the ID of the search it relates to */ // @ApiMember(Description="If this document is a Saved PEP Search, the ID of the search it relates to") public pepSearchId?: number; /** @description If this document is a Saved ValidID Search, the ID of the search it relates to */ // @ApiMember(Description="If this document is a Saved ValidID Search, the ID of the search it relates to") public validIdSearchId?: number; /** @description If this document is a Saved CompanyLookup Search, the ID of the search it relates to */ // @ApiMember(Description="If this document is a Saved CompanyLookup Search, the ID of the search it relates to") public companyLookupSearchId?: number; /** @description The date the saved document was created/requested */ // @ApiMember(Description="The date the saved document was created/requested") public dateCreated: string; /** @description The date the saved document will be no longer available. You can request a new document using the SaveSearch, SavePepSearch, etc. methods */ // @ApiMember(Description="The date the saved document will be no longer available. You can request a new document using the SaveSearch, SavePepSearch, etc. methods") public dateExpires: string; public constructor(init?: Partial<PdfDocument>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } export class PdfDocumentWithData extends PdfDocument { /** @description The file data in a byte array */ // @ApiMember(Description="The file data in a byte array") public documentBytes: string; public constructor(init?: Partial<PdfDocumentWithData>) { super(init); (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } export class GetPdfData extends BaseResponse { /** @description The single document that is being returned, including the file data */ // @ApiMember(Description="The single document that is being returned, including the file data") public document: PdfDocumentWithData; public constructor(init?: Partial<GetPdfData>) { super(init); (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } export interface IBaseDataResponse { responseStatus: ResponseStatus; } export interface IHasResponseStatus { responseStatus: ResponseStatus; } // @DataContract export class GetPdfResponse { /** @description The response data */ // @DataMember // @ApiMember(Description="The response data") public data: GetPdfData; public constructor(init?: Partial<GetPdfResponse>) { (Object as any).assign(this, init); } } // @Route("/pdfs/get", "POST") // @DataContract export class GetPdf extends BaseRequest implements IReturn<GetPdfResponse> { /** @description The request data */ // @DataMember // @ApiMember(Description="The request data", ParameterType="body") public request: GetPdfRequest; public constructor(init?: Partial<GetPdf>) { super(init); (Object as any).assign(this, init); } public getTypeName() { return 'GetPdf'; } public getMethod() { return 'POST'; } public createResponse() { return new GetPdfResponse(); } }