
Parameter Type Format Description
ContentAuthenticity Boolean   Fails if cryptographic checks on the chip are unable to confirm that the chip has not had data altered; for example, the MRZ on the chip has been forged.
ChipAuthenticity Boolean   Fails if the document has not been electronically 'signed', or if a chain from that signature to a trusted source can not be established.
ChipDataToImageDataMatch Boolean   Fails if the document data extracted from the supplied image of the document does not match that from the document chip.
PassportChipMrzLineOne String   The first line of the MRZ number from the passport chip. Only returned if verification was successful
PassportChipMrzLineTwo String   The second line of the MRZ number from the passport chip. Only returned if verification was successful
PassportChipMrzLineOneValid New Boolean   Returns true if the first line of the MRZ number is valid
PassportChipMrzLineTwoValid New Boolean   Returns true if the second line of the MRZ number is valid
PassportChipGenderValid New Boolean   Returns true if the Gender is valid
PassportChipDOBValid New Boolean   Returns true if the DOB is valid
PassportChipExpiryValid New Boolean   Returns true if the passport has not expired
PassportChipNameValid New Boolean   Returns true if the name is valid
PassportChipErrors New String   Returns any detailed failure reasons for passport chip verification