(* Options: Date: 2025-03-15 05:27:32 Version: 8.30 Tip: To override a DTO option, remove "//" prefix before updating BaseUrl: https://api.sanctionssearch.com/v2 //GlobalNamespace: //MakeDataContractsExtensible: False //AddReturnMarker: True //AddDescriptionAsComments: True //AddDataContractAttributes: False //AddIndexesToDataMembers: False //AddGeneratedCodeAttributes: False //AddResponseStatus: False //AddImplicitVersion: //ExportValueTypes: False IncludeTypes: GetDbsSearches.* //ExcludeTypes: //InitializeCollections: True //AddNamespaces: *) namespace SanctionsSearch.Api2.ServiceModel.Operations.Base open System open System.Collections open System.Collections.Generic open System.Runtime.Serialization open ServiceStack open ServiceStack.DataAnnotations [] [] type Authentication() = /// ///The API User ID provided by us when you signed up to use our API /// [] [] member val ApiUserId:String = null with get,set /// ///The API User Key provided by us when you signed up to use our API /// [] [] member val ApiUserKey:String = null with get,set [] [] type BaseRequest() = /// ///The authentication credentials /// [] [] member val Authentication:Authentication = null with get,set [] type IBaseRequest = abstract Authentication:Authentication with get,set [] [] type PagedRequest() = inherit BaseRequest() /// ///The maximum number of records to be returned in one page /// [] [] member val PageLimit:Int32 = new Int32() with get,set /// ///The starting point in the list of records from where the data should be fetched. Zero based index. /// [] [] member val PageOffset:Int32 = new Int32() with get,set /// ///The term to determine the order in which the data is returned /// [] [] member val Sort:String = null with get,set [] type DbsSearchShort() = member val Id:Int64 = new Int64() with get,set member val DateSearched:DateTime = new DateTime() with get,set member val DateUpdated:DateTime = new DateTime() with get,set member val Status:String = null with get,set member val DisclosureStatus:String = null with get,set member val IsApplicantInfoCompleted:Boolean = new Boolean() with get,set member val IsIdCheckCompleted:Boolean = new Boolean() with get,set member val IsApplicationCompleted:Boolean = new Boolean() with get,set member val IsApplicationSubmitted:Boolean = new Boolean() with get,set member val IsApplicationDisclosed:Boolean = new Boolean() with get,set member val DisclosureLevel:String = null with get,set member val Name:String = null with get,set member val Reference:String = null with get,set [] type ArrayOfDbsSearchShort() = inherit ResizeArray() [] type GetDbsSearchesData() = inherit PagedResponse() member val Searches:ArrayOfDbsSearchShort = null with get,set [] [] type GetDbsSearchesResponse() = [] member val Data:GetDbsSearchesData = null with get,set [] [] [] type GetDbsSearches() = inherit PagedRequest() interface IReturn /// ///Filter the results to those that have a Name including the specified value /// [] [] member val Name:String = null with get,set /// ///Filter the results to those that were created after (or on) this date /// [] [] member val DateFrom:Nullable = new Nullable() with get,set /// ///Filter the results to those that were created before this date /// [] [] member val DateTo:Nullable = new Nullable() with get,set /// ///Filter the results to those where the applicant has provided their information (true), or not (false), or either (null) /// [] [] member val IsApplicantInfoCompleted:Nullable = new Nullable() with get,set /// ///Filter the results to those where the ID Checker has verified the applicant's ID (true), or not (false), or either (null) /// [] [] member val IsIdCheckCompleted:Nullable = new Nullable() with get,set /// ///Filter the results to those where the application is complete and ready to be submitted (true), or not (false), or either (null) /// [] [] member val IsApplicationCompleted:Nullable = new Nullable() with get,set /// ///Filter the results to those where the application has been submitted (true), or not (false), or either (null) /// [] [] member val IsApplicationSubmitted:Nullable = new Nullable() with get,set /// ///Filter the results to those where the application has been disclosed (true), or not (false), or either (null) /// [] [] member val IsApplicationDisclosed:Nullable = new Nullable() with get,set /// ///If the searches are being accessed by a sub user, specify their username here to only return searches they have permissions to view /// [] [] member val SubUserName:String = null with get,set [] [] type ResponseError() = [] member val ErrorCode:String = null with get,set [] member val FieldName:String = null with get,set [] member val Message:String = null with get,set [] member val Meta:Dictionary = new Dictionary() with get,set [] type ArrayOfResponseError() = inherit ResizeArray() [] [] type ResponseStatus() = [] member val ErrorCode:String = null with get,set [] member val Message:String = null with get,set [] member val StackTrace:String = null with get,set [] member val Errors:ArrayOfResponseError = null with get,set [] member val Meta:Dictionary = new Dictionary() with get,set [] type BaseResponse() = /// ///The status of the response /// [] member val ResponseStatus:ResponseStatus = null with get,set [] type IBaseDataResponse = abstract ResponseStatus:ResponseStatus with get,set [] type IHasResponseStatus = abstract ResponseStatus:ResponseStatus with get,set [] type Links() = [] member val Self:String = null with get,set [] type MetaLinks() = inherit Links() /// ///The link to the first page of records /// [] member val First:String = null with get,set /// ///The link to the last page of records /// [] member val Last:String = null with get,set /// ///The link to the next page of records, if applicable /// [] member val Next:String = null with get,set /// ///The link to the last page of records, if applicable /// [] member val Prev:String = null with get,set [] type Meta() = /// ///Pagination links /// [] member val Links:MetaLinks = null with get,set /// ///The total number of records for the query /// [] member val TotalCount:Nullable = new Nullable() with get,set /// ///The maximum number of records to be returned in one page /// [] member val PageLimit:Nullable = new Nullable() with get,set /// ///The starting point in the list of records from where the data should be fetched. Zero based index. /// [] member val PageOffset:Nullable = new Nullable() with get,set [] type PagedResponse() = inherit BaseResponse() /// ///The response Metadata /// [] member val Meta:Meta = null with get,set