GET | /dbs/{Id} | Get a DBS Search |
import java.math.*;
import java.util.*;
import net.servicestack.client.*;
public class dtos
public static class GetDbsSearch extends BaseRequest
* The ID of the DBS Search
@ApiMember(Description="The ID of the DBS Search", IsRequired=true, ParameterType="path")
public Integer id = null;
* Provide a value to only return a search that the specified sub user has permission to access. If this is null or empty, then sub user permissions will not be enforced and the search will be returned
@ApiMember(Description="Provide a value to only return a search that the specified sub user has permission to access. If this is null or empty, then sub user permissions will not be enforced and the search will be returned", ParameterType="query")
public String subUserName = null;
public Integer getId() { return id; }
public GetDbsSearch setId(Integer value) { = value; return this; }
public String getSubUserName() { return subUserName; }
public GetDbsSearch setSubUserName(String value) { this.subUserName = value; return this; }
public static class BaseRequest implements IBaseRequest
* The authentication credentials
@ApiMember(Description="The authentication credentials", IsRequired=true, ParameterType="header, body")
public Authentication authentication = null;
public Authentication getAuthentication() { return authentication; }
public BaseRequest setAuthentication(Authentication value) { this.authentication = value; return this; }
public static class Authentication
* The API User ID provided by us when you signed up to use our API
@ApiMember(Description="The API User ID provided by us when you signed up to use our API", IsRequired=true, ParameterType="header, body")
public String apiUserId = null;
* The API User Key provided by us when you signed up to use our API
@ApiMember(Description="The API User Key provided by us when you signed up to use our API", IsRequired=true, ParameterType="header, body")
public String apiUserKey = null;
public String getApiUserId() { return apiUserId; }
public Authentication setApiUserId(String value) { this.apiUserId = value; return this; }
public String getApiUserKey() { return apiUserKey; }
public Authentication setApiUserKey(String value) { this.apiUserKey = value; return this; }
public static class GetDbsSearchResponse
public GetDbsSearchData data = null;
public GetDbsSearchData getData() { return data; }
public GetDbsSearchResponse setData(GetDbsSearchData value) { = value; return this; }
public static class GetDbsSearchData extends BaseResponse implements IBaseSearchResponse
public ArrayOfLinkedTo linkedTo = null;
public DbsSearchSummary summary = null;
public ArrayOfLinkedTo getLinkedTo() { return linkedTo; }
public GetDbsSearchData setLinkedTo(ArrayOfLinkedTo value) { this.linkedTo = value; return this; }
public DbsSearchSummary getSummary() { return summary; }
public GetDbsSearchData setSummary(DbsSearchSummary value) { this.summary = value; return this; }
public static class BaseResponse implements IBaseDataResponse, IHasResponseStatus
* The status of the response
@ApiMember(Description="The status of the response")
public ResponseStatus responseStatus = null;
public ResponseStatus getResponseStatus() { return responseStatus; }
public BaseResponse setResponseStatus(ResponseStatus value) { this.responseStatus = value; return this; }
public static class ArrayOfResponseError extends ArrayList<ResponseError>
public static class ArrayOfLinkedTo extends ArrayList<LinkedTo>
public static class LinkedTo
public Integer clientId = null;
public Long id = null;
public String type = null;
public String subtype = null;
public String status = null;
public String description = null;
public Boolean isArchived = null;
public String name = null;
public Date date = null;
public Integer getClientId() { return clientId; }
public LinkedTo setClientId(Integer value) { this.clientId = value; return this; }
public Long getId() { return id; }
public LinkedTo setId(Long value) { = value; return this; }
public String getType() { return type; }
public LinkedTo setType(String value) { this.type = value; return this; }
public String getSubtype() { return subtype; }
public LinkedTo setSubtype(String value) { this.subtype = value; return this; }
public String getStatus() { return status; }
public LinkedTo setStatus(String value) { this.status = value; return this; }
public String getDescription() { return description; }
public LinkedTo setDescription(String value) { this.description = value; return this; }
public Boolean getIsArchived() { return isArchived; }
public LinkedTo setIsArchived(Boolean value) { this.isArchived = value; return this; }
public String getName() { return name; }
public LinkedTo setName(String value) { = value; return this; }
public Date getDate() { return date; }
public LinkedTo setDate(Date value) { = value; return this; }
public static class DbsSearchSummary
public Long id = null;
public Date dateSearched = null;
public Date dateUpdated = null;
public String status = null;
public String disclosureStatus = null;
public Boolean isApplicantInfoCompleted = null;
public Boolean isIdCheckCompleted = null;
public Boolean isApplicationCompleted = null;
public Boolean isApplicationSubmitted = null;
public Boolean isApplicationDisclosed = null;
public String disclosureLevel = null;
public ApplicantInformation applicantInformation = null;
public Long getId() { return id; }
public DbsSearchSummary setId(Long value) { = value; return this; }
public Date getDateSearched() { return dateSearched; }
public DbsSearchSummary setDateSearched(Date value) { this.dateSearched = value; return this; }
public Date getDateUpdated() { return dateUpdated; }
public DbsSearchSummary setDateUpdated(Date value) { this.dateUpdated = value; return this; }
public String getStatus() { return status; }
public DbsSearchSummary setStatus(String value) { this.status = value; return this; }
public String getDisclosureStatus() { return disclosureStatus; }
public DbsSearchSummary setDisclosureStatus(String value) { this.disclosureStatus = value; return this; }
public Boolean getIsApplicantInfoCompleted() { return isApplicantInfoCompleted; }
public DbsSearchSummary setIsApplicantInfoCompleted(Boolean value) { this.isApplicantInfoCompleted = value; return this; }
public Boolean getIsIdCheckCompleted() { return isIdCheckCompleted; }
public DbsSearchSummary setIsIdCheckCompleted(Boolean value) { this.isIdCheckCompleted = value; return this; }
public Boolean getIsApplicationCompleted() { return isApplicationCompleted; }
public DbsSearchSummary setIsApplicationCompleted(Boolean value) { this.isApplicationCompleted = value; return this; }
public Boolean getIsApplicationSubmitted() { return isApplicationSubmitted; }
public DbsSearchSummary setIsApplicationSubmitted(Boolean value) { this.isApplicationSubmitted = value; return this; }
public Boolean getIsApplicationDisclosed() { return isApplicationDisclosed; }
public DbsSearchSummary setIsApplicationDisclosed(Boolean value) { this.isApplicationDisclosed = value; return this; }
public String getDisclosureLevel() { return disclosureLevel; }
public DbsSearchSummary setDisclosureLevel(String value) { this.disclosureLevel = value; return this; }
public ApplicantInformation getApplicantInformation() { return applicantInformation; }
public DbsSearchSummary setApplicantInformation(ApplicantInformation value) { this.applicantInformation = value; return this; }
public static class ApplicantInformation
public String name = null;
public String dateOfBirth = null;
public String email = null;
public String mobileInternational = null;
public String jobLocation = null;
public String reference = null;
public String getName() { return name; }
public ApplicantInformation setName(String value) { = value; return this; }
public String getDateOfBirth() { return dateOfBirth; }
public ApplicantInformation setDateOfBirth(String value) { this.dateOfBirth = value; return this; }
public String getEmail() { return email; }
public ApplicantInformation setEmail(String value) { = value; return this; }
public String getMobileInternational() { return mobileInternational; }
public ApplicantInformation setMobileInternational(String value) { this.mobileInternational = value; return this; }
public String getJobLocation() { return jobLocation; }
public ApplicantInformation setJobLocation(String value) { this.jobLocation = value; return this; }
public String getReference() { return reference; }
public ApplicantInformation setReference(String value) { this.reference = value; return this; }
To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .json suffix or ?format=json
To embed the response in a jsonp callback, append ?callback=myCallback
The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
GET /dbs/{Id} HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: length {"data":{"linkedTo":[{"clientId":0,"id":0,"type":"String","subtype":"String","status":"String","description":"String","isArchived":false,"name":"String","date":"\/Date(-62135596800000-0000)\/"}],"summary":{"id":0,"dateSearched":"\/Date(-62135596800000-0000)\/","dateUpdated":"\/Date(-62135596800000-0000)\/","status":"String","disclosureStatus":"String","isApplicantInfoCompleted":false,"isIdCheckCompleted":false,"isApplicationCompleted":false,"isApplicationSubmitted":false,"isApplicationDisclosed":false,"disclosureLevel":"String","applicantInformation":{"name":"String","dateOfBirth":"String","email":"String","mobileInternational":"String","jobLocation":"String","reference":"String"}},"responseStatus":{"errorCode":"String","message":"String","stackTrace":"String","errors":[{"errorCode":"String","fieldName":"String","message":"String","meta":{"String":"String"}}],"meta":{"String":"String"}}}}