Add a ValidID Search |
import java.math.*;
import java.util.*;
import net.servicestack.client.*;
public class dtos
public static class AddValidId extends BaseRequest
public AddValidIdRequest request = null;
public AddValidIdRequest getRequest() { return request; }
public AddValidId setRequest(AddValidIdRequest value) { this.request = value; return this; }
public static class BaseRequest implements IBaseRequest
* The authentication credentials
@ApiMember(Description="The authentication credentials", IsRequired=true, ParameterType="header, body")
public Authentication authentication = null;
public Authentication getAuthentication() { return authentication; }
public BaseRequest setAuthentication(Authentication value) { this.authentication = value; return this; }
public static class Authentication
* The API User ID provided by us when you signed up to use our API
@ApiMember(Description="The API User ID provided by us when you signed up to use our API", IsRequired=true, ParameterType="header, body")
public String apiUserId = null;
* The API User Key provided by us when you signed up to use our API
@ApiMember(Description="The API User Key provided by us when you signed up to use our API", IsRequired=true, ParameterType="header, body")
public String apiUserKey = null;
public String getApiUserId() { return apiUserId; }
public Authentication setApiUserId(String value) { this.apiUserId = value; return this; }
public String getApiUserKey() { return apiUserKey; }
public Authentication setApiUserKey(String value) { this.apiUserKey = value; return this; }
public static class AddValidIdRequest
* If the search should be saved against a single Sub User account, specify their username here
@ApiMember(Description="If the search should be saved against a single Sub User account, specify their username here")
public String subUserName = null;
public String type = null;
public Boolean addPepSearch = null;
public String pepSearchType = null;
public Boolean addSanctionsSearch = null;
public ArrayOfLists selectedLists = null;
public String reference = null;
* If the search should be linked to other searches, specify the them here
@ApiMember(Description="If the search should be linked to other searches, specify the them here")
public ArrayOfLinkedTo linkedTo = null;
public ValidIdBasicRequest basicRequest = null;
public ValidIdPassportRequest passportRequest = null;
public ValidIdDrivingRequest drivingRequest = null;
public ValidIdBirthRequest birthRequest = null;
public ValidIdNIRequest niRequest = null;
public ValidIdNHSRequest nhsRequest = null;
public ValidIdElectricityRequest electricityRequest = null;
public ValidIdBankRequest bankRequest = null;
public ValidIdCardNumberRequest cardNumberRequest = null;
public ValidIdTravelVisaRequest travelVisaRequest = null;
public ValidIdIdCardRequest idCardRequest = null;
public ValidIdPollNumberRequest pollNumberRequest = null;
public ValidIdMarriageRequest marriageRequest = null;
public Boolean passportEnabled = null;
public Boolean passportChipEnabled = null;
public Boolean drivingEnabled = null;
public Boolean smartlinkEnabled = null;
public Boolean niEnabled = null;
public Boolean nhsEnabled = null;
public Boolean electricityEnabled = null;
public Boolean bankEnabled = null;
public Boolean creditActiveEnabled = null;
public Boolean idCardEnabled = null;
public Boolean bankLiveEnabled = null;
public Boolean companyDirectorEnabled = null;
public Boolean searchActivityEnabled = null;
public Boolean prsEnabled = null;
public String getSubUserName() { return subUserName; }
public AddValidIdRequest setSubUserName(String value) { this.subUserName = value; return this; }
public String getType() { return type; }
public AddValidIdRequest setType(String value) { this.type = value; return this; }
public Boolean isAddPepSearch() { return addPepSearch; }
public AddValidIdRequest setAddPepSearch(Boolean value) { this.addPepSearch = value; return this; }
public String getPepSearchType() { return pepSearchType; }
public AddValidIdRequest setPepSearchType(String value) { this.pepSearchType = value; return this; }
public Boolean isAddSanctionsSearch() { return addSanctionsSearch; }
public AddValidIdRequest setAddSanctionsSearch(Boolean value) { this.addSanctionsSearch = value; return this; }
public ArrayOfLists getSelectedLists() { return selectedLists; }
public AddValidIdRequest setSelectedLists(ArrayOfLists value) { this.selectedLists = value; return this; }
public String getReference() { return reference; }
public AddValidIdRequest setReference(String value) { this.reference = value; return this; }
public ArrayOfLinkedTo getLinkedTo() { return linkedTo; }
public AddValidIdRequest setLinkedTo(ArrayOfLinkedTo value) { this.linkedTo = value; return this; }
public ValidIdBasicRequest getBasicRequest() { return basicRequest; }
public AddValidIdRequest setBasicRequest(ValidIdBasicRequest value) { this.basicRequest = value; return this; }
public ValidIdPassportRequest getPassportRequest() { return passportRequest; }
public AddValidIdRequest setPassportRequest(ValidIdPassportRequest value) { this.passportRequest = value; return this; }
public ValidIdDrivingRequest getDrivingRequest() { return drivingRequest; }
public AddValidIdRequest setDrivingRequest(ValidIdDrivingRequest value) { this.drivingRequest = value; return this; }
public ValidIdBirthRequest getBirthRequest() { return birthRequest; }
public AddValidIdRequest setBirthRequest(ValidIdBirthRequest value) { this.birthRequest = value; return this; }
public ValidIdNIRequest getNiRequest() { return niRequest; }
public AddValidIdRequest setNiRequest(ValidIdNIRequest value) { this.niRequest = value; return this; }
public ValidIdNHSRequest getNhsRequest() { return nhsRequest; }
public AddValidIdRequest setNhsRequest(ValidIdNHSRequest value) { this.nhsRequest = value; return this; }
public ValidIdElectricityRequest getElectricityRequest() { return electricityRequest; }
public AddValidIdRequest setElectricityRequest(ValidIdElectricityRequest value) { this.electricityRequest = value; return this; }
public ValidIdBankRequest getBankRequest() { return bankRequest; }
public AddValidIdRequest setBankRequest(ValidIdBankRequest value) { this.bankRequest = value; return this; }
public ValidIdCardNumberRequest getCardNumberRequest() { return cardNumberRequest; }
public AddValidIdRequest setCardNumberRequest(ValidIdCardNumberRequest value) { this.cardNumberRequest = value; return this; }
public ValidIdTravelVisaRequest getTravelVisaRequest() { return travelVisaRequest; }
public AddValidIdRequest setTravelVisaRequest(ValidIdTravelVisaRequest value) { this.travelVisaRequest = value; return this; }
public ValidIdIdCardRequest getIdCardRequest() { return idCardRequest; }
public AddValidIdRequest setIdCardRequest(ValidIdIdCardRequest value) { this.idCardRequest = value; return this; }
public ValidIdPollNumberRequest getPollNumberRequest() { return pollNumberRequest; }
public AddValidIdRequest setPollNumberRequest(ValidIdPollNumberRequest value) { this.pollNumberRequest = value; return this; }
public ValidIdMarriageRequest getMarriageRequest() { return marriageRequest; }
public AddValidIdRequest setMarriageRequest(ValidIdMarriageRequest value) { this.marriageRequest = value; return this; }
public Boolean isPassportEnabled() { return passportEnabled; }
public AddValidIdRequest setPassportEnabled(Boolean value) { this.passportEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isPassportChipEnabled() { return passportChipEnabled; }
public AddValidIdRequest setPassportChipEnabled(Boolean value) { this.passportChipEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isDrivingEnabled() { return drivingEnabled; }
public AddValidIdRequest setDrivingEnabled(Boolean value) { this.drivingEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isSmartlinkEnabled() { return smartlinkEnabled; }
public AddValidIdRequest setSmartlinkEnabled(Boolean value) { this.smartlinkEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isNiEnabled() { return niEnabled; }
public AddValidIdRequest setNiEnabled(Boolean value) { this.niEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isNhsEnabled() { return nhsEnabled; }
public AddValidIdRequest setNhsEnabled(Boolean value) { this.nhsEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isElectricityEnabled() { return electricityEnabled; }
public AddValidIdRequest setElectricityEnabled(Boolean value) { this.electricityEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isBankEnabled() { return bankEnabled; }
public AddValidIdRequest setBankEnabled(Boolean value) { this.bankEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isCreditActiveEnabled() { return creditActiveEnabled; }
public AddValidIdRequest setCreditActiveEnabled(Boolean value) { this.creditActiveEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isIdCardEnabled() { return idCardEnabled; }
public AddValidIdRequest setIdCardEnabled(Boolean value) { this.idCardEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isBankLiveEnabled() { return bankLiveEnabled; }
public AddValidIdRequest setBankLiveEnabled(Boolean value) { this.bankLiveEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isCompanyDirectorEnabled() { return companyDirectorEnabled; }
public AddValidIdRequest setCompanyDirectorEnabled(Boolean value) { this.companyDirectorEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isSearchActivityEnabled() { return searchActivityEnabled; }
public AddValidIdRequest setSearchActivityEnabled(Boolean value) { this.searchActivityEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isPrsEnabled() { return prsEnabled; }
public AddValidIdRequest setPrsEnabled(Boolean value) { this.prsEnabled = value; return this; }
public static class ArrayOfLists extends ArrayList<String>
public static class ArrayOfLinkedTo extends ArrayList<LinkedTo>
public static class LinkedTo
public Integer clientId = null;
public Long id = null;
public String type = null;
public String subtype = null;
public String status = null;
public String description = null;
public Boolean isArchived = null;
public String name = null;
public Date date = null;
public Integer getClientId() { return clientId; }
public LinkedTo setClientId(Integer value) { this.clientId = value; return this; }
public Long getId() { return id; }
public LinkedTo setId(Long value) { = value; return this; }
public String getType() { return type; }
public LinkedTo setType(String value) { this.type = value; return this; }
public String getSubtype() { return subtype; }
public LinkedTo setSubtype(String value) { this.subtype = value; return this; }
public String getStatus() { return status; }
public LinkedTo setStatus(String value) { this.status = value; return this; }
public String getDescription() { return description; }
public LinkedTo setDescription(String value) { this.description = value; return this; }
public Boolean getIsArchived() { return isArchived; }
public LinkedTo setIsArchived(Boolean value) { this.isArchived = value; return this; }
public String getName() { return name; }
public LinkedTo setName(String value) { = value; return this; }
public Date getDate() { return date; }
public LinkedTo setDate(Date value) { = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdBasicRequest
public String name1 = null;
public String name2 = null;
public String name3 = null;
public Date dateOfBirth = null;
public String gender = null;
public String address1 = null;
public String address2 = null;
public String address3 = null;
public String address4 = null;
public String address5 = null;
public String postCode = null;
public String getName1() { return name1; }
public ValidIdBasicRequest setName1(String value) { this.name1 = value; return this; }
public String getName2() { return name2; }
public ValidIdBasicRequest setName2(String value) { this.name2 = value; return this; }
public String getName3() { return name3; }
public ValidIdBasicRequest setName3(String value) { this.name3 = value; return this; }
public Date getDateOfBirth() { return dateOfBirth; }
public ValidIdBasicRequest setDateOfBirth(Date value) { this.dateOfBirth = value; return this; }
public String getGender() { return gender; }
public ValidIdBasicRequest setGender(String value) { this.gender = value; return this; }
public String getAddress1() { return address1; }
public ValidIdBasicRequest setAddress1(String value) { this.address1 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress2() { return address2; }
public ValidIdBasicRequest setAddress2(String value) { this.address2 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress3() { return address3; }
public ValidIdBasicRequest setAddress3(String value) { this.address3 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress4() { return address4; }
public ValidIdBasicRequest setAddress4(String value) { this.address4 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress5() { return address5; }
public ValidIdBasicRequest setAddress5(String value) { this.address5 = value; return this; }
public String getPostCode() { return postCode; }
public ValidIdBasicRequest setPostCode(String value) { this.postCode = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdPassportRequest
public String passport1 = null;
public String passport2 = null;
public String passport3 = null;
public String passport4 = null;
public String passport5 = null;
public String passport6 = null;
public String passport7 = null;
public String passport8 = null;
public String passportMrzLineOne1 = null;
public String passportMrzLineOne2 = null;
public String passportMrzLineOne3 = null;
public String getPassport1() { return passport1; }
public ValidIdPassportRequest setPassport1(String value) { this.passport1 = value; return this; }
public String getPassport2() { return passport2; }
public ValidIdPassportRequest setPassport2(String value) { this.passport2 = value; return this; }
public String getPassport3() { return passport3; }
public ValidIdPassportRequest setPassport3(String value) { this.passport3 = value; return this; }
public String getPassport4() { return passport4; }
public ValidIdPassportRequest setPassport4(String value) { this.passport4 = value; return this; }
public String getPassport5() { return passport5; }
public ValidIdPassportRequest setPassport5(String value) { this.passport5 = value; return this; }
public String getPassport6() { return passport6; }
public ValidIdPassportRequest setPassport6(String value) { this.passport6 = value; return this; }
public String getPassport7() { return passport7; }
public ValidIdPassportRequest setPassport7(String value) { this.passport7 = value; return this; }
public String getPassport8() { return passport8; }
public ValidIdPassportRequest setPassport8(String value) { this.passport8 = value; return this; }
public String getPassportMrzLineOne1() { return passportMrzLineOne1; }
public ValidIdPassportRequest setPassportMrzLineOne1(String value) { this.passportMrzLineOne1 = value; return this; }
public String getPassportMrzLineOne2() { return passportMrzLineOne2; }
public ValidIdPassportRequest setPassportMrzLineOne2(String value) { this.passportMrzLineOne2 = value; return this; }
public String getPassportMrzLineOne3() { return passportMrzLineOne3; }
public ValidIdPassportRequest setPassportMrzLineOne3(String value) { this.passportMrzLineOne3 = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdDrivingRequest
public String driving1 = null;
public String driving2 = null;
public String driving3 = null;
public String drivingPostcode = null;
public String drivingMailSort = null;
public String getDriving1() { return driving1; }
public ValidIdDrivingRequest setDriving1(String value) { this.driving1 = value; return this; }
public String getDriving2() { return driving2; }
public ValidIdDrivingRequest setDriving2(String value) { this.driving2 = value; return this; }
public String getDriving3() { return driving3; }
public ValidIdDrivingRequest setDriving3(String value) { this.driving3 = value; return this; }
public String getDrivingPostcode() { return drivingPostcode; }
public ValidIdDrivingRequest setDrivingPostcode(String value) { this.drivingPostcode = value; return this; }
public String getDrivingMailSort() { return drivingMailSort; }
public ValidIdDrivingRequest setDrivingMailSort(String value) { this.drivingMailSort = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdBirthRequest
public String birthForeName = null;
public String birthMiddleName = null;
public String birthSurname = null;
public String birthMaidenName = null;
public String birthDistrict = null;
public String birthCertIssueNum = null;
public String getBirthForeName() { return birthForeName; }
public ValidIdBirthRequest setBirthForeName(String value) { this.birthForeName = value; return this; }
public String getBirthMiddleName() { return birthMiddleName; }
public ValidIdBirthRequest setBirthMiddleName(String value) { this.birthMiddleName = value; return this; }
public String getBirthSurname() { return birthSurname; }
public ValidIdBirthRequest setBirthSurname(String value) { this.birthSurname = value; return this; }
public String getBirthMaidenName() { return birthMaidenName; }
public ValidIdBirthRequest setBirthMaidenName(String value) { this.birthMaidenName = value; return this; }
public String getBirthDistrict() { return birthDistrict; }
public ValidIdBirthRequest setBirthDistrict(String value) { this.birthDistrict = value; return this; }
public String getBirthCertIssueNum() { return birthCertIssueNum; }
public ValidIdBirthRequest setBirthCertIssueNum(String value) { this.birthCertIssueNum = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdNIRequest
public String niNumber = null;
public String getNiNumber() { return niNumber; }
public ValidIdNIRequest setNiNumber(String value) { this.niNumber = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdNHSRequest
public String nhsNumber = null;
public String getNhsNumber() { return nhsNumber; }
public ValidIdNHSRequest setNhsNumber(String value) { this.nhsNumber = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdElectricityRequest
public String mpanNumber1 = null;
public String mpanNumber2 = null;
public String mpanNumber3 = null;
public String mpanNumber4 = null;
public String getMpanNumber1() { return mpanNumber1; }
public ValidIdElectricityRequest setMpanNumber1(String value) { this.mpanNumber1 = value; return this; }
public String getMpanNumber2() { return mpanNumber2; }
public ValidIdElectricityRequest setMpanNumber2(String value) { this.mpanNumber2 = value; return this; }
public String getMpanNumber3() { return mpanNumber3; }
public ValidIdElectricityRequest setMpanNumber3(String value) { this.mpanNumber3 = value; return this; }
public String getMpanNumber4() { return mpanNumber4; }
public ValidIdElectricityRequest setMpanNumber4(String value) { this.mpanNumber4 = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdBankRequest
public String bankSortCode = null;
public String bankAccountNumber = null;
public String getBankSortCode() { return bankSortCode; }
public ValidIdBankRequest setBankSortCode(String value) { this.bankSortCode = value; return this; }
public String getBankAccountNumber() { return bankAccountNumber; }
public ValidIdBankRequest setBankAccountNumber(String value) { this.bankAccountNumber = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdCardNumberRequest
public String cardNumber = null;
public String cardType = null;
public String getCardNumber() { return cardNumber; }
public ValidIdCardNumberRequest setCardNumber(String value) { this.cardNumber = value; return this; }
public String getCardType() { return cardType; }
public ValidIdCardNumberRequest setCardType(String value) { this.cardType = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdTravelVisaRequest
public String travelVisa1 = null;
public String travelVisa2 = null;
public String travelVisa3 = null;
public String travelVisa4 = null;
public String travelVisa5 = null;
public String travelVisa6 = null;
public String travelVisa7 = null;
public String travelVisa8 = null;
public String travelVisa9 = null;
public String getTravelVisa1() { return travelVisa1; }
public ValidIdTravelVisaRequest setTravelVisa1(String value) { this.travelVisa1 = value; return this; }
public String getTravelVisa2() { return travelVisa2; }
public ValidIdTravelVisaRequest setTravelVisa2(String value) { this.travelVisa2 = value; return this; }
public String getTravelVisa3() { return travelVisa3; }
public ValidIdTravelVisaRequest setTravelVisa3(String value) { this.travelVisa3 = value; return this; }
public String getTravelVisa4() { return travelVisa4; }
public ValidIdTravelVisaRequest setTravelVisa4(String value) { this.travelVisa4 = value; return this; }
public String getTravelVisa5() { return travelVisa5; }
public ValidIdTravelVisaRequest setTravelVisa5(String value) { this.travelVisa5 = value; return this; }
public String getTravelVisa6() { return travelVisa6; }
public ValidIdTravelVisaRequest setTravelVisa6(String value) { this.travelVisa6 = value; return this; }
public String getTravelVisa7() { return travelVisa7; }
public ValidIdTravelVisaRequest setTravelVisa7(String value) { this.travelVisa7 = value; return this; }
public String getTravelVisa8() { return travelVisa8; }
public ValidIdTravelVisaRequest setTravelVisa8(String value) { this.travelVisa8 = value; return this; }
public String getTravelVisa9() { return travelVisa9; }
public ValidIdTravelVisaRequest setTravelVisa9(String value) { this.travelVisa9 = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdIdCardRequest
public String idCard1 = null;
public String idCard2 = null;
public String idCard3 = null;
public String idCard4 = null;
public String idCard5 = null;
public String idCard6 = null;
public String idCard7 = null;
public String idCard8 = null;
public String idCard9 = null;
public String idCard10 = null;
public String getIdCard1() { return idCard1; }
public ValidIdIdCardRequest setIdCard1(String value) { this.idCard1 = value; return this; }
public String getIdCard2() { return idCard2; }
public ValidIdIdCardRequest setIdCard2(String value) { this.idCard2 = value; return this; }
public String getIdCard3() { return idCard3; }
public ValidIdIdCardRequest setIdCard3(String value) { this.idCard3 = value; return this; }
public String getIdCard4() { return idCard4; }
public ValidIdIdCardRequest setIdCard4(String value) { this.idCard4 = value; return this; }
public String getIdCard5() { return idCard5; }
public ValidIdIdCardRequest setIdCard5(String value) { this.idCard5 = value; return this; }
public String getIdCard6() { return idCard6; }
public ValidIdIdCardRequest setIdCard6(String value) { this.idCard6 = value; return this; }
public String getIdCard7() { return idCard7; }
public ValidIdIdCardRequest setIdCard7(String value) { this.idCard7 = value; return this; }
public String getIdCard8() { return idCard8; }
public ValidIdIdCardRequest setIdCard8(String value) { this.idCard8 = value; return this; }
public String getIdCard9() { return idCard9; }
public ValidIdIdCardRequest setIdCard9(String value) { this.idCard9 = value; return this; }
public String getIdCard10() { return idCard10; }
public ValidIdIdCardRequest setIdCard10(String value) { this.idCard10 = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdPollNumberRequest
public String pollNumber = null;
public String getPollNumber() { return pollNumber; }
public ValidIdPollNumberRequest setPollNumber(String value) { this.pollNumber = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdMarriageRequest
public String forename = null;
public String surname = null;
public String partnerForename = null;
public String partnerSurname = null;
public String date = null;
public String district = null;
public String certIssueNum = null;
public String getForename() { return forename; }
public ValidIdMarriageRequest setForename(String value) { this.forename = value; return this; }
public String getSurname() { return surname; }
public ValidIdMarriageRequest setSurname(String value) { this.surname = value; return this; }
public String getPartnerForename() { return partnerForename; }
public ValidIdMarriageRequest setPartnerForename(String value) { this.partnerForename = value; return this; }
public String getPartnerSurname() { return partnerSurname; }
public ValidIdMarriageRequest setPartnerSurname(String value) { this.partnerSurname = value; return this; }
public String getDate() { return date; }
public ValidIdMarriageRequest setDate(String value) { = value; return this; }
public String getDistrict() { return district; }
public ValidIdMarriageRequest setDistrict(String value) { this.district = value; return this; }
public String getCertIssueNum() { return certIssueNum; }
public ValidIdMarriageRequest setCertIssueNum(String value) { this.certIssueNum = value; return this; }
public static class AddValidIdResponse
public AddValidIdData data = null;
public AddValidIdData getData() { return data; }
public AddValidIdResponse setData(AddValidIdData value) { = value; return this; }
public static class AddValidIdData extends BaseResponse implements IBaseSearchResponse
public ArrayOfLinkedTo linkedTo = null;
public Boolean resolveSanctionsResults = null;
public ValidIdRecord searchRecord = null;
public Long sanctionsSearchId = null;
public Long pepSearchId = null;
public Integer validIdSearchId = null;
public ArrayOfLinkedTo getLinkedTo() { return linkedTo; }
public AddValidIdData setLinkedTo(ArrayOfLinkedTo value) { this.linkedTo = value; return this; }
public Boolean isResolveSanctionsResults() { return resolveSanctionsResults; }
public AddValidIdData setResolveSanctionsResults(Boolean value) { this.resolveSanctionsResults = value; return this; }
public ValidIdRecord getSearchRecord() { return searchRecord; }
public AddValidIdData setSearchRecord(ValidIdRecord value) { this.searchRecord = value; return this; }
public Long getSanctionsSearchId() { return sanctionsSearchId; }
public AddValidIdData setSanctionsSearchId(Long value) { this.sanctionsSearchId = value; return this; }
public Long getPepSearchId() { return pepSearchId; }
public AddValidIdData setPepSearchId(Long value) { this.pepSearchId = value; return this; }
public Integer getValidIdSearchId() { return validIdSearchId; }
public AddValidIdData setValidIdSearchId(Integer value) { this.validIdSearchId = value; return this; }
public static class BaseResponse implements IBaseDataResponse, IHasResponseStatus
* The status of the response
@ApiMember(Description="The status of the response")
public ResponseStatus responseStatus = null;
public ResponseStatus getResponseStatus() { return responseStatus; }
public BaseResponse setResponseStatus(ResponseStatus value) { this.responseStatus = value; return this; }
public static class ArrayOfResponseError extends ArrayList<ResponseError>
public static class ValidIdRecord
public Integer id = null;
public Long sanctionsSearchId = null;
public Long pepSearchId = null;
public Long validIdPassportId = null;
public Long validIdPassportChipId = null;
public Date date = null;
public String searchListIds = null;
public Boolean pepError = null;
public Boolean replaced = null;
public Integer replacementSearchId = null;
public Boolean hasError = null;
public Boolean hasCompletedRequest = null;
public Boolean hasCompletedSearch = null;
public Boolean hasExtendedOptions = null;
public Integer type = null;
public String reference = null;
public Boolean passportChipEnabled = null;
public Boolean passportEnabled = null;
public Boolean drivingEnabled = null;
public Boolean birthEnabled = null;
public Boolean smartlinkEnabled = null;
public Boolean niEnabled = null;
public Boolean nhsEnabled = null;
public Boolean electricityEnabled = null;
public Boolean bankEnabled = null;
public Boolean creditActiveEnabled = null;
public Boolean cardNumberEnabled = null;
public Boolean travelVisaEnabled = null;
public Boolean idCardEnabled = null;
public Boolean bankLiveEnabled = null;
public Boolean companyDirectorEnabled = null;
public Boolean searchActivityEnabled = null;
public Boolean prsEnabled = null;
public Boolean onlineProfileEnabled = null;
public Boolean pollNumberEnabled = null;
public Boolean marriageEnabled = null;
public Boolean ageEnabled = null;
public ValidIdBasicRequest basicRequest = null;
public ValidIdPassportRequest passportRequest = null;
public ValidIdDrivingRequest drivingRequest = null;
public ValidIdBirthRequest birthRequest = null;
public ValidIdNIRequest niRequest = null;
public ValidIdNHSRequest nhsRequest = null;
public ValidIdElectricityRequest electricityRequest = null;
public ValidIdBankRequest bankRequest = null;
public ValidIdCardNumberRequest cardNumberRequest = null;
public ValidIdTravelVisaRequest travelVisaRequest = null;
public ValidIdIdCardRequest idCardRequest = null;
public ValidIdPollNumberRequest pollNumberRequest = null;
public ValidIdMarriageRequest marriageRequest = null;
public ValidIdResult result = null;
public SearchRecord sanctionsResult = null;
public PepSearchRecord pepSearchRecord = null;
public Integer getId() { return id; }
public ValidIdRecord setId(Integer value) { = value; return this; }
public Long getSanctionsSearchId() { return sanctionsSearchId; }
public ValidIdRecord setSanctionsSearchId(Long value) { this.sanctionsSearchId = value; return this; }
public Long getPepSearchId() { return pepSearchId; }
public ValidIdRecord setPepSearchId(Long value) { this.pepSearchId = value; return this; }
public Long getValidIdPassportId() { return validIdPassportId; }
public ValidIdRecord setValidIdPassportId(Long value) { this.validIdPassportId = value; return this; }
public Long getValidIdPassportChipId() { return validIdPassportChipId; }
public ValidIdRecord setValidIdPassportChipId(Long value) { this.validIdPassportChipId = value; return this; }
public Date getDate() { return date; }
public ValidIdRecord setDate(Date value) { = value; return this; }
public String getSearchListIds() { return searchListIds; }
public ValidIdRecord setSearchListIds(String value) { this.searchListIds = value; return this; }
public Boolean isPepError() { return pepError; }
public ValidIdRecord setPepError(Boolean value) { this.pepError = value; return this; }
public Boolean isReplaced() { return replaced; }
public ValidIdRecord setReplaced(Boolean value) { this.replaced = value; return this; }
public Integer getReplacementSearchId() { return replacementSearchId; }
public ValidIdRecord setReplacementSearchId(Integer value) { this.replacementSearchId = value; return this; }
public Boolean isHasError() { return hasError; }
public ValidIdRecord setHasError(Boolean value) { this.hasError = value; return this; }
public Boolean isHasCompletedRequest() { return hasCompletedRequest; }
public ValidIdRecord setHasCompletedRequest(Boolean value) { this.hasCompletedRequest = value; return this; }
public Boolean isHasCompletedSearch() { return hasCompletedSearch; }
public ValidIdRecord setHasCompletedSearch(Boolean value) { this.hasCompletedSearch = value; return this; }
public Boolean isHasExtendedOptions() { return hasExtendedOptions; }
public ValidIdRecord setHasExtendedOptions(Boolean value) { this.hasExtendedOptions = value; return this; }
public Integer getType() { return type; }
public ValidIdRecord setType(Integer value) { this.type = value; return this; }
public String getReference() { return reference; }
public ValidIdRecord setReference(String value) { this.reference = value; return this; }
public Boolean isPassportChipEnabled() { return passportChipEnabled; }
public ValidIdRecord setPassportChipEnabled(Boolean value) { this.passportChipEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isPassportEnabled() { return passportEnabled; }
public ValidIdRecord setPassportEnabled(Boolean value) { this.passportEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isDrivingEnabled() { return drivingEnabled; }
public ValidIdRecord setDrivingEnabled(Boolean value) { this.drivingEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isBirthEnabled() { return birthEnabled; }
public ValidIdRecord setBirthEnabled(Boolean value) { this.birthEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isSmartlinkEnabled() { return smartlinkEnabled; }
public ValidIdRecord setSmartlinkEnabled(Boolean value) { this.smartlinkEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isNiEnabled() { return niEnabled; }
public ValidIdRecord setNiEnabled(Boolean value) { this.niEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isNhsEnabled() { return nhsEnabled; }
public ValidIdRecord setNhsEnabled(Boolean value) { this.nhsEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isElectricityEnabled() { return electricityEnabled; }
public ValidIdRecord setElectricityEnabled(Boolean value) { this.electricityEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isBankEnabled() { return bankEnabled; }
public ValidIdRecord setBankEnabled(Boolean value) { this.bankEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isCreditActiveEnabled() { return creditActiveEnabled; }
public ValidIdRecord setCreditActiveEnabled(Boolean value) { this.creditActiveEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isCardNumberEnabled() { return cardNumberEnabled; }
public ValidIdRecord setCardNumberEnabled(Boolean value) { this.cardNumberEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isTravelVisaEnabled() { return travelVisaEnabled; }
public ValidIdRecord setTravelVisaEnabled(Boolean value) { this.travelVisaEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isIdCardEnabled() { return idCardEnabled; }
public ValidIdRecord setIdCardEnabled(Boolean value) { this.idCardEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isBankLiveEnabled() { return bankLiveEnabled; }
public ValidIdRecord setBankLiveEnabled(Boolean value) { this.bankLiveEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isCompanyDirectorEnabled() { return companyDirectorEnabled; }
public ValidIdRecord setCompanyDirectorEnabled(Boolean value) { this.companyDirectorEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isSearchActivityEnabled() { return searchActivityEnabled; }
public ValidIdRecord setSearchActivityEnabled(Boolean value) { this.searchActivityEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isPrsEnabled() { return prsEnabled; }
public ValidIdRecord setPrsEnabled(Boolean value) { this.prsEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isOnlineProfileEnabled() { return onlineProfileEnabled; }
public ValidIdRecord setOnlineProfileEnabled(Boolean value) { this.onlineProfileEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isPollNumberEnabled() { return pollNumberEnabled; }
public ValidIdRecord setPollNumberEnabled(Boolean value) { this.pollNumberEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isMarriageEnabled() { return marriageEnabled; }
public ValidIdRecord setMarriageEnabled(Boolean value) { this.marriageEnabled = value; return this; }
public Boolean isAgeEnabled() { return ageEnabled; }
public ValidIdRecord setAgeEnabled(Boolean value) { this.ageEnabled = value; return this; }
public ValidIdBasicRequest getBasicRequest() { return basicRequest; }
public ValidIdRecord setBasicRequest(ValidIdBasicRequest value) { this.basicRequest = value; return this; }
public ValidIdPassportRequest getPassportRequest() { return passportRequest; }
public ValidIdRecord setPassportRequest(ValidIdPassportRequest value) { this.passportRequest = value; return this; }
public ValidIdDrivingRequest getDrivingRequest() { return drivingRequest; }
public ValidIdRecord setDrivingRequest(ValidIdDrivingRequest value) { this.drivingRequest = value; return this; }
public ValidIdBirthRequest getBirthRequest() { return birthRequest; }
public ValidIdRecord setBirthRequest(ValidIdBirthRequest value) { this.birthRequest = value; return this; }
public ValidIdNIRequest getNiRequest() { return niRequest; }
public ValidIdRecord setNiRequest(ValidIdNIRequest value) { this.niRequest = value; return this; }
public ValidIdNHSRequest getNhsRequest() { return nhsRequest; }
public ValidIdRecord setNhsRequest(ValidIdNHSRequest value) { this.nhsRequest = value; return this; }
public ValidIdElectricityRequest getElectricityRequest() { return electricityRequest; }
public ValidIdRecord setElectricityRequest(ValidIdElectricityRequest value) { this.electricityRequest = value; return this; }
public ValidIdBankRequest getBankRequest() { return bankRequest; }
public ValidIdRecord setBankRequest(ValidIdBankRequest value) { this.bankRequest = value; return this; }
public ValidIdCardNumberRequest getCardNumberRequest() { return cardNumberRequest; }
public ValidIdRecord setCardNumberRequest(ValidIdCardNumberRequest value) { this.cardNumberRequest = value; return this; }
public ValidIdTravelVisaRequest getTravelVisaRequest() { return travelVisaRequest; }
public ValidIdRecord setTravelVisaRequest(ValidIdTravelVisaRequest value) { this.travelVisaRequest = value; return this; }
public ValidIdIdCardRequest getIdCardRequest() { return idCardRequest; }
public ValidIdRecord setIdCardRequest(ValidIdIdCardRequest value) { this.idCardRequest = value; return this; }
public ValidIdPollNumberRequest getPollNumberRequest() { return pollNumberRequest; }
public ValidIdRecord setPollNumberRequest(ValidIdPollNumberRequest value) { this.pollNumberRequest = value; return this; }
public ValidIdMarriageRequest getMarriageRequest() { return marriageRequest; }
public ValidIdRecord setMarriageRequest(ValidIdMarriageRequest value) { this.marriageRequest = value; return this; }
public ValidIdResult getResult() { return result; }
public ValidIdRecord setResult(ValidIdResult value) { this.result = value; return this; }
public SearchRecord getSanctionsResult() { return sanctionsResult; }
public ValidIdRecord setSanctionsResult(SearchRecord value) { this.sanctionsResult = value; return this; }
public PepSearchRecord getPepSearchRecord() { return pepSearchRecord; }
public ValidIdRecord setPepSearchRecord(PepSearchRecord value) { this.pepSearchRecord = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdResult
public ValidIdResultSummary summaryResult = null;
public ArrayList<ValidIdResultErrors> errors = null;
public ValidIdDrivingResult drivingResult = null;
public ValidIdDOBResult dobResult = null;
public ValidIdNHSResult nhsResult = null;
public ValidIdNIResult niResult = null;
public ValidIdPassportResult passportResult = null;
public ValidIdPassportChipResult passportChipResult = null;
public ValidIdBirthResult birthResult = null;
public ValidIdElectricityResult electricityResult = null;
public ValidIdBankResult bankResult = null;
public ValidIdCardNumberResult cardNumberResult = null;
public ValidIdCreditActiveResult creditActiveResult = null;
public ValidIdAddressResult addressResult = null;
public ValidIdSmartlinkResult smartlinkResult = null;
public ValidIdDeathscreenResult deathscreenResult = null;
public ValidIdPEPResult pepResult = null;
public ValidIdCCJResult ccjResult = null;
public ValidIdInsolvencyResult insolvencyResult = null;
public ValidIdTravelVisaResult travelVisaResult = null;
public ValidIdIdCardResult idCardResult = null;
public ValidIdBankLiveResult bankLiveResult = null;
public ValidIdCompanyDirectorResult companyDirectorResult = null;
public ValidIdSearchActivityResult searchActivityResult = null;
public ValidIdPRSResult prsResult = null;
public ValidIdPollNumberResult pollNumberResult = null;
public ValidIdOnlineProfileResult onlineProfileResult = null;
public ValidIdMarriageResult marriageResult = null;
public ValidIdAgeResult ageResult = null;
public ValidIdResultSummary getSummaryResult() { return summaryResult; }
public ValidIdResult setSummaryResult(ValidIdResultSummary value) { this.summaryResult = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<ValidIdResultErrors> getErrors() { return errors; }
public ValidIdResult setErrors(ArrayList<ValidIdResultErrors> value) { this.errors = value; return this; }
public ValidIdDrivingResult getDrivingResult() { return drivingResult; }
public ValidIdResult setDrivingResult(ValidIdDrivingResult value) { this.drivingResult = value; return this; }
public ValidIdDOBResult getDobResult() { return dobResult; }
public ValidIdResult setDobResult(ValidIdDOBResult value) { this.dobResult = value; return this; }
public ValidIdNHSResult getNhsResult() { return nhsResult; }
public ValidIdResult setNhsResult(ValidIdNHSResult value) { this.nhsResult = value; return this; }
public ValidIdNIResult getNiResult() { return niResult; }
public ValidIdResult setNiResult(ValidIdNIResult value) { this.niResult = value; return this; }
public ValidIdPassportResult getPassportResult() { return passportResult; }
public ValidIdResult setPassportResult(ValidIdPassportResult value) { this.passportResult = value; return this; }
public ValidIdPassportChipResult getPassportChipResult() { return passportChipResult; }
public ValidIdResult setPassportChipResult(ValidIdPassportChipResult value) { this.passportChipResult = value; return this; }
public ValidIdBirthResult getBirthResult() { return birthResult; }
public ValidIdResult setBirthResult(ValidIdBirthResult value) { this.birthResult = value; return this; }
public ValidIdElectricityResult getElectricityResult() { return electricityResult; }
public ValidIdResult setElectricityResult(ValidIdElectricityResult value) { this.electricityResult = value; return this; }
public ValidIdBankResult getBankResult() { return bankResult; }
public ValidIdResult setBankResult(ValidIdBankResult value) { this.bankResult = value; return this; }
public ValidIdCardNumberResult getCardNumberResult() { return cardNumberResult; }
public ValidIdResult setCardNumberResult(ValidIdCardNumberResult value) { this.cardNumberResult = value; return this; }
public ValidIdCreditActiveResult getCreditActiveResult() { return creditActiveResult; }
public ValidIdResult setCreditActiveResult(ValidIdCreditActiveResult value) { this.creditActiveResult = value; return this; }
public ValidIdAddressResult getAddressResult() { return addressResult; }
public ValidIdResult setAddressResult(ValidIdAddressResult value) { this.addressResult = value; return this; }
public ValidIdSmartlinkResult getSmartlinkResult() { return smartlinkResult; }
public ValidIdResult setSmartlinkResult(ValidIdSmartlinkResult value) { this.smartlinkResult = value; return this; }
public ValidIdDeathscreenResult getDeathscreenResult() { return deathscreenResult; }
public ValidIdResult setDeathscreenResult(ValidIdDeathscreenResult value) { this.deathscreenResult = value; return this; }
public ValidIdPEPResult getPepResult() { return pepResult; }
public ValidIdResult setPepResult(ValidIdPEPResult value) { this.pepResult = value; return this; }
public ValidIdCCJResult getCcjResult() { return ccjResult; }
public ValidIdResult setCcjResult(ValidIdCCJResult value) { this.ccjResult = value; return this; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyResult getInsolvencyResult() { return insolvencyResult; }
public ValidIdResult setInsolvencyResult(ValidIdInsolvencyResult value) { this.insolvencyResult = value; return this; }
public ValidIdTravelVisaResult getTravelVisaResult() { return travelVisaResult; }
public ValidIdResult setTravelVisaResult(ValidIdTravelVisaResult value) { this.travelVisaResult = value; return this; }
public ValidIdIdCardResult getIdCardResult() { return idCardResult; }
public ValidIdResult setIdCardResult(ValidIdIdCardResult value) { this.idCardResult = value; return this; }
public ValidIdBankLiveResult getBankLiveResult() { return bankLiveResult; }
public ValidIdResult setBankLiveResult(ValidIdBankLiveResult value) { this.bankLiveResult = value; return this; }
public ValidIdCompanyDirectorResult getCompanyDirectorResult() { return companyDirectorResult; }
public ValidIdResult setCompanyDirectorResult(ValidIdCompanyDirectorResult value) { this.companyDirectorResult = value; return this; }
public ValidIdSearchActivityResult getSearchActivityResult() { return searchActivityResult; }
public ValidIdResult setSearchActivityResult(ValidIdSearchActivityResult value) { this.searchActivityResult = value; return this; }
public ValidIdPRSResult getPrsResult() { return prsResult; }
public ValidIdResult setPrsResult(ValidIdPRSResult value) { this.prsResult = value; return this; }
public ValidIdPollNumberResult getPollNumberResult() { return pollNumberResult; }
public ValidIdResult setPollNumberResult(ValidIdPollNumberResult value) { this.pollNumberResult = value; return this; }
public ValidIdOnlineProfileResult getOnlineProfileResult() { return onlineProfileResult; }
public ValidIdResult setOnlineProfileResult(ValidIdOnlineProfileResult value) { this.onlineProfileResult = value; return this; }
public ValidIdMarriageResult getMarriageResult() { return marriageResult; }
public ValidIdResult setMarriageResult(ValidIdMarriageResult value) { this.marriageResult = value; return this; }
public ValidIdAgeResult getAgeResult() { return ageResult; }
public ValidIdResult setAgeResult(ValidIdAgeResult value) { this.ageResult = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdResultSummary
public Boolean summaryStatus = null;
public Long summaryId = null;
public String summaryReference = null;
public Integer summarySmartscore = null;
public String summaryResultText = null;
public String noticeOfCorrection = null;
public Boolean isSummaryStatus() { return summaryStatus; }
public ValidIdResultSummary setSummaryStatus(Boolean value) { this.summaryStatus = value; return this; }
public Long getSummaryId() { return summaryId; }
public ValidIdResultSummary setSummaryId(Long value) { this.summaryId = value; return this; }
public String getSummaryReference() { return summaryReference; }
public ValidIdResultSummary setSummaryReference(String value) { this.summaryReference = value; return this; }
public Integer getSummarySmartscore() { return summarySmartscore; }
public ValidIdResultSummary setSummarySmartscore(Integer value) { this.summarySmartscore = value; return this; }
public String getSummaryResultText() { return summaryResultText; }
public ValidIdResultSummary setSummaryResultText(String value) { this.summaryResultText = value; return this; }
public String getNoticeOfCorrection() { return noticeOfCorrection; }
public ValidIdResultSummary setNoticeOfCorrection(String value) { this.noticeOfCorrection = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdResultErrors
public String service = null;
public String details = null;
public String getService() { return service; }
public ValidIdResultErrors setService(String value) { this.service = value; return this; }
public String getDetails() { return details; }
public ValidIdResultErrors setDetails(String value) { this.details = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdDrivingResult
public Boolean drivingLicenseResultFlag = null;
public Boolean drivingLicenseMailSortFlag = null;
public Boolean drivingLicenseMiddleNameWarning = null;
public String drivingLicenceErrors = null;
public Boolean isDrivingLicenseResultFlag() { return drivingLicenseResultFlag; }
public ValidIdDrivingResult setDrivingLicenseResultFlag(Boolean value) { this.drivingLicenseResultFlag = value; return this; }
public Boolean isDrivingLicenseMailSortFlag() { return drivingLicenseMailSortFlag; }
public ValidIdDrivingResult setDrivingLicenseMailSortFlag(Boolean value) { this.drivingLicenseMailSortFlag = value; return this; }
public Boolean isDrivingLicenseMiddleNameWarning() { return drivingLicenseMiddleNameWarning; }
public ValidIdDrivingResult setDrivingLicenseMiddleNameWarning(Boolean value) { this.drivingLicenseMiddleNameWarning = value; return this; }
public String getDrivingLicenceErrors() { return drivingLicenceErrors; }
public ValidIdDrivingResult setDrivingLicenceErrors(String value) { this.drivingLicenceErrors = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdDOBResult
public Integer dobTracesmartCount = null;
public Integer dobExperianCount = null;
public Integer dobEquifaxCount = null;
public Boolean dobEquifaxSpecified = null;
public String dobEquifaxStatus = null;
public Integer getDobTracesmartCount() { return dobTracesmartCount; }
public ValidIdDOBResult setDobTracesmartCount(Integer value) { this.dobTracesmartCount = value; return this; }
public Integer getDobExperianCount() { return dobExperianCount; }
public ValidIdDOBResult setDobExperianCount(Integer value) { this.dobExperianCount = value; return this; }
public Integer getDobEquifaxCount() { return dobEquifaxCount; }
public ValidIdDOBResult setDobEquifaxCount(Integer value) { this.dobEquifaxCount = value; return this; }
public Boolean isDobEquifaxSpecified() { return dobEquifaxSpecified; }
public ValidIdDOBResult setDobEquifaxSpecified(Boolean value) { this.dobEquifaxSpecified = value; return this; }
public String getDobEquifaxStatus() { return dobEquifaxStatus; }
public ValidIdDOBResult setDobEquifaxStatus(String value) { this.dobEquifaxStatus = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdNHSResult
public Boolean nhsResultFlag = null;
public Boolean isNhsResultFlag() { return nhsResultFlag; }
public ValidIdNHSResult setNhsResultFlag(Boolean value) { this.nhsResultFlag = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdNIResult
public Boolean niResultFlag = null;
public Boolean isNiResultFlag() { return niResultFlag; }
public ValidIdNIResult setNiResultFlag(Boolean value) { this.niResultFlag = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdPassportResult
public Boolean passportMRZLine1Valid = null;
public Boolean passportMRZValid = null;
public Boolean passportDOBValid = null;
public Boolean passportGenderValid = null;
public Boolean passportExpiryValid = null;
public Boolean passportNameValid = null;
public String passportErrors = null;
public Boolean isPassportMRZLine1Valid() { return passportMRZLine1Valid; }
public ValidIdPassportResult setPassportMRZLine1Valid(Boolean value) { this.passportMRZLine1Valid = value; return this; }
public Boolean isPassportMRZValid() { return passportMRZValid; }
public ValidIdPassportResult setPassportMRZValid(Boolean value) { this.passportMRZValid = value; return this; }
public Boolean isPassportDOBValid() { return passportDOBValid; }
public ValidIdPassportResult setPassportDOBValid(Boolean value) { this.passportDOBValid = value; return this; }
public Boolean isPassportGenderValid() { return passportGenderValid; }
public ValidIdPassportResult setPassportGenderValid(Boolean value) { this.passportGenderValid = value; return this; }
public Boolean isPassportExpiryValid() { return passportExpiryValid; }
public ValidIdPassportResult setPassportExpiryValid(Boolean value) { this.passportExpiryValid = value; return this; }
public Boolean isPassportNameValid() { return passportNameValid; }
public ValidIdPassportResult setPassportNameValid(Boolean value) { this.passportNameValid = value; return this; }
public String getPassportErrors() { return passportErrors; }
public ValidIdPassportResult setPassportErrors(String value) { this.passportErrors = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdPassportChipResult
public Boolean contentAuthenticity = null;
public Boolean chipAuthenticity = null;
public Boolean chipDataToImageDataMatch = null;
public Boolean chipPhotoToImagePhotoMatch = null;
public String passportChipMrzLineOne = null;
public String passportChipMrzLineTwo = null;
public Boolean passportChipMrzLineOneValid = null;
public Boolean passportChipMrzLineTwoValid = null;
public Boolean passportChipDOBValid = null;
public Boolean passportChipGenderValid = null;
public Boolean passportChipExpiryValid = null;
public Boolean passportChipNameValid = null;
public String passportChipErrors = null;
public Boolean isContentAuthenticity() { return contentAuthenticity; }
public ValidIdPassportChipResult setContentAuthenticity(Boolean value) { this.contentAuthenticity = value; return this; }
public Boolean isChipAuthenticity() { return chipAuthenticity; }
public ValidIdPassportChipResult setChipAuthenticity(Boolean value) { this.chipAuthenticity = value; return this; }
public Boolean isChipDataToImageDataMatch() { return chipDataToImageDataMatch; }
public ValidIdPassportChipResult setChipDataToImageDataMatch(Boolean value) { this.chipDataToImageDataMatch = value; return this; }
public Boolean isChipPhotoToImagePhotoMatch() { return chipPhotoToImagePhotoMatch; }
public ValidIdPassportChipResult setChipPhotoToImagePhotoMatch(Boolean value) { this.chipPhotoToImagePhotoMatch = value; return this; }
public String getPassportChipMrzLineOne() { return passportChipMrzLineOne; }
public ValidIdPassportChipResult setPassportChipMrzLineOne(String value) { this.passportChipMrzLineOne = value; return this; }
public String getPassportChipMrzLineTwo() { return passportChipMrzLineTwo; }
public ValidIdPassportChipResult setPassportChipMrzLineTwo(String value) { this.passportChipMrzLineTwo = value; return this; }
public Boolean isPassportChipMrzLineOneValid() { return passportChipMrzLineOneValid; }
public ValidIdPassportChipResult setPassportChipMrzLineOneValid(Boolean value) { this.passportChipMrzLineOneValid = value; return this; }
public Boolean isPassportChipMrzLineTwoValid() { return passportChipMrzLineTwoValid; }
public ValidIdPassportChipResult setPassportChipMrzLineTwoValid(Boolean value) { this.passportChipMrzLineTwoValid = value; return this; }
public Boolean isPassportChipDOBValid() { return passportChipDOBValid; }
public ValidIdPassportChipResult setPassportChipDOBValid(Boolean value) { this.passportChipDOBValid = value; return this; }
public Boolean isPassportChipGenderValid() { return passportChipGenderValid; }
public ValidIdPassportChipResult setPassportChipGenderValid(Boolean value) { this.passportChipGenderValid = value; return this; }
public Boolean isPassportChipExpiryValid() { return passportChipExpiryValid; }
public ValidIdPassportChipResult setPassportChipExpiryValid(Boolean value) { this.passportChipExpiryValid = value; return this; }
public Boolean isPassportChipNameValid() { return passportChipNameValid; }
public ValidIdPassportChipResult setPassportChipNameValid(Boolean value) { this.passportChipNameValid = value; return this; }
public String getPassportChipErrors() { return passportChipErrors; }
public ValidIdPassportChipResult setPassportChipErrors(String value) { this.passportChipErrors = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdBirthResult
public String birthResultFlag = null;
public String birthName = null;
public String birthMaidenName = null;
public String birthRegDate = null;
public String birthRegDistrict = null;
public String getBirthResultFlag() { return birthResultFlag; }
public ValidIdBirthResult setBirthResultFlag(String value) { this.birthResultFlag = value; return this; }
public String getBirthName() { return birthName; }
public ValidIdBirthResult setBirthName(String value) { this.birthName = value; return this; }
public String getBirthMaidenName() { return birthMaidenName; }
public ValidIdBirthResult setBirthMaidenName(String value) { this.birthMaidenName = value; return this; }
public String getBirthRegDate() { return birthRegDate; }
public ValidIdBirthResult setBirthRegDate(String value) { this.birthRegDate = value; return this; }
public String getBirthRegDistrict() { return birthRegDistrict; }
public ValidIdBirthResult setBirthRegDistrict(String value) { this.birthRegDistrict = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdElectricityResult
public Boolean mpanResultFlag = null;
public Boolean isMpanResultFlag() { return mpanResultFlag; }
public ValidIdElectricityResult setMpanResultFlag(Boolean value) { this.mpanResultFlag = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdBankResult
public Boolean bankAccountResultFlag = null;
public String bankAccountName = null;
public String bankAccountBranch = null;
public Boolean bankAccountBACSPayments = null;
public Boolean bankAccountCHAPSPayments = null;
public Boolean bankAccountFasterPayments = null;
public Boolean bankAccountDirectDebits = null;
public Boolean isBankAccountResultFlag() { return bankAccountResultFlag; }
public ValidIdBankResult setBankAccountResultFlag(Boolean value) { this.bankAccountResultFlag = value; return this; }
public String getBankAccountName() { return bankAccountName; }
public ValidIdBankResult setBankAccountName(String value) { this.bankAccountName = value; return this; }
public String getBankAccountBranch() { return bankAccountBranch; }
public ValidIdBankResult setBankAccountBranch(String value) { this.bankAccountBranch = value; return this; }
public Boolean isBankAccountBACSPayments() { return bankAccountBACSPayments; }
public ValidIdBankResult setBankAccountBACSPayments(Boolean value) { this.bankAccountBACSPayments = value; return this; }
public Boolean isBankAccountCHAPSPayments() { return bankAccountCHAPSPayments; }
public ValidIdBankResult setBankAccountCHAPSPayments(Boolean value) { this.bankAccountCHAPSPayments = value; return this; }
public Boolean isBankAccountFasterPayments() { return bankAccountFasterPayments; }
public ValidIdBankResult setBankAccountFasterPayments(Boolean value) { this.bankAccountFasterPayments = value; return this; }
public Boolean isBankAccountDirectDebits() { return bankAccountDirectDebits; }
public ValidIdBankResult setBankAccountDirectDebits(Boolean value) { this.bankAccountDirectDebits = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdCardNumberResult
public Boolean cardNumberValid = null;
public Boolean cardTypeValid = null;
public String cardTypeConfirm = null;
public String cardFraudCheck = null;
public Boolean isCardNumberValid() { return cardNumberValid; }
public ValidIdCardNumberResult setCardNumberValid(Boolean value) { this.cardNumberValid = value; return this; }
public Boolean isCardTypeValid() { return cardTypeValid; }
public ValidIdCardNumberResult setCardTypeValid(Boolean value) { this.cardTypeValid = value; return this; }
public String getCardTypeConfirm() { return cardTypeConfirm; }
public ValidIdCardNumberResult setCardTypeConfirm(String value) { this.cardTypeConfirm = value; return this; }
public String getCardFraudCheck() { return cardFraudCheck; }
public ValidIdCardNumberResult setCardFraudCheck(String value) { this.cardFraudCheck = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdCreditActiveResult
public Integer creditActiveAccounts = null;
public Integer creditActiveLenders = null;
public String creditActiveCIFAS = null;
public Integer creditActiveCAIS = null;
public Integer creditActiveInsightAccounts = null;
public Integer getCreditActiveAccounts() { return creditActiveAccounts; }
public ValidIdCreditActiveResult setCreditActiveAccounts(Integer value) { this.creditActiveAccounts = value; return this; }
public Integer getCreditActiveLenders() { return creditActiveLenders; }
public ValidIdCreditActiveResult setCreditActiveLenders(Integer value) { this.creditActiveLenders = value; return this; }
public String getCreditActiveCIFAS() { return creditActiveCIFAS; }
public ValidIdCreditActiveResult setCreditActiveCIFAS(String value) { this.creditActiveCIFAS = value; return this; }
public Integer getCreditActiveCAIS() { return creditActiveCAIS; }
public ValidIdCreditActiveResult setCreditActiveCAIS(Integer value) { this.creditActiveCAIS = value; return this; }
public Integer getCreditActiveInsightAccounts() { return creditActiveInsightAccounts; }
public ValidIdCreditActiveResult setCreditActiveInsightAccounts(Integer value) { this.creditActiveInsightAccounts = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdAddressResult
public String addressForename = null;
public String addressMiddleName = null;
public String addressSurname = null;
public String addressMatchType = null;
public Date addressDOB = null;
public Boolean addressForenameAppended = null;
public Boolean addressMiddleNameAppended = null;
public Boolean addressDOBAppended = null;
public String addressTelephone = null;
public String addressTelephoneName = null;
public String addressGoneAway = null;
public String addressSource = null;
public Boolean credivaFullER = null;
public Boolean addressValidated = null;
public Date addressRecency = null;
public ArrayList<ValidIdAddressOccupantsResult> occupants = null;
public ArrayList<ValidIdAddressSaleResult> sales = null;
public String getAddressForename() { return addressForename; }
public ValidIdAddressResult setAddressForename(String value) { this.addressForename = value; return this; }
public String getAddressMiddleName() { return addressMiddleName; }
public ValidIdAddressResult setAddressMiddleName(String value) { this.addressMiddleName = value; return this; }
public String getAddressSurname() { return addressSurname; }
public ValidIdAddressResult setAddressSurname(String value) { this.addressSurname = value; return this; }
public String getAddressMatchType() { return addressMatchType; }
public ValidIdAddressResult setAddressMatchType(String value) { this.addressMatchType = value; return this; }
public Date getAddressDOB() { return addressDOB; }
public ValidIdAddressResult setAddressDOB(Date value) { this.addressDOB = value; return this; }
public Boolean isAddressForenameAppended() { return addressForenameAppended; }
public ValidIdAddressResult setAddressForenameAppended(Boolean value) { this.addressForenameAppended = value; return this; }
public Boolean isAddressMiddleNameAppended() { return addressMiddleNameAppended; }
public ValidIdAddressResult setAddressMiddleNameAppended(Boolean value) { this.addressMiddleNameAppended = value; return this; }
public Boolean isAddressDOBAppended() { return addressDOBAppended; }
public ValidIdAddressResult setAddressDOBAppended(Boolean value) { this.addressDOBAppended = value; return this; }
public String getAddressTelephone() { return addressTelephone; }
public ValidIdAddressResult setAddressTelephone(String value) { this.addressTelephone = value; return this; }
public String getAddressTelephoneName() { return addressTelephoneName; }
public ValidIdAddressResult setAddressTelephoneName(String value) { this.addressTelephoneName = value; return this; }
public String getAddressGoneAway() { return addressGoneAway; }
public ValidIdAddressResult setAddressGoneAway(String value) { this.addressGoneAway = value; return this; }
public String getAddressSource() { return addressSource; }
public ValidIdAddressResult setAddressSource(String value) { this.addressSource = value; return this; }
public Boolean isCredivaFullER() { return credivaFullER; }
public ValidIdAddressResult setCredivaFullER(Boolean value) { this.credivaFullER = value; return this; }
public Boolean isAddressValidated() { return addressValidated; }
public ValidIdAddressResult setAddressValidated(Boolean value) { this.addressValidated = value; return this; }
public Date getAddressRecency() { return addressRecency; }
public ValidIdAddressResult setAddressRecency(Date value) { this.addressRecency = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<ValidIdAddressOccupantsResult> getOccupants() { return occupants; }
public ValidIdAddressResult setOccupants(ArrayList<ValidIdAddressOccupantsResult> value) { this.occupants = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<ValidIdAddressSaleResult> getSales() { return sales; }
public ValidIdAddressResult setSales(ArrayList<ValidIdAddressSaleResult> value) { this.sales = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdAddressOccupantsResult
public String name = null;
public Date dob = null;
public Date recency = null;
public String residency = null;
public String telephone = null;
public String telephoneName = null;
public String source = null;
public String residencyScore = null;
public String getName() { return name; }
public ValidIdAddressOccupantsResult setName(String value) { = value; return this; }
public Date getDob() { return dob; }
public ValidIdAddressOccupantsResult setDob(Date value) { this.dob = value; return this; }
public Date getRecency() { return recency; }
public ValidIdAddressOccupantsResult setRecency(Date value) { this.recency = value; return this; }
public String getResidency() { return residency; }
public ValidIdAddressOccupantsResult setResidency(String value) { this.residency = value; return this; }
public String getTelephone() { return telephone; }
public ValidIdAddressOccupantsResult setTelephone(String value) { this.telephone = value; return this; }
public String getTelephoneName() { return telephoneName; }
public ValidIdAddressOccupantsResult setTelephoneName(String value) { this.telephoneName = value; return this; }
public String getSource() { return source; }
public ValidIdAddressOccupantsResult setSource(String value) { this.source = value; return this; }
public String getResidencyScore() { return residencyScore; }
public ValidIdAddressOccupantsResult setResidencyScore(String value) { this.residencyScore = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdAddressSaleResult
public String type = null;
public String tenure = null;
public Date date = null;
public String price = null;
public String silhouette = null;
public String getType() { return type; }
public ValidIdAddressSaleResult setType(String value) { this.type = value; return this; }
public String getTenure() { return tenure; }
public ValidIdAddressSaleResult setTenure(String value) { this.tenure = value; return this; }
public Date getDate() { return date; }
public ValidIdAddressSaleResult setDate(Date value) { = value; return this; }
public String getPrice() { return price; }
public ValidIdAddressSaleResult setPrice(String value) { this.price = value; return this; }
public String getSilhouette() { return silhouette; }
public ValidIdAddressSaleResult setSilhouette(String value) { this.silhouette = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdSmartlinkResult
public ArrayList<ValidIdSmartlinkAddressResult> addresses = null;
public ArrayList<ValidIdSmartlinkAddressResult> getAddresses() { return addresses; }
public ValidIdSmartlinkResult setAddresses(ArrayList<ValidIdSmartlinkAddressResult> value) { this.addresses = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdSmartlinkAddressResult
public String title = null;
public String forename = null;
public String middleName = null;
public String surname = null;
public Date dob = null;
public String address1 = null;
public String address2 = null;
public String address3 = null;
public String address4 = null;
public String address5 = null;
public String postCode = null;
public String deliveryPointSuffix = null;
public Date recency = null;
public String residency = null;
public String linkSource = null;
public String getTitle() { return title; }
public ValidIdSmartlinkAddressResult setTitle(String value) { this.title = value; return this; }
public String getForename() { return forename; }
public ValidIdSmartlinkAddressResult setForename(String value) { this.forename = value; return this; }
public String getMiddleName() { return middleName; }
public ValidIdSmartlinkAddressResult setMiddleName(String value) { this.middleName = value; return this; }
public String getSurname() { return surname; }
public ValidIdSmartlinkAddressResult setSurname(String value) { this.surname = value; return this; }
public Date getDob() { return dob; }
public ValidIdSmartlinkAddressResult setDob(Date value) { this.dob = value; return this; }
public String getAddress1() { return address1; }
public ValidIdSmartlinkAddressResult setAddress1(String value) { this.address1 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress2() { return address2; }
public ValidIdSmartlinkAddressResult setAddress2(String value) { this.address2 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress3() { return address3; }
public ValidIdSmartlinkAddressResult setAddress3(String value) { this.address3 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress4() { return address4; }
public ValidIdSmartlinkAddressResult setAddress4(String value) { this.address4 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress5() { return address5; }
public ValidIdSmartlinkAddressResult setAddress5(String value) { this.address5 = value; return this; }
public String getPostCode() { return postCode; }
public ValidIdSmartlinkAddressResult setPostCode(String value) { this.postCode = value; return this; }
public String getDeliveryPointSuffix() { return deliveryPointSuffix; }
public ValidIdSmartlinkAddressResult setDeliveryPointSuffix(String value) { this.deliveryPointSuffix = value; return this; }
public Date getRecency() { return recency; }
public ValidIdSmartlinkAddressResult setRecency(Date value) { this.recency = value; return this; }
public String getResidency() { return residency; }
public ValidIdSmartlinkAddressResult setResidency(String value) { this.residency = value; return this; }
public String getLinkSource() { return linkSource; }
public ValidIdSmartlinkAddressResult setLinkSource(String value) { this.linkSource = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdDeathscreenResult
public ArrayList<ValidIdDeathscreenDeathResult> deaths = null;
public ArrayList<ValidIdDeathscreenDeathResult> getDeaths() { return deaths; }
public ValidIdDeathscreenResult setDeaths(ArrayList<ValidIdDeathscreenDeathResult> value) { this.deaths = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdDeathscreenDeathResult
public String forename = null;
public String secondName = null;
public String thirdName = null;
public String fourthName = null;
public String surname = null;
public String district = null;
public Date dob = null;
public Date dod = null;
public String dor = null;
public String volumeNo = null;
public String distNo = null;
public String pageNo = null;
public String regNo = null;
public String entryNo = null;
public String placeOfBirth = null;
public String maidenName = null;
public String groReference = null;
public String address1 = null;
public String address2 = null;
public String address3 = null;
public String address4 = null;
public String address5 = null;
public String postCode = null;
public String matchType = null;
public String getForename() { return forename; }
public ValidIdDeathscreenDeathResult setForename(String value) { this.forename = value; return this; }
public String getSecondName() { return secondName; }
public ValidIdDeathscreenDeathResult setSecondName(String value) { this.secondName = value; return this; }
public String getThirdName() { return thirdName; }
public ValidIdDeathscreenDeathResult setThirdName(String value) { this.thirdName = value; return this; }
public String getFourthName() { return fourthName; }
public ValidIdDeathscreenDeathResult setFourthName(String value) { this.fourthName = value; return this; }
public String getSurname() { return surname; }
public ValidIdDeathscreenDeathResult setSurname(String value) { this.surname = value; return this; }
public String getDistrict() { return district; }
public ValidIdDeathscreenDeathResult setDistrict(String value) { this.district = value; return this; }
public Date getDob() { return dob; }
public ValidIdDeathscreenDeathResult setDob(Date value) { this.dob = value; return this; }
public Date getDod() { return dod; }
public ValidIdDeathscreenDeathResult setDod(Date value) { this.dod = value; return this; }
public String getDor() { return dor; }
public ValidIdDeathscreenDeathResult setDor(String value) { this.dor = value; return this; }
public String getVolumeNo() { return volumeNo; }
public ValidIdDeathscreenDeathResult setVolumeNo(String value) { this.volumeNo = value; return this; }
public String getDistNo() { return distNo; }
public ValidIdDeathscreenDeathResult setDistNo(String value) { this.distNo = value; return this; }
public String getPageNo() { return pageNo; }
public ValidIdDeathscreenDeathResult setPageNo(String value) { this.pageNo = value; return this; }
public String getRegNo() { return regNo; }
public ValidIdDeathscreenDeathResult setRegNo(String value) { this.regNo = value; return this; }
public String getEntryNo() { return entryNo; }
public ValidIdDeathscreenDeathResult setEntryNo(String value) { this.entryNo = value; return this; }
public String getPlaceOfBirth() { return placeOfBirth; }
public ValidIdDeathscreenDeathResult setPlaceOfBirth(String value) { this.placeOfBirth = value; return this; }
public String getMaidenName() { return maidenName; }
public ValidIdDeathscreenDeathResult setMaidenName(String value) { this.maidenName = value; return this; }
public String getGroReference() { return groReference; }
public ValidIdDeathscreenDeathResult setGroReference(String value) { this.groReference = value; return this; }
public String getAddress1() { return address1; }
public ValidIdDeathscreenDeathResult setAddress1(String value) { this.address1 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress2() { return address2; }
public ValidIdDeathscreenDeathResult setAddress2(String value) { this.address2 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress3() { return address3; }
public ValidIdDeathscreenDeathResult setAddress3(String value) { this.address3 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress4() { return address4; }
public ValidIdDeathscreenDeathResult setAddress4(String value) { this.address4 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress5() { return address5; }
public ValidIdDeathscreenDeathResult setAddress5(String value) { this.address5 = value; return this; }
public String getPostCode() { return postCode; }
public ValidIdDeathscreenDeathResult setPostCode(String value) { this.postCode = value; return this; }
public String getMatchType() { return matchType; }
public ValidIdDeathscreenDeathResult setMatchType(String value) { this.matchType = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdPEPResult
public ArrayList<ValidIdPEPPersonResult> pepPersons = null;
public ArrayList<ValidIdPEPPersonResult> getPepPersons() { return pepPersons; }
public ValidIdPEPResult setPepPersons(ArrayList<ValidIdPEPPersonResult> value) { this.pepPersons = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdPEPPersonResult
public String name = null;
public Date recency = null;
public String dob = null;
public ArrayList<ValidIdPEPPersonAddressResult> addresses = null;
public ArrayList<ValidIdPEPPersonAliasResult> aliases = null;
public ArrayList<ValidIdPEPPersonPositionResult> positions = null;
public String getName() { return name; }
public ValidIdPEPPersonResult setName(String value) { = value; return this; }
public Date getRecency() { return recency; }
public ValidIdPEPPersonResult setRecency(Date value) { this.recency = value; return this; }
public String getDob() { return dob; }
public ValidIdPEPPersonResult setDob(String value) { this.dob = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<ValidIdPEPPersonAddressResult> getAddresses() { return addresses; }
public ValidIdPEPPersonResult setAddresses(ArrayList<ValidIdPEPPersonAddressResult> value) { this.addresses = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<ValidIdPEPPersonAliasResult> getAliases() { return aliases; }
public ValidIdPEPPersonResult setAliases(ArrayList<ValidIdPEPPersonAliasResult> value) { this.aliases = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<ValidIdPEPPersonPositionResult> getPositions() { return positions; }
public ValidIdPEPPersonResult setPositions(ArrayList<ValidIdPEPPersonPositionResult> value) { this.positions = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdPEPPersonAddressResult
public String address1 = null;
public String address2 = null;
public String address3 = null;
public String address4 = null;
public String address5 = null;
public String postCode = null;
public String deliveryPointSuffix = null;
public String getAddress1() { return address1; }
public ValidIdPEPPersonAddressResult setAddress1(String value) { this.address1 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress2() { return address2; }
public ValidIdPEPPersonAddressResult setAddress2(String value) { this.address2 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress3() { return address3; }
public ValidIdPEPPersonAddressResult setAddress3(String value) { this.address3 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress4() { return address4; }
public ValidIdPEPPersonAddressResult setAddress4(String value) { this.address4 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress5() { return address5; }
public ValidIdPEPPersonAddressResult setAddress5(String value) { this.address5 = value; return this; }
public String getPostCode() { return postCode; }
public ValidIdPEPPersonAddressResult setPostCode(String value) { this.postCode = value; return this; }
public String getDeliveryPointSuffix() { return deliveryPointSuffix; }
public ValidIdPEPPersonAddressResult setDeliveryPointSuffix(String value) { this.deliveryPointSuffix = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdPEPPersonAliasResult
public String name = null;
public String getName() { return name; }
public ValidIdPEPPersonAliasResult setName(String value) { = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdPEPPersonPositionResult
public String position = null;
public String getPosition() { return position; }
public ValidIdPEPPersonPositionResult setPosition(String value) { this.position = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdCCJResult
public ArrayList<ValidIdCCJCaseResult> ccJs = null;
public ArrayList<ValidIdCCJCaseResult> getCcJs() { return ccJs; }
public ValidIdCCJResult setCcJs(ArrayList<ValidIdCCJCaseResult> value) { this.ccJs = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdCCJCaseResult
public String name = null;
public Date dob = null;
public String address1 = null;
public String address2 = null;
public String address3 = null;
public String address4 = null;
public String address5 = null;
public String postCode = null;
public Date judgementDate = null;
public String judgementType = null;
public String amount = null;
public String caseNo = null;
public String courtName = null;
public Date dateEnd = null;
public String getName() { return name; }
public ValidIdCCJCaseResult setName(String value) { = value; return this; }
public Date getDob() { return dob; }
public ValidIdCCJCaseResult setDob(Date value) { this.dob = value; return this; }
public String getAddress1() { return address1; }
public ValidIdCCJCaseResult setAddress1(String value) { this.address1 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress2() { return address2; }
public ValidIdCCJCaseResult setAddress2(String value) { this.address2 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress3() { return address3; }
public ValidIdCCJCaseResult setAddress3(String value) { this.address3 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress4() { return address4; }
public ValidIdCCJCaseResult setAddress4(String value) { this.address4 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress5() { return address5; }
public ValidIdCCJCaseResult setAddress5(String value) { this.address5 = value; return this; }
public String getPostCode() { return postCode; }
public ValidIdCCJCaseResult setPostCode(String value) { this.postCode = value; return this; }
public Date getJudgementDate() { return judgementDate; }
public ValidIdCCJCaseResult setJudgementDate(Date value) { this.judgementDate = value; return this; }
public String getJudgementType() { return judgementType; }
public ValidIdCCJCaseResult setJudgementType(String value) { this.judgementType = value; return this; }
public String getAmount() { return amount; }
public ValidIdCCJCaseResult setAmount(String value) { this.amount = value; return this; }
public String getCaseNo() { return caseNo; }
public ValidIdCCJCaseResult setCaseNo(String value) { this.caseNo = value; return this; }
public String getCourtName() { return courtName; }
public ValidIdCCJCaseResult setCourtName(String value) { this.courtName = value; return this; }
public Date getDateEnd() { return dateEnd; }
public ValidIdCCJCaseResult setDateEnd(Date value) { this.dateEnd = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdInsolvencyResult
public ArrayList<ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult> insolvencies = null;
public ArrayList<ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult> getInsolvencies() { return insolvencies; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyResult setInsolvencies(ArrayList<ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult> value) { this.insolvencies = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult
public String type = null;
public String caseType = null;
public String name = null;
public String caseNo = null;
public String address1 = null;
public String address2 = null;
public String address3 = null;
public String address4 = null;
public String address5 = null;
public String postCode = null;
public String deliveryPointSuffix = null;
public Date dob = null;
public String court = null;
public Date startDate = null;
public String status = null;
public String occupation = null;
public String aliases = null;
public String description = null;
public String serviceOffice = null;
public String telephoneNumber = null;
public String tradingNames = null;
public String debtTotal = null;
public String assetTotal = null;
public String previousAddress1 = null;
public String previousAddress2 = null;
public String previousAddress3 = null;
public String previousAddress4 = null;
public String previousAddress5 = null;
public String previousPostCode = null;
public String previousDeliveryPointSuffix = null;
public Date presentationDate = null;
public String getType() { return type; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult setType(String value) { this.type = value; return this; }
public String getCaseType() { return caseType; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult setCaseType(String value) { this.caseType = value; return this; }
public String getName() { return name; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult setName(String value) { = value; return this; }
public String getCaseNo() { return caseNo; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult setCaseNo(String value) { this.caseNo = value; return this; }
public String getAddress1() { return address1; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult setAddress1(String value) { this.address1 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress2() { return address2; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult setAddress2(String value) { this.address2 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress3() { return address3; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult setAddress3(String value) { this.address3 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress4() { return address4; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult setAddress4(String value) { this.address4 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress5() { return address5; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult setAddress5(String value) { this.address5 = value; return this; }
public String getPostCode() { return postCode; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult setPostCode(String value) { this.postCode = value; return this; }
public String getDeliveryPointSuffix() { return deliveryPointSuffix; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult setDeliveryPointSuffix(String value) { this.deliveryPointSuffix = value; return this; }
public Date getDob() { return dob; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult setDob(Date value) { this.dob = value; return this; }
public String getCourt() { return court; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult setCourt(String value) { this.court = value; return this; }
public Date getStartDate() { return startDate; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult setStartDate(Date value) { this.startDate = value; return this; }
public String getStatus() { return status; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult setStatus(String value) { this.status = value; return this; }
public String getOccupation() { return occupation; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult setOccupation(String value) { this.occupation = value; return this; }
public String getAliases() { return aliases; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult setAliases(String value) { this.aliases = value; return this; }
public String getDescription() { return description; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult setDescription(String value) { this.description = value; return this; }
public String getServiceOffice() { return serviceOffice; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult setServiceOffice(String value) { this.serviceOffice = value; return this; }
public String getTelephoneNumber() { return telephoneNumber; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult setTelephoneNumber(String value) { this.telephoneNumber = value; return this; }
public String getTradingNames() { return tradingNames; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult setTradingNames(String value) { this.tradingNames = value; return this; }
public String getDebtTotal() { return debtTotal; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult setDebtTotal(String value) { this.debtTotal = value; return this; }
public String getAssetTotal() { return assetTotal; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult setAssetTotal(String value) { this.assetTotal = value; return this; }
public String getPreviousAddress1() { return previousAddress1; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult setPreviousAddress1(String value) { this.previousAddress1 = value; return this; }
public String getPreviousAddress2() { return previousAddress2; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult setPreviousAddress2(String value) { this.previousAddress2 = value; return this; }
public String getPreviousAddress3() { return previousAddress3; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult setPreviousAddress3(String value) { this.previousAddress3 = value; return this; }
public String getPreviousAddress4() { return previousAddress4; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult setPreviousAddress4(String value) { this.previousAddress4 = value; return this; }
public String getPreviousAddress5() { return previousAddress5; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult setPreviousAddress5(String value) { this.previousAddress5 = value; return this; }
public String getPreviousPostCode() { return previousPostCode; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult setPreviousPostCode(String value) { this.previousPostCode = value; return this; }
public String getPreviousDeliveryPointSuffix() { return previousDeliveryPointSuffix; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult setPreviousDeliveryPointSuffix(String value) { this.previousDeliveryPointSuffix = value; return this; }
public Date getPresentationDate() { return presentationDate; }
public ValidIdInsolvencyCaseResult setPresentationDate(Date value) { this.presentationDate = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdTravelVisaResult
public Boolean visaMRZValid = null;
public Boolean visaInDate = null;
public Boolean visaUKResidenceValid = null;
public Boolean isVisaMRZValid() { return visaMRZValid; }
public ValidIdTravelVisaResult setVisaMRZValid(Boolean value) { this.visaMRZValid = value; return this; }
public Boolean isVisaInDate() { return visaInDate; }
public ValidIdTravelVisaResult setVisaInDate(Boolean value) { this.visaInDate = value; return this; }
public Boolean isVisaUKResidenceValid() { return visaUKResidenceValid; }
public ValidIdTravelVisaResult setVisaUKResidenceValid(Boolean value) { this.visaUKResidenceValid = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdIdCardResult
public Boolean idCardMRZValid = null;
public Boolean idCardDOBValid = null;
public Boolean idCardGenderValid = null;
public Boolean idCardExpiryValid = null;
public Boolean idCardCountryValid = null;
public Boolean isIdCardMRZValid() { return idCardMRZValid; }
public ValidIdIdCardResult setIdCardMRZValid(Boolean value) { this.idCardMRZValid = value; return this; }
public Boolean isIdCardDOBValid() { return idCardDOBValid; }
public ValidIdIdCardResult setIdCardDOBValid(Boolean value) { this.idCardDOBValid = value; return this; }
public Boolean isIdCardGenderValid() { return idCardGenderValid; }
public ValidIdIdCardResult setIdCardGenderValid(Boolean value) { this.idCardGenderValid = value; return this; }
public Boolean isIdCardExpiryValid() { return idCardExpiryValid; }
public ValidIdIdCardResult setIdCardExpiryValid(Boolean value) { this.idCardExpiryValid = value; return this; }
public Boolean isIdCardCountryValid() { return idCardCountryValid; }
public ValidIdIdCardResult setIdCardCountryValid(Boolean value) { this.idCardCountryValid = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdBankLiveResult
public String bankLiveSortcode = null;
public String bankLiveNumber = null;
public String bankLiveName = null;
public String bankLiveAddress = null;
public String bankLiveStatus = null;
public String bankLiveError = null;
public String getBankLiveSortcode() { return bankLiveSortcode; }
public ValidIdBankLiveResult setBankLiveSortcode(String value) { this.bankLiveSortcode = value; return this; }
public String getBankLiveNumber() { return bankLiveNumber; }
public ValidIdBankLiveResult setBankLiveNumber(String value) { this.bankLiveNumber = value; return this; }
public String getBankLiveName() { return bankLiveName; }
public ValidIdBankLiveResult setBankLiveName(String value) { this.bankLiveName = value; return this; }
public String getBankLiveAddress() { return bankLiveAddress; }
public ValidIdBankLiveResult setBankLiveAddress(String value) { this.bankLiveAddress = value; return this; }
public String getBankLiveStatus() { return bankLiveStatus; }
public ValidIdBankLiveResult setBankLiveStatus(String value) { this.bankLiveStatus = value; return this; }
public String getBankLiveError() { return bankLiveError; }
public ValidIdBankLiveResult setBankLiveError(String value) { this.bankLiveError = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdCompanyDirectorResult
public ArrayList<ValidIdCompanyDirectorshipResult> directorships = null;
public ArrayList<ValidIdCompanyDirectorshipResult> getDirectorships() { return directorships; }
public ValidIdCompanyDirectorResult setDirectorships(ArrayList<ValidIdCompanyDirectorshipResult> value) { this.directorships = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdCompanyDirectorshipResult
public String matchType = null;
public Date dateAppointed = null;
public String companyRegNo = null;
public String companyName = null;
public String registeredOffice = null;
public ArrayList<ValidIdCompanyAppointmentResult> appointments = null;
public String getMatchType() { return matchType; }
public ValidIdCompanyDirectorshipResult setMatchType(String value) { this.matchType = value; return this; }
public Date getDateAppointed() { return dateAppointed; }
public ValidIdCompanyDirectorshipResult setDateAppointed(Date value) { this.dateAppointed = value; return this; }
public String getCompanyRegNo() { return companyRegNo; }
public ValidIdCompanyDirectorshipResult setCompanyRegNo(String value) { this.companyRegNo = value; return this; }
public String getCompanyName() { return companyName; }
public ValidIdCompanyDirectorshipResult setCompanyName(String value) { this.companyName = value; return this; }
public String getRegisteredOffice() { return registeredOffice; }
public ValidIdCompanyDirectorshipResult setRegisteredOffice(String value) { this.registeredOffice = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<ValidIdCompanyAppointmentResult> getAppointments() { return appointments; }
public ValidIdCompanyDirectorshipResult setAppointments(ArrayList<ValidIdCompanyAppointmentResult> value) { this.appointments = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdCompanyAppointmentResult
public String title = null;
public String name = null;
public String address = null;
public Date dob = null;
public String occupation = null;
public String nationality = null;
public Date appointmentDate = null;
public String appointmentType = null;
public String getTitle() { return title; }
public ValidIdCompanyAppointmentResult setTitle(String value) { this.title = value; return this; }
public String getName() { return name; }
public ValidIdCompanyAppointmentResult setName(String value) { = value; return this; }
public String getAddress() { return address; }
public ValidIdCompanyAppointmentResult setAddress(String value) { this.address = value; return this; }
public Date getDob() { return dob; }
public ValidIdCompanyAppointmentResult setDob(Date value) { this.dob = value; return this; }
public String getOccupation() { return occupation; }
public ValidIdCompanyAppointmentResult setOccupation(String value) { this.occupation = value; return this; }
public String getNationality() { return nationality; }
public ValidIdCompanyAppointmentResult setNationality(String value) { this.nationality = value; return this; }
public Date getAppointmentDate() { return appointmentDate; }
public ValidIdCompanyAppointmentResult setAppointmentDate(Date value) { this.appointmentDate = value; return this; }
public String getAppointmentType() { return appointmentType; }
public ValidIdCompanyAppointmentResult setAppointmentType(String value) { this.appointmentType = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdSearchActivityResult
public ArrayList<ValidIdSearchActivityItemResult> activity = null;
public ArrayList<ValidIdSearchActivityItemResult> getActivity() { return activity; }
public ValidIdSearchActivityResult setActivity(ArrayList<ValidIdSearchActivityItemResult> value) { this.activity = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdSearchActivityItemResult
public String profileType = null;
public Integer oneMonth = null;
public Integer threeMonth = null;
public Integer sixMonth = null;
public ArrayList<ValidIdSearchActivityHistoryResult> history = null;
public String getProfileType() { return profileType; }
public ValidIdSearchActivityItemResult setProfileType(String value) { this.profileType = value; return this; }
public Integer getOneMonth() { return oneMonth; }
public ValidIdSearchActivityItemResult setOneMonth(Integer value) { this.oneMonth = value; return this; }
public Integer getThreeMonth() { return threeMonth; }
public ValidIdSearchActivityItemResult setThreeMonth(Integer value) { this.threeMonth = value; return this; }
public Integer getSixMonth() { return sixMonth; }
public ValidIdSearchActivityItemResult setSixMonth(Integer value) { this.sixMonth = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<ValidIdSearchActivityHistoryResult> getHistory() { return history; }
public ValidIdSearchActivityItemResult setHistory(ArrayList<ValidIdSearchActivityHistoryResult> value) { this.history = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdSearchActivityHistoryResult
public String businesActivity = null;
public Date date = null;
public String getBusinesActivity() { return businesActivity; }
public ValidIdSearchActivityHistoryResult setBusinesActivity(String value) { this.businesActivity = value; return this; }
public Date getDate() { return date; }
public ValidIdSearchActivityHistoryResult setDate(Date value) { = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdPRSResult
public String matchResult = null;
public String propertyOwnership = null;
public String titleNumber = null;
public String getMatchResult() { return matchResult; }
public ValidIdPRSResult setMatchResult(String value) { this.matchResult = value; return this; }
public String getPropertyOwnership() { return propertyOwnership; }
public ValidIdPRSResult setPropertyOwnership(String value) { this.propertyOwnership = value; return this; }
public String getTitleNumber() { return titleNumber; }
public ValidIdPRSResult setTitleNumber(String value) { this.titleNumber = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdPollNumberResult
public Integer pollNumberMatch = null;
public Integer getPollNumberMatch() { return pollNumberMatch; }
public ValidIdPollNumberResult setPollNumberMatch(Integer value) { this.pollNumberMatch = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdOnlineProfileResult
public Integer onlineProfileStatus = null;
public String onlineTwitterUsername = null;
public Integer onlineTwitterActivityMonth1 = null;
public Integer onlineTwitterActivityMonth2 = null;
public Integer onlineTwitterActivityMonth3 = null;
public Integer onlineTwitterActivityMonth4 = null;
public Integer onlineTwitterActivityMonth5 = null;
public Integer onlineTwitterActivityMonth6 = null;
public Integer onlineTwitterActivityMonth7 = null;
public Integer onlineTwitterActivityMonth8 = null;
public Integer onlineTwitterActivityMonth9 = null;
public Integer onlineTwitterActivityMonth10 = null;
public Integer onlineTwitterActivityMonth11 = null;
public Integer onlineTwitterActivityMonth12 = null;
public Integer getOnlineProfileStatus() { return onlineProfileStatus; }
public ValidIdOnlineProfileResult setOnlineProfileStatus(Integer value) { this.onlineProfileStatus = value; return this; }
public String getOnlineTwitterUsername() { return onlineTwitterUsername; }
public ValidIdOnlineProfileResult setOnlineTwitterUsername(String value) { this.onlineTwitterUsername = value; return this; }
public Integer getOnlineTwitterActivityMonth1() { return onlineTwitterActivityMonth1; }
public ValidIdOnlineProfileResult setOnlineTwitterActivityMonth1(Integer value) { this.onlineTwitterActivityMonth1 = value; return this; }
public Integer getOnlineTwitterActivityMonth2() { return onlineTwitterActivityMonth2; }
public ValidIdOnlineProfileResult setOnlineTwitterActivityMonth2(Integer value) { this.onlineTwitterActivityMonth2 = value; return this; }
public Integer getOnlineTwitterActivityMonth3() { return onlineTwitterActivityMonth3; }
public ValidIdOnlineProfileResult setOnlineTwitterActivityMonth3(Integer value) { this.onlineTwitterActivityMonth3 = value; return this; }
public Integer getOnlineTwitterActivityMonth4() { return onlineTwitterActivityMonth4; }
public ValidIdOnlineProfileResult setOnlineTwitterActivityMonth4(Integer value) { this.onlineTwitterActivityMonth4 = value; return this; }
public Integer getOnlineTwitterActivityMonth5() { return onlineTwitterActivityMonth5; }
public ValidIdOnlineProfileResult setOnlineTwitterActivityMonth5(Integer value) { this.onlineTwitterActivityMonth5 = value; return this; }
public Integer getOnlineTwitterActivityMonth6() { return onlineTwitterActivityMonth6; }
public ValidIdOnlineProfileResult setOnlineTwitterActivityMonth6(Integer value) { this.onlineTwitterActivityMonth6 = value; return this; }
public Integer getOnlineTwitterActivityMonth7() { return onlineTwitterActivityMonth7; }
public ValidIdOnlineProfileResult setOnlineTwitterActivityMonth7(Integer value) { this.onlineTwitterActivityMonth7 = value; return this; }
public Integer getOnlineTwitterActivityMonth8() { return onlineTwitterActivityMonth8; }
public ValidIdOnlineProfileResult setOnlineTwitterActivityMonth8(Integer value) { this.onlineTwitterActivityMonth8 = value; return this; }
public Integer getOnlineTwitterActivityMonth9() { return onlineTwitterActivityMonth9; }
public ValidIdOnlineProfileResult setOnlineTwitterActivityMonth9(Integer value) { this.onlineTwitterActivityMonth9 = value; return this; }
public Integer getOnlineTwitterActivityMonth10() { return onlineTwitterActivityMonth10; }
public ValidIdOnlineProfileResult setOnlineTwitterActivityMonth10(Integer value) { this.onlineTwitterActivityMonth10 = value; return this; }
public Integer getOnlineTwitterActivityMonth11() { return onlineTwitterActivityMonth11; }
public ValidIdOnlineProfileResult setOnlineTwitterActivityMonth11(Integer value) { this.onlineTwitterActivityMonth11 = value; return this; }
public Integer getOnlineTwitterActivityMonth12() { return onlineTwitterActivityMonth12; }
public ValidIdOnlineProfileResult setOnlineTwitterActivityMonth12(Integer value) { this.onlineTwitterActivityMonth12 = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdMarriageResult
public Integer marriageCertFlag = null;
public Integer marriageResultFlag = null;
public Integer getMarriageCertFlag() { return marriageCertFlag; }
public ValidIdMarriageResult setMarriageCertFlag(Integer value) { this.marriageCertFlag = value; return this; }
public Integer getMarriageResultFlag() { return marriageResultFlag; }
public ValidIdMarriageResult setMarriageResultFlag(Integer value) { this.marriageResultFlag = value; return this; }
public static class ValidIdAgeResult
public Boolean ageIsAboveLower = null;
public Boolean ageIsBelowUpper = null;
public Boolean isAgeIsAboveLower() { return ageIsAboveLower; }
public ValidIdAgeResult setAgeIsAboveLower(Boolean value) { this.ageIsAboveLower = value; return this; }
public Boolean isAgeIsBelowUpper() { return ageIsBelowUpper; }
public ValidIdAgeResult setAgeIsBelowUpper(Boolean value) { this.ageIsBelowUpper = value; return this; }
public static class SearchRecord
public Long id = null;
public String searchType = null;
public Date dateSearched = null;
public Date dateUpdated = null;
public Date dateArchived = null;
public Boolean isArchived = null;
public Integer numOfResults = null;
public Boolean clientInResults = null;
public Boolean clientNotInResults = null;
public Boolean affectedByUpdate = null;
public SearchCriteria searchCriteria = null;
public SearchResults searchResults = null;
public ArrayList<SearchSource> searchSources = null;
public ArrayOfSearchResultEntries listSearchResults = null;
public Long getId() { return id; }
public SearchRecord setId(Long value) { = value; return this; }
public String getSearchType() { return searchType; }
public SearchRecord setSearchType(String value) { this.searchType = value; return this; }
public Date getDateSearched() { return dateSearched; }
public SearchRecord setDateSearched(Date value) { this.dateSearched = value; return this; }
public Date getDateUpdated() { return dateUpdated; }
public SearchRecord setDateUpdated(Date value) { this.dateUpdated = value; return this; }
public Date getDateArchived() { return dateArchived; }
public SearchRecord setDateArchived(Date value) { this.dateArchived = value; return this; }
public Boolean getIsArchived() { return isArchived; }
public SearchRecord setIsArchived(Boolean value) { this.isArchived = value; return this; }
public Integer getNumOfResults() { return numOfResults; }
public SearchRecord setNumOfResults(Integer value) { this.numOfResults = value; return this; }
public Boolean isClientInResults() { return clientInResults; }
public SearchRecord setClientInResults(Boolean value) { this.clientInResults = value; return this; }
public Boolean isClientNotInResults() { return clientNotInResults; }
public SearchRecord setClientNotInResults(Boolean value) { this.clientNotInResults = value; return this; }
public Boolean isAffectedByUpdate() { return affectedByUpdate; }
public SearchRecord setAffectedByUpdate(Boolean value) { this.affectedByUpdate = value; return this; }
public SearchCriteria getSearchCriteria() { return searchCriteria; }
public SearchRecord setSearchCriteria(SearchCriteria value) { this.searchCriteria = value; return this; }
public SearchResults getSearchResults() { return searchResults; }
public SearchRecord setSearchResults(SearchResults value) { this.searchResults = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<SearchSource> getSearchSources() { return searchSources; }
public SearchRecord setSearchSources(ArrayList<SearchSource> value) { this.searchSources = value; return this; }
public ArrayOfSearchResultEntries getListSearchResults() { return listSearchResults; }
public SearchRecord setListSearchResults(ArrayOfSearchResultEntries value) { this.listSearchResults = value; return this; }
public static class SearchCriteria
public String name = null;
public String address = null;
public String country = null;
public String dateOfBirth = null;
public String nationality = null;
public String reference = null;
public String getName() { return name; }
public SearchCriteria setName(String value) { = value; return this; }
public String getAddress() { return address; }
public SearchCriteria setAddress(String value) { this.address = value; return this; }
public String getCountry() { return country; }
public SearchCriteria setCountry(String value) { = value; return this; }
public String getDateOfBirth() { return dateOfBirth; }
public SearchCriteria setDateOfBirth(String value) { this.dateOfBirth = value; return this; }
public String getNationality() { return nationality; }
public SearchCriteria setNationality(String value) { this.nationality = value; return this; }
public String getReference() { return reference; }
public SearchCriteria setReference(String value) { this.reference = value; return this; }
public static class SearchResults
public ArrayList<SearchResultEu> euResults = null;
public ArrayList<SearchResultHmTreasury> hmtResults = null;
public ArrayList<SearchResultHmTreasury> hmtUkraineResults = null;
public ArrayList<SearchResultOfac> ofacResults = null;
public ArrayList<SearchResultOfac> ofacConsolidatedResults = null;
public ArrayList<SearchResultDfat> dfatResults = null;
public ArrayList<SearchResultOsfi> osfiResults = null;
public ArrayList<SearchResultCanadianJustice> canadianJusticeResults = null;
public ArrayList<SearchResultCanadianSema> canadianSemaResults = null;
public ArrayList<SearchResultEntry> swissSecoResults = null;
public ArrayList<SearchResultEu> getEuResults() { return euResults; }
public SearchResults setEuResults(ArrayList<SearchResultEu> value) { this.euResults = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<SearchResultHmTreasury> getHmtResults() { return hmtResults; }
public SearchResults setHmtResults(ArrayList<SearchResultHmTreasury> value) { this.hmtResults = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<SearchResultHmTreasury> getHmtUkraineResults() { return hmtUkraineResults; }
public SearchResults setHmtUkraineResults(ArrayList<SearchResultHmTreasury> value) { this.hmtUkraineResults = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<SearchResultOfac> getOfacResults() { return ofacResults; }
public SearchResults setOfacResults(ArrayList<SearchResultOfac> value) { this.ofacResults = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<SearchResultOfac> getOfacConsolidatedResults() { return ofacConsolidatedResults; }
public SearchResults setOfacConsolidatedResults(ArrayList<SearchResultOfac> value) { this.ofacConsolidatedResults = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<SearchResultDfat> getDfatResults() { return dfatResults; }
public SearchResults setDfatResults(ArrayList<SearchResultDfat> value) { this.dfatResults = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<SearchResultOsfi> getOsfiResults() { return osfiResults; }
public SearchResults setOsfiResults(ArrayList<SearchResultOsfi> value) { this.osfiResults = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<SearchResultCanadianJustice> getCanadianJusticeResults() { return canadianJusticeResults; }
public SearchResults setCanadianJusticeResults(ArrayList<SearchResultCanadianJustice> value) { this.canadianJusticeResults = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<SearchResultCanadianSema> getCanadianSemaResults() { return canadianSemaResults; }
public SearchResults setCanadianSemaResults(ArrayList<SearchResultCanadianSema> value) { this.canadianSemaResults = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<SearchResultEntry> getSwissSecoResults() { return swissSecoResults; }
public SearchResults setSwissSecoResults(ArrayList<SearchResultEntry> value) { this.swissSecoResults = value; return this; }
public static class SearchResultEu
public Integer resultStrength = null;
public BigDecimal resultSimilarity = null;
public Boolean resultResolved = null;
public String resultType = null;
public Date dateUpdated = null;
public ArrayList<SearchResultEuAddress> addresses = null;
public ArrayList<SearchResultEuBirth> births = null;
public ArrayList<SearchResultOfacEuCitizenship> citizenships = null;
public ArrayList<SearchResultEuName> names = null;
public ArrayList<SearchResultEuPassport> passports = null;
public Integer getResultStrength() { return resultStrength; }
public SearchResultEu setResultStrength(Integer value) { this.resultStrength = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getResultSimilarity() { return resultSimilarity; }
public SearchResultEu setResultSimilarity(BigDecimal value) { this.resultSimilarity = value; return this; }
public Boolean isResultResolved() { return resultResolved; }
public SearchResultEu setResultResolved(Boolean value) { this.resultResolved = value; return this; }
public String getResultType() { return resultType; }
public SearchResultEu setResultType(String value) { this.resultType = value; return this; }
public Date getDateUpdated() { return dateUpdated; }
public SearchResultEu setDateUpdated(Date value) { this.dateUpdated = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<SearchResultEuAddress> getAddresses() { return addresses; }
public SearchResultEu setAddresses(ArrayList<SearchResultEuAddress> value) { this.addresses = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<SearchResultEuBirth> getBirths() { return births; }
public SearchResultEu setBirths(ArrayList<SearchResultEuBirth> value) { this.births = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<SearchResultOfacEuCitizenship> getCitizenships() { return citizenships; }
public SearchResultEu setCitizenships(ArrayList<SearchResultOfacEuCitizenship> value) { this.citizenships = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<SearchResultEuName> getNames() { return names; }
public SearchResultEu setNames(ArrayList<SearchResultEuName> value) { this.names = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<SearchResultEuPassport> getPassports() { return passports; }
public SearchResultEu setPassports(ArrayList<SearchResultEuPassport> value) { this.passports = value; return this; }
public static class SearchResultEuAddress
public String street = null;
public String city = null;
public String country = null;
public String postCode = null;
public String other = null;
public String getStreet() { return street; }
public SearchResultEuAddress setStreet(String value) { this.street = value; return this; }
public String getCity() { return city; }
public SearchResultEuAddress setCity(String value) { = value; return this; }
public String getCountry() { return country; }
public SearchResultEuAddress setCountry(String value) { = value; return this; }
public String getPostCode() { return postCode; }
public SearchResultEuAddress setPostCode(String value) { this.postCode = value; return this; }
public String getOther() { return other; }
public SearchResultEuAddress setOther(String value) { this.other = value; return this; }
public static class SearchResultEuBirth
public String date = null;
public String place = null;
public String country = null;
public String getDate() { return date; }
public SearchResultEuBirth setDate(String value) { = value; return this; }
public String getPlace() { return place; }
public SearchResultEuBirth setPlace(String value) { = value; return this; }
public String getCountry() { return country; }
public SearchResultEuBirth setCountry(String value) { = value; return this; }
public static class SearchResultOfacEuCitizenship
public String country = null;
public String getCountry() { return country; }
public SearchResultOfacEuCitizenship setCountry(String value) { = value; return this; }
public static class SearchResultEuName
public String fullName = null;
public String gender = null;
public String getFullName() { return fullName; }
public SearchResultEuName setFullName(String value) { this.fullName = value; return this; }
public String getGender() { return gender; }
public SearchResultEuName setGender(String value) { this.gender = value; return this; }
public static class SearchResultEuPassport
public String number = null;
public String country = null;
public String getNumber() { return number; }
public SearchResultEuPassport setNumber(String value) { this.number = value; return this; }
public String getCountry() { return country; }
public SearchResultEuPassport setCountry(String value) { = value; return this; }
public static class SearchResultHmTreasury
public Integer resultStrength = null;
public BigDecimal resultSimilarity = null;
public Boolean resultResolved = null;
public String resultType = null;
public Date dateListed = null;
public Date dateUpdated = null;
public String name1 = null;
public String name2 = null;
public String name3 = null;
public String name4 = null;
public String name5 = null;
public String name6 = null;
public String dateOfBirth = null;
public String countryOfBirth = null;
public String nationality = null;
public String address1 = null;
public String address2 = null;
public String address3 = null;
public String address4 = null;
public String address5 = null;
public String address6 = null;
public String postCode = null;
public String country = null;
public Integer getResultStrength() { return resultStrength; }
public SearchResultHmTreasury setResultStrength(Integer value) { this.resultStrength = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getResultSimilarity() { return resultSimilarity; }
public SearchResultHmTreasury setResultSimilarity(BigDecimal value) { this.resultSimilarity = value; return this; }
public Boolean isResultResolved() { return resultResolved; }
public SearchResultHmTreasury setResultResolved(Boolean value) { this.resultResolved = value; return this; }
public String getResultType() { return resultType; }
public SearchResultHmTreasury setResultType(String value) { this.resultType = value; return this; }
public Date getDateListed() { return dateListed; }
public SearchResultHmTreasury setDateListed(Date value) { this.dateListed = value; return this; }
public Date getDateUpdated() { return dateUpdated; }
public SearchResultHmTreasury setDateUpdated(Date value) { this.dateUpdated = value; return this; }
public String getName1() { return name1; }
public SearchResultHmTreasury setName1(String value) { this.name1 = value; return this; }
public String getName2() { return name2; }
public SearchResultHmTreasury setName2(String value) { this.name2 = value; return this; }
public String getName3() { return name3; }
public SearchResultHmTreasury setName3(String value) { this.name3 = value; return this; }
public String getName4() { return name4; }
public SearchResultHmTreasury setName4(String value) { this.name4 = value; return this; }
public String getName5() { return name5; }
public SearchResultHmTreasury setName5(String value) { this.name5 = value; return this; }
public String getName6() { return name6; }
public SearchResultHmTreasury setName6(String value) { this.name6 = value; return this; }
public String getDateOfBirth() { return dateOfBirth; }
public SearchResultHmTreasury setDateOfBirth(String value) { this.dateOfBirth = value; return this; }
public String getCountryOfBirth() { return countryOfBirth; }
public SearchResultHmTreasury setCountryOfBirth(String value) { this.countryOfBirth = value; return this; }
public String getNationality() { return nationality; }
public SearchResultHmTreasury setNationality(String value) { this.nationality = value; return this; }
public String getAddress1() { return address1; }
public SearchResultHmTreasury setAddress1(String value) { this.address1 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress2() { return address2; }
public SearchResultHmTreasury setAddress2(String value) { this.address2 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress3() { return address3; }
public SearchResultHmTreasury setAddress3(String value) { this.address3 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress4() { return address4; }
public SearchResultHmTreasury setAddress4(String value) { this.address4 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress5() { return address5; }
public SearchResultHmTreasury setAddress5(String value) { this.address5 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress6() { return address6; }
public SearchResultHmTreasury setAddress6(String value) { this.address6 = value; return this; }
public String getPostCode() { return postCode; }
public SearchResultHmTreasury setPostCode(String value) { this.postCode = value; return this; }
public String getCountry() { return country; }
public SearchResultHmTreasury setCountry(String value) { = value; return this; }
public static class SearchResultOfac
public Integer resultStrength = null;
public BigDecimal resultSimilarity = null;
public Boolean resultResolved = null;
public String resultType = null;
public Date dateUpdated = null;
public String firstName = null;
public String lastName = null;
public ArrayList<SearchResultOfacAddress> addresses = null;
public ArrayList<SearchResultOfacAka> akas = null;
public ArrayList<SearchResultOfacDateOfBirth> dateOfBirths = null;
public ArrayList<SearchResultOfacNationality> nationalities = null;
public ArrayList<SearchResultOfacPlaceOfBirth> placeOfBirths = null;
public Integer getResultStrength() { return resultStrength; }
public SearchResultOfac setResultStrength(Integer value) { this.resultStrength = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getResultSimilarity() { return resultSimilarity; }
public SearchResultOfac setResultSimilarity(BigDecimal value) { this.resultSimilarity = value; return this; }
public Boolean isResultResolved() { return resultResolved; }
public SearchResultOfac setResultResolved(Boolean value) { this.resultResolved = value; return this; }
public String getResultType() { return resultType; }
public SearchResultOfac setResultType(String value) { this.resultType = value; return this; }
public Date getDateUpdated() { return dateUpdated; }
public SearchResultOfac setDateUpdated(Date value) { this.dateUpdated = value; return this; }
public String getFirstName() { return firstName; }
public SearchResultOfac setFirstName(String value) { this.firstName = value; return this; }
public String getLastName() { return lastName; }
public SearchResultOfac setLastName(String value) { this.lastName = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<SearchResultOfacAddress> getAddresses() { return addresses; }
public SearchResultOfac setAddresses(ArrayList<SearchResultOfacAddress> value) { this.addresses = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<SearchResultOfacAka> getAkas() { return akas; }
public SearchResultOfac setAkas(ArrayList<SearchResultOfacAka> value) { this.akas = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<SearchResultOfacDateOfBirth> getDateOfBirths() { return dateOfBirths; }
public SearchResultOfac setDateOfBirths(ArrayList<SearchResultOfacDateOfBirth> value) { this.dateOfBirths = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<SearchResultOfacNationality> getNationalities() { return nationalities; }
public SearchResultOfac setNationalities(ArrayList<SearchResultOfacNationality> value) { this.nationalities = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<SearchResultOfacPlaceOfBirth> getPlaceOfBirths() { return placeOfBirths; }
public SearchResultOfac setPlaceOfBirths(ArrayList<SearchResultOfacPlaceOfBirth> value) { this.placeOfBirths = value; return this; }
public static class SearchResultOfacAddress
public String address1 = null;
public String address2 = null;
public String address3 = null;
public String city = null;
public String state = null;
public String postCode = null;
public String country = null;
public String getAddress1() { return address1; }
public SearchResultOfacAddress setAddress1(String value) { this.address1 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress2() { return address2; }
public SearchResultOfacAddress setAddress2(String value) { this.address2 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress3() { return address3; }
public SearchResultOfacAddress setAddress3(String value) { this.address3 = value; return this; }
public String getCity() { return city; }
public SearchResultOfacAddress setCity(String value) { = value; return this; }
public String getState() { return state; }
public SearchResultOfacAddress setState(String value) { this.state = value; return this; }
public String getPostCode() { return postCode; }
public SearchResultOfacAddress setPostCode(String value) { this.postCode = value; return this; }
public String getCountry() { return country; }
public SearchResultOfacAddress setCountry(String value) { = value; return this; }
public static class SearchResultOfacAka
public String firstName = null;
public String lastName = null;
public String type = null;
public String strength = null;
public String getFirstName() { return firstName; }
public SearchResultOfacAka setFirstName(String value) { this.firstName = value; return this; }
public String getLastName() { return lastName; }
public SearchResultOfacAka setLastName(String value) { this.lastName = value; return this; }
public String getType() { return type; }
public SearchResultOfacAka setType(String value) { this.type = value; return this; }
public String getStrength() { return strength; }
public SearchResultOfacAka setStrength(String value) { this.strength = value; return this; }
public static class SearchResultOfacDateOfBirth
public String dateOfBirth = null;
public String getDateOfBirth() { return dateOfBirth; }
public SearchResultOfacDateOfBirth setDateOfBirth(String value) { this.dateOfBirth = value; return this; }
public static class SearchResultOfacNationality
public String country = null;
public String getCountry() { return country; }
public SearchResultOfacNationality setCountry(String value) { = value; return this; }
public static class SearchResultOfacPlaceOfBirth
public String placeOfBirth = null;
public String getPlaceOfBirth() { return placeOfBirth; }
public SearchResultOfacPlaceOfBirth setPlaceOfBirth(String value) { this.placeOfBirth = value; return this; }
public static class SearchResultDfat
public Integer resultStrength = null;
public BigDecimal resultSimilarity = null;
public Boolean resultResolved = null;
public String resultType = null;
public Date dateUpdated = null;
public String fullName = null;
public String address = null;
public String dateOfBirth = null;
public String placeOfBirth = null;
public String nationality = null;
public Integer getResultStrength() { return resultStrength; }
public SearchResultDfat setResultStrength(Integer value) { this.resultStrength = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getResultSimilarity() { return resultSimilarity; }
public SearchResultDfat setResultSimilarity(BigDecimal value) { this.resultSimilarity = value; return this; }
public Boolean isResultResolved() { return resultResolved; }
public SearchResultDfat setResultResolved(Boolean value) { this.resultResolved = value; return this; }
public String getResultType() { return resultType; }
public SearchResultDfat setResultType(String value) { this.resultType = value; return this; }
public Date getDateUpdated() { return dateUpdated; }
public SearchResultDfat setDateUpdated(Date value) { this.dateUpdated = value; return this; }
public String getFullName() { return fullName; }
public SearchResultDfat setFullName(String value) { this.fullName = value; return this; }
public String getAddress() { return address; }
public SearchResultDfat setAddress(String value) { this.address = value; return this; }
public String getDateOfBirth() { return dateOfBirth; }
public SearchResultDfat setDateOfBirth(String value) { this.dateOfBirth = value; return this; }
public String getPlaceOfBirth() { return placeOfBirth; }
public SearchResultDfat setPlaceOfBirth(String value) { this.placeOfBirth = value; return this; }
public String getNationality() { return nationality; }
public SearchResultDfat setNationality(String value) { this.nationality = value; return this; }
public static class SearchResultOsfi
public Integer resultStrength = null;
public BigDecimal resultSimilarity = null;
public Boolean resultResolved = null;
public String resultType = null;
public Date dateUpdated = null;
public String fullName = null;
public String address = null;
public String dateOfBirth = null;
public String placeOfBirth = null;
public String nationality = null;
public Integer getResultStrength() { return resultStrength; }
public SearchResultOsfi setResultStrength(Integer value) { this.resultStrength = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getResultSimilarity() { return resultSimilarity; }
public SearchResultOsfi setResultSimilarity(BigDecimal value) { this.resultSimilarity = value; return this; }
public Boolean isResultResolved() { return resultResolved; }
public SearchResultOsfi setResultResolved(Boolean value) { this.resultResolved = value; return this; }
public String getResultType() { return resultType; }
public SearchResultOsfi setResultType(String value) { this.resultType = value; return this; }
public Date getDateUpdated() { return dateUpdated; }
public SearchResultOsfi setDateUpdated(Date value) { this.dateUpdated = value; return this; }
public String getFullName() { return fullName; }
public SearchResultOsfi setFullName(String value) { this.fullName = value; return this; }
public String getAddress() { return address; }
public SearchResultOsfi setAddress(String value) { this.address = value; return this; }
public String getDateOfBirth() { return dateOfBirth; }
public SearchResultOsfi setDateOfBirth(String value) { this.dateOfBirth = value; return this; }
public String getPlaceOfBirth() { return placeOfBirth; }
public SearchResultOsfi setPlaceOfBirth(String value) { this.placeOfBirth = value; return this; }
public String getNationality() { return nationality; }
public SearchResultOsfi setNationality(String value) { this.nationality = value; return this; }
public static class SearchResultCanadianJustice
public Integer resultStrength = null;
public BigDecimal resultSimilarity = null;
public Boolean resultResolved = null;
public String resultType = null;
public Date dateUpdated = null;
public String name = null;
public String dateOfBirth = null;
public String country = null;
public Integer refId = null;
public Integer getResultStrength() { return resultStrength; }
public SearchResultCanadianJustice setResultStrength(Integer value) { this.resultStrength = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getResultSimilarity() { return resultSimilarity; }
public SearchResultCanadianJustice setResultSimilarity(BigDecimal value) { this.resultSimilarity = value; return this; }
public Boolean isResultResolved() { return resultResolved; }
public SearchResultCanadianJustice setResultResolved(Boolean value) { this.resultResolved = value; return this; }
public String getResultType() { return resultType; }
public SearchResultCanadianJustice setResultType(String value) { this.resultType = value; return this; }
public Date getDateUpdated() { return dateUpdated; }
public SearchResultCanadianJustice setDateUpdated(Date value) { this.dateUpdated = value; return this; }
public String getName() { return name; }
public SearchResultCanadianJustice setName(String value) { = value; return this; }
public String getDateOfBirth() { return dateOfBirth; }
public SearchResultCanadianJustice setDateOfBirth(String value) { this.dateOfBirth = value; return this; }
public String getCountry() { return country; }
public SearchResultCanadianJustice setCountry(String value) { = value; return this; }
public Integer getRefId() { return refId; }
public SearchResultCanadianJustice setRefId(Integer value) { this.refId = value; return this; }
public static class SearchResultCanadianSema
public Integer resultStrength = null;
public BigDecimal resultSimilarity = null;
public Boolean resultResolved = null;
public String resultType = null;
public Date dateUpdated = null;
public String name = null;
public String dateOfBirth = null;
public String country = null;
public String schedule = null;
public String item = null;
public Integer getResultStrength() { return resultStrength; }
public SearchResultCanadianSema setResultStrength(Integer value) { this.resultStrength = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getResultSimilarity() { return resultSimilarity; }
public SearchResultCanadianSema setResultSimilarity(BigDecimal value) { this.resultSimilarity = value; return this; }
public Boolean isResultResolved() { return resultResolved; }
public SearchResultCanadianSema setResultResolved(Boolean value) { this.resultResolved = value; return this; }
public String getResultType() { return resultType; }
public SearchResultCanadianSema setResultType(String value) { this.resultType = value; return this; }
public Date getDateUpdated() { return dateUpdated; }
public SearchResultCanadianSema setDateUpdated(Date value) { this.dateUpdated = value; return this; }
public String getName() { return name; }
public SearchResultCanadianSema setName(String value) { = value; return this; }
public String getDateOfBirth() { return dateOfBirth; }
public SearchResultCanadianSema setDateOfBirth(String value) { this.dateOfBirth = value; return this; }
public String getCountry() { return country; }
public SearchResultCanadianSema setCountry(String value) { = value; return this; }
public String getSchedule() { return schedule; }
public SearchResultCanadianSema setSchedule(String value) { this.schedule = value; return this; }
public String getItem() { return item; }
public SearchResultCanadianSema setItem(String value) { this.item = value; return this; }
public static class SearchResultEntry
public Long searchResultId = null;
public Integer resultStrength = null;
public BigDecimal resultSimilarity = null;
public Boolean resultResolved = null;
public String resultType = null;
public Date dateUpdated = null;
public String sanctionsListId = null;
public String sanctionsListName = null;
public ArrayList<SearchResultAddress> addresses = null;
public ArrayList<SearchResultDateOfBirth> datesOfBirth = null;
public ArrayList<SearchResultName> names = null;
public ArrayList<SearchResultNationality> nationalities = null;
public ArrayList<SearchResultPlaceOfBirth> placesOfBirth = null;
public ArrayList<SearchResultRemark> remarks = null;
public Long getSearchResultId() { return searchResultId; }
public SearchResultEntry setSearchResultId(Long value) { this.searchResultId = value; return this; }
public Integer getResultStrength() { return resultStrength; }
public SearchResultEntry setResultStrength(Integer value) { this.resultStrength = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getResultSimilarity() { return resultSimilarity; }
public SearchResultEntry setResultSimilarity(BigDecimal value) { this.resultSimilarity = value; return this; }
public Boolean isResultResolved() { return resultResolved; }
public SearchResultEntry setResultResolved(Boolean value) { this.resultResolved = value; return this; }
public String getResultType() { return resultType; }
public SearchResultEntry setResultType(String value) { this.resultType = value; return this; }
public Date getDateUpdated() { return dateUpdated; }
public SearchResultEntry setDateUpdated(Date value) { this.dateUpdated = value; return this; }
public String getSanctionsListId() { return sanctionsListId; }
public SearchResultEntry setSanctionsListId(String value) { this.sanctionsListId = value; return this; }
public String getSanctionsListName() { return sanctionsListName; }
public SearchResultEntry setSanctionsListName(String value) { this.sanctionsListName = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<SearchResultAddress> getAddresses() { return addresses; }
public SearchResultEntry setAddresses(ArrayList<SearchResultAddress> value) { this.addresses = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<SearchResultDateOfBirth> getDatesOfBirth() { return datesOfBirth; }
public SearchResultEntry setDatesOfBirth(ArrayList<SearchResultDateOfBirth> value) { this.datesOfBirth = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<SearchResultName> getNames() { return names; }
public SearchResultEntry setNames(ArrayList<SearchResultName> value) { this.names = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<SearchResultNationality> getNationalities() { return nationalities; }
public SearchResultEntry setNationalities(ArrayList<SearchResultNationality> value) { this.nationalities = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<SearchResultPlaceOfBirth> getPlacesOfBirth() { return placesOfBirth; }
public SearchResultEntry setPlacesOfBirth(ArrayList<SearchResultPlaceOfBirth> value) { this.placesOfBirth = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<SearchResultRemark> getRemarks() { return remarks; }
public SearchResultEntry setRemarks(ArrayList<SearchResultRemark> value) { this.remarks = value; return this; }
public static class SearchResultAddress
public Long searchResultAddressId = null;
public String type = null;
public String address1 = null;
public String address2 = null;
public String address3 = null;
public String city = null;
public String county = null;
public String postCode = null;
public String country = null;
public Long getSearchResultAddressId() { return searchResultAddressId; }
public SearchResultAddress setSearchResultAddressId(Long value) { this.searchResultAddressId = value; return this; }
public String getType() { return type; }
public SearchResultAddress setType(String value) { this.type = value; return this; }
public String getAddress1() { return address1; }
public SearchResultAddress setAddress1(String value) { this.address1 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress2() { return address2; }
public SearchResultAddress setAddress2(String value) { this.address2 = value; return this; }
public String getAddress3() { return address3; }
public SearchResultAddress setAddress3(String value) { this.address3 = value; return this; }
public String getCity() { return city; }
public SearchResultAddress setCity(String value) { = value; return this; }
public String getCounty() { return county; }
public SearchResultAddress setCounty(String value) { this.county = value; return this; }
public String getPostCode() { return postCode; }
public SearchResultAddress setPostCode(String value) { this.postCode = value; return this; }
public String getCountry() { return country; }
public SearchResultAddress setCountry(String value) { = value; return this; }
public static class SearchResultDateOfBirth
public Long searchResultDateOfBirthId = null;
public String dateOfBirth = null;
public Short year = null;
public Short month = null;
public Short day = null;
public String type = null;
public Long getSearchResultDateOfBirthId() { return searchResultDateOfBirthId; }
public SearchResultDateOfBirth setSearchResultDateOfBirthId(Long value) { this.searchResultDateOfBirthId = value; return this; }
public String getDateOfBirth() { return dateOfBirth; }
public SearchResultDateOfBirth setDateOfBirth(String value) { this.dateOfBirth = value; return this; }
public Short getYear() { return year; }
public SearchResultDateOfBirth setYear(Short value) { this.year = value; return this; }
public Short getMonth() { return month; }
public SearchResultDateOfBirth setMonth(Short value) { this.month = value; return this; }
public Short getDay() { return day; }
public SearchResultDateOfBirth setDay(Short value) { = value; return this; }
public String getType() { return type; }
public SearchResultDateOfBirth setType(String value) { this.type = value; return this; }
public static class SearchResultName
public Long searchResultNameId = null;
public String type = null;
public String title = null;
public String fullName = null;
public BigDecimal resultSimilarity = null;
public Long getSearchResultNameId() { return searchResultNameId; }
public SearchResultName setSearchResultNameId(Long value) { this.searchResultNameId = value; return this; }
public String getType() { return type; }
public SearchResultName setType(String value) { this.type = value; return this; }
public String getTitle() { return title; }
public SearchResultName setTitle(String value) { this.title = value; return this; }
public String getFullName() { return fullName; }
public SearchResultName setFullName(String value) { this.fullName = value; return this; }
public BigDecimal getResultSimilarity() { return resultSimilarity; }
public SearchResultName setResultSimilarity(BigDecimal value) { this.resultSimilarity = value; return this; }
public static class SearchResultNationality
public Long searchResultNationalityId = null;
public String nationality = null;
public Long getSearchResultNationalityId() { return searchResultNationalityId; }
public SearchResultNationality setSearchResultNationalityId(Long value) { this.searchResultNationalityId = value; return this; }
public String getNationality() { return nationality; }
public SearchResultNationality setNationality(String value) { this.nationality = value; return this; }
public static class SearchResultPlaceOfBirth
public Long searchResultPlaceOfBirthId = null;
public String placeOfBirth = null;
public String countryOfBirth = null;
public Long getSearchResultPlaceOfBirthId() { return searchResultPlaceOfBirthId; }
public SearchResultPlaceOfBirth setSearchResultPlaceOfBirthId(Long value) { this.searchResultPlaceOfBirthId = value; return this; }
public String getPlaceOfBirth() { return placeOfBirth; }
public SearchResultPlaceOfBirth setPlaceOfBirth(String value) { this.placeOfBirth = value; return this; }
public String getCountryOfBirth() { return countryOfBirth; }
public SearchResultPlaceOfBirth setCountryOfBirth(String value) { this.countryOfBirth = value; return this; }
public static class SearchResultRemark
public Long searchResultRemarkId = null;
public String name = null;
public String description = null;
public Long getSearchResultRemarkId() { return searchResultRemarkId; }
public SearchResultRemark setSearchResultRemarkId(Long value) { this.searchResultRemarkId = value; return this; }
public String getName() { return name; }
public SearchResultRemark setName(String value) { = value; return this; }
public String getDescription() { return description; }
public SearchResultRemark setDescription(String value) { this.description = value; return this; }
public static class SearchSource
public String listId = null;
public String listName = null;
public String listShortName = null;
public Boolean isAffectedByListUpdate = null;
public String getListId() { return listId; }
public SearchSource setListId(String value) { this.listId = value; return this; }
public String getListName() { return listName; }
public SearchSource setListName(String value) { this.listName = value; return this; }
public String getListShortName() { return listShortName; }
public SearchSource setListShortName(String value) { this.listShortName = value; return this; }
public Boolean getIsAffectedByListUpdate() { return isAffectedByListUpdate; }
public SearchSource setIsAffectedByListUpdate(Boolean value) { this.isAffectedByListUpdate = value; return this; }
public static class ArrayOfSearchResultEntries extends ArrayList<SearchResultEntry>
public static class PepSearchRecord
public Long id = null;
public String searchType = null;
public Date dateSearched = null;
public Date dateUpdated = null;
public Date dateRenewal = null;
public Date dateArchived = null;
public Boolean isArchived = null;
public Integer numOfResults = null;
public Boolean clientInResults = null;
public Boolean clientNotInResults = null;
public Boolean affectedByUpdate = null;
public Boolean isDayOneSearch = null;
public SearchCriteria searchCriteria = null;
public PepSearchResults searchResults = null;
public Long getId() { return id; }
public PepSearchRecord setId(Long value) { = value; return this; }
public String getSearchType() { return searchType; }
public PepSearchRecord setSearchType(String value) { this.searchType = value; return this; }
public Date getDateSearched() { return dateSearched; }
public PepSearchRecord setDateSearched(Date value) { this.dateSearched = value; return this; }
public Date getDateUpdated() { return dateUpdated; }
public PepSearchRecord setDateUpdated(Date value) { this.dateUpdated = value; return this; }
public Date getDateRenewal() { return dateRenewal; }
public PepSearchRecord setDateRenewal(Date value) { this.dateRenewal = value; return this; }
public Date getDateArchived() { return dateArchived; }
public PepSearchRecord setDateArchived(Date value) { this.dateArchived = value; return this; }
public Boolean getIsArchived() { return isArchived; }
public PepSearchRecord setIsArchived(Boolean value) { this.isArchived = value; return this; }
public Integer getNumOfResults() { return numOfResults; }
public PepSearchRecord setNumOfResults(Integer value) { this.numOfResults = value; return this; }
public Boolean isClientInResults() { return clientInResults; }
public PepSearchRecord setClientInResults(Boolean value) { this.clientInResults = value; return this; }
public Boolean isClientNotInResults() { return clientNotInResults; }
public PepSearchRecord setClientNotInResults(Boolean value) { this.clientNotInResults = value; return this; }
public Boolean isAffectedByUpdate() { return affectedByUpdate; }
public PepSearchRecord setAffectedByUpdate(Boolean value) { this.affectedByUpdate = value; return this; }
public Boolean getIsDayOneSearch() { return isDayOneSearch; }
public PepSearchRecord setIsDayOneSearch(Boolean value) { this.isDayOneSearch = value; return this; }
public SearchCriteria getSearchCriteria() { return searchCriteria; }
public PepSearchRecord setSearchCriteria(SearchCriteria value) { this.searchCriteria = value; return this; }
public PepSearchResults getSearchResults() { return searchResults; }
public PepSearchRecord setSearchResults(PepSearchResults value) { this.searchResults = value; return this; }
public static class PepSearchResults
public ArrayList<PepSearchResult> results = null;
public ArrayList<PepSearchResult> getResults() { return results; }
public PepSearchResults setResults(ArrayList<PepSearchResult> value) { this.results = value; return this; }
public static class PepSearchResult
public BigDecimal resultSimilarity = null;
public Boolean resultResolved = null;
public Date dateLastUpdated = null;
public Boolean resultIsClient = null;
public Long id = null;
public String type = null;
public String title = null;
public String forename = null;
public String middlename = null;
public String surname = null;
public Boolean softDelete = null;
public Date dateOfSoftDelete = null;
public Date dateOfCapture = null;
public Date dateOfBirth = null;
public Date dateOfDeath = null;
public Integer yearOfBirth = null;
public Integer yearOfDeath = null;
public String gender = null;
public String homeTelephone = null;
public String businessTelephone = null;
public String mobileTelephone = null;
public String fax = null;
public String email = null;
public String nationality = null;
public String source = null;
public String category = null;
public String picture = null;
public String alternateTitle = null;
public String businessName = null;
public String description = null;
public String telephone = null;
public String website = null;
public Integer pepTier = null;
public ArrayList<PepSearchResultAddress> addresses = null;
public ArrayList<PepSearchResultAlias> aliases = null;
public ArrayList<PepSearchResultArticle> articles = null;
public ArrayList<PepSearchResultIndividualAssociation> associations = null;
public ArrayList<PepSearchResultBusinessAssociation> businessAssociations = null;
public ArrayList<PepSearchResultNote> notes = null;
public ArrayList<PepSearchResultPoliticalPosition> politicalPositions = null;
public BigDecimal getResultSimilarity() { return resultSimilarity; }
public PepSearchResult setResultSimilarity(BigDecimal value) { this.resultSimilarity = value; return this; }
public Boolean isResultResolved() { return resultResolved; }
public PepSearchResult setResultResolved(Boolean value) { this.resultResolved = value; return this; }
public Date getDateLastUpdated() { return dateLastUpdated; }
public PepSearchResult setDateLastUpdated(Date value) { this.dateLastUpdated = value; return this; }
public Boolean isResultIsClient() { return resultIsClient; }
public PepSearchResult setResultIsClient(Boolean value) { this.resultIsClient = value; return this; }
public Long getId() { return id; }
public PepSearchResult setId(Long value) { = value; return this; }
public String getType() { return type; }
public PepSearchResult setType(String value) { this.type = value; return this; }
public String getTitle() { return title; }
public PepSearchResult setTitle(String value) { this.title = value; return this; }
public String getForename() { return forename; }
public PepSearchResult setForename(String value) { this.forename = value; return this; }
public String getMiddlename() { return middlename; }
public PepSearchResult setMiddlename(String value) { this.middlename = value; return this; }
public String getSurname() { return surname; }
public PepSearchResult setSurname(String value) { this.surname = value; return this; }
public Boolean isSoftDelete() { return softDelete; }
public PepSearchResult setSoftDelete(Boolean value) { this.softDelete = value; return this; }
public Date getDateOfSoftDelete() { return dateOfSoftDelete; }
public PepSearchResult setDateOfSoftDelete(Date value) { this.dateOfSoftDelete = value; return this; }
public Date getDateOfCapture() { return dateOfCapture; }
public PepSearchResult setDateOfCapture(Date value) { this.dateOfCapture = value; return this; }
public Date getDateOfBirth() { return dateOfBirth; }
public PepSearchResult setDateOfBirth(Date value) { this.dateOfBirth = value; return this; }
public Date getDateOfDeath() { return dateOfDeath; }
public PepSearchResult setDateOfDeath(Date value) { this.dateOfDeath = value; return this; }
public Integer getYearOfBirth() { return yearOfBirth; }
public PepSearchResult setYearOfBirth(Integer value) { this.yearOfBirth = value; return this; }
public Integer getYearOfDeath() { return yearOfDeath; }
public PepSearchResult setYearOfDeath(Integer value) { this.yearOfDeath = value; return this; }
public String getGender() { return gender; }
public PepSearchResult setGender(String value) { this.gender = value; return this; }
public String getHomeTelephone() { return homeTelephone; }
public PepSearchResult setHomeTelephone(String value) { this.homeTelephone = value; return this; }
public String getBusinessTelephone() { return businessTelephone; }
public PepSearchResult setBusinessTelephone(String value) { this.businessTelephone = value; return this; }
public String getMobileTelephone() { return mobileTelephone; }
public PepSearchResult setMobileTelephone(String value) { this.mobileTelephone = value; return this; }
public String getFax() { return fax; }
public PepSearchResult setFax(String value) { this.fax = value; return this; }
public String getEmail() { return email; }
public PepSearchResult setEmail(String value) { = value; return this; }
public String getNationality() { return nationality; }
public PepSearchResult setNationality(String value) { this.nationality = value; return this; }
public String getSource() { return source; }
public PepSearchResult setSource(String value) { this.source = value; return this; }
public String getCategory() { return category; }
public PepSearchResult setCategory(String value) { this.category = value; return this; }
public String getPicture() { return picture; }
public PepSearchResult setPicture(String value) { this.picture = value; return this; }
public String getAlternateTitle() { return alternateTitle; }
public PepSearchResult setAlternateTitle(String value) { this.alternateTitle = value; return this; }
public String getBusinessName() { return businessName; }
public PepSearchResult setBusinessName(String value) { this.businessName = value; return this; }
public String getDescription() { return description; }
public PepSearchResult setDescription(String value) { this.description = value; return this; }
public String getTelephone() { return telephone; }
public PepSearchResult setTelephone(String value) { this.telephone = value; return this; }
public String getWebsite() { return website; }
public PepSearchResult setWebsite(String value) { = value; return this; }
public Integer getPepTier() { return pepTier; }
public PepSearchResult setPepTier(Integer value) { this.pepTier = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<PepSearchResultAddress> getAddresses() { return addresses; }
public PepSearchResult setAddresses(ArrayList<PepSearchResultAddress> value) { this.addresses = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<PepSearchResultAlias> getAliases() { return aliases; }
public PepSearchResult setAliases(ArrayList<PepSearchResultAlias> value) { this.aliases = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<PepSearchResultArticle> getArticles() { return articles; }
public PepSearchResult setArticles(ArrayList<PepSearchResultArticle> value) { this.articles = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<PepSearchResultIndividualAssociation> getAssociations() { return associations; }
public PepSearchResult setAssociations(ArrayList<PepSearchResultIndividualAssociation> value) { this.associations = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<PepSearchResultBusinessAssociation> getBusinessAssociations() { return businessAssociations; }
public PepSearchResult setBusinessAssociations(ArrayList<PepSearchResultBusinessAssociation> value) { this.businessAssociations = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<PepSearchResultNote> getNotes() { return notes; }
public PepSearchResult setNotes(ArrayList<PepSearchResultNote> value) { this.notes = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<PepSearchResultPoliticalPosition> getPoliticalPositions() { return politicalPositions; }
public PepSearchResult setPoliticalPositions(ArrayList<PepSearchResultPoliticalPosition> value) { this.politicalPositions = value; return this; }
public static class PepSearchResultAddress
public String addressLine1 = null;
public String addressLine2 = null;
public String addressLine3 = null;
public String addressLine4 = null;
public String town = null;
public String county = null;
public String postCode = null;
public String country = null;
public String isoCountry = null;
public Boolean softDelete = null;
public Date dateLastUpdated = null;
public String getAddressLine1() { return addressLine1; }
public PepSearchResultAddress setAddressLine1(String value) { this.addressLine1 = value; return this; }
public String getAddressLine2() { return addressLine2; }
public PepSearchResultAddress setAddressLine2(String value) { this.addressLine2 = value; return this; }
public String getAddressLine3() { return addressLine3; }
public PepSearchResultAddress setAddressLine3(String value) { this.addressLine3 = value; return this; }
public String getAddressLine4() { return addressLine4; }
public PepSearchResultAddress setAddressLine4(String value) { this.addressLine4 = value; return this; }
public String getTown() { return town; }
public PepSearchResultAddress setTown(String value) { = value; return this; }
public String getCounty() { return county; }
public PepSearchResultAddress setCounty(String value) { this.county = value; return this; }
public String getPostCode() { return postCode; }
public PepSearchResultAddress setPostCode(String value) { this.postCode = value; return this; }
public String getCountry() { return country; }
public PepSearchResultAddress setCountry(String value) { = value; return this; }
public String getIsoCountry() { return isoCountry; }
public PepSearchResultAddress setIsoCountry(String value) { this.isoCountry = value; return this; }
public Boolean isSoftDelete() { return softDelete; }
public PepSearchResultAddress setSoftDelete(Boolean value) { this.softDelete = value; return this; }
public Date getDateLastUpdated() { return dateLastUpdated; }
public PepSearchResultAddress setDateLastUpdated(Date value) { this.dateLastUpdated = value; return this; }
public static class PepSearchResultAlias
public String forename = null;
public String middleName = null;
public String surname = null;
public Boolean softDelete = null;
public Date dateOfSoftDelete = null;
public Date dateLastUpdated = null;
public String title = null;
public String alternateTitle = null;
public String businessName = null;
public String getForename() { return forename; }
public PepSearchResultAlias setForename(String value) { this.forename = value; return this; }
public String getMiddleName() { return middleName; }
public PepSearchResultAlias setMiddleName(String value) { this.middleName = value; return this; }
public String getSurname() { return surname; }
public PepSearchResultAlias setSurname(String value) { this.surname = value; return this; }
public Boolean isSoftDelete() { return softDelete; }
public PepSearchResultAlias setSoftDelete(Boolean value) { this.softDelete = value; return this; }
public Date getDateOfSoftDelete() { return dateOfSoftDelete; }
public PepSearchResultAlias setDateOfSoftDelete(Date value) { this.dateOfSoftDelete = value; return this; }
public Date getDateLastUpdated() { return dateLastUpdated; }
public PepSearchResultAlias setDateLastUpdated(Date value) { this.dateLastUpdated = value; return this; }
public String getTitle() { return title; }
public PepSearchResultAlias setTitle(String value) { this.title = value; return this; }
public String getAlternateTitle() { return alternateTitle; }
public PepSearchResultAlias setAlternateTitle(String value) { this.alternateTitle = value; return this; }
public String getBusinessName() { return businessName; }
public PepSearchResultAlias setBusinessName(String value) { this.businessName = value; return this; }
public static class PepSearchResultArticle
public String url = null;
public String originalUrl = null;
public String source = null;
public Date dateOfCapture = null;
public Date dateLastUpdated = null;
public ArrayList<PepSearchResultArticleSnippet> snippets = null;
public String getUrl() { return url; }
public PepSearchResultArticle setUrl(String value) { this.url = value; return this; }
public String getOriginalUrl() { return originalUrl; }
public PepSearchResultArticle setOriginalUrl(String value) { this.originalUrl = value; return this; }
public String getSource() { return source; }
public PepSearchResultArticle setSource(String value) { this.source = value; return this; }
public Date getDateOfCapture() { return dateOfCapture; }
public PepSearchResultArticle setDateOfCapture(Date value) { this.dateOfCapture = value; return this; }
public Date getDateLastUpdated() { return dateLastUpdated; }
public PepSearchResultArticle setDateLastUpdated(Date value) { this.dateLastUpdated = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<PepSearchResultArticleSnippet> getSnippets() { return snippets; }
public PepSearchResultArticle setSnippets(ArrayList<PepSearchResultArticleSnippet> value) { this.snippets = value; return this; }
public static class PepSearchResultArticleSnippet
public String title = null;
public String text = null;
public String adverseTerms = null;
public String getTitle() { return title; }
public PepSearchResultArticleSnippet setTitle(String value) { this.title = value; return this; }
public String getText() { return text; }
public PepSearchResultArticleSnippet setText(String value) { this.text = value; return this; }
public String getAdverseTerms() { return adverseTerms; }
public PepSearchResultArticleSnippet setAdverseTerms(String value) { this.adverseTerms = value; return this; }
public static class PepSearchResultIndividualAssociation
public String linkDescription = null;
public Boolean softDelete = null;
public Date dateLastUpdated = null;
public String fullName = null;
public String getLinkDescription() { return linkDescription; }
public PepSearchResultIndividualAssociation setLinkDescription(String value) { this.linkDescription = value; return this; }
public Boolean isSoftDelete() { return softDelete; }
public PepSearchResultIndividualAssociation setSoftDelete(Boolean value) { this.softDelete = value; return this; }
public Date getDateLastUpdated() { return dateLastUpdated; }
public PepSearchResultIndividualAssociation setDateLastUpdated(Date value) { this.dateLastUpdated = value; return this; }
public String getFullName() { return fullName; }
public PepSearchResultIndividualAssociation setFullName(String value) { this.fullName = value; return this; }
public static class PepSearchResultBusinessAssociation
public String linkDescription = null;
public Boolean softDelete = null;
public Date dateLastUpdated = null;
public String businessName = null;
public String getLinkDescription() { return linkDescription; }
public PepSearchResultBusinessAssociation setLinkDescription(String value) { this.linkDescription = value; return this; }
public Boolean isSoftDelete() { return softDelete; }
public PepSearchResultBusinessAssociation setSoftDelete(Boolean value) { this.softDelete = value; return this; }
public Date getDateLastUpdated() { return dateLastUpdated; }
public PepSearchResultBusinessAssociation setDateLastUpdated(Date value) { this.dateLastUpdated = value; return this; }
public String getBusinessName() { return businessName; }
public PepSearchResultBusinessAssociation setBusinessName(String value) { this.businessName = value; return this; }
public static class PepSearchResultNote
public String source = null;
public String notes = null;
public Boolean softDelete = null;
public Date dateLastUpdated = null;
public String getSource() { return source; }
public PepSearchResultNote setSource(String value) { this.source = value; return this; }
public String getNotes() { return notes; }
public PepSearchResultNote setNotes(String value) { this.notes = value; return this; }
public Boolean isSoftDelete() { return softDelete; }
public PepSearchResultNote setSoftDelete(Boolean value) { this.softDelete = value; return this; }
public Date getDateLastUpdated() { return dateLastUpdated; }
public PepSearchResultNote setDateLastUpdated(Date value) { this.dateLastUpdated = value; return this; }
public static class PepSearchResultPoliticalPosition
public String description = null;
public String from = null;
public String to = null;
public String country = null;
public Boolean softDelete = null;
public Date dateLastUpdated = null;
public String getDescription() { return description; }
public PepSearchResultPoliticalPosition setDescription(String value) { this.description = value; return this; }
public String getFrom() { return from; }
public PepSearchResultPoliticalPosition setFrom(String value) { this.from = value; return this; }
public String getTo() { return to; }
public PepSearchResultPoliticalPosition setTo(String value) { = value; return this; }
public String getCountry() { return country; }
public PepSearchResultPoliticalPosition setCountry(String value) { = value; return this; }
public Boolean isSoftDelete() { return softDelete; }
public PepSearchResultPoliticalPosition setSoftDelete(Boolean value) { this.softDelete = value; return this; }
public Date getDateLastUpdated() { return dateLastUpdated; }
public PepSearchResultPoliticalPosition setDateLastUpdated(Date value) { this.dateLastUpdated = value; return this; }
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