
Parameter Type Format Description
DOBEquifaxSpecified Boolean   Was equifax used/requested
DOBEquifaxCount Int32   Only displayed if Equifax service is used. Shows the number of times the DOB has been confirmed by Equifax. Displays 0 if the DOB is incorrect or not confirmed. Displays -1 if there was an error obtaining a response from Equifax.
DOBEquifaxStatus String   Provides feedback as to the accuracy of the DOB match, a code is returned, the values for the code can be found in the Equifax DOB Status table below.
DOBExperianCount Int32   Shows the number of times the DOB has been confirmed by the Experian source. Displays 0 if the DOB is incorrect or not confirmed.
DOBTracesmartCount Boolean   Shows the number of times the DOB has been confirmed by a Tracesmart source. Displays 0 if the DOB is incorrect or not confirmed.

Equifax DOB Status

Flag Description
N Date not checked, applicant under 18.
A No date held.
Y Matched to supplied date of birth.
S Does not match to supplied date of birth, whole date.
T The MMDD part of the date is transposed.
B The MMYY part of the date matched.
D The DDMM part of the date matched.
E The DDYY part of the date matched.
F The DD part of the date matched.
G The MM part of the date matched.
H The YY part of the date matched.
X Other.
-1 Authentication error returned from Equifax
-2 Authentication error due to incorrectly specified equifaxUsername