Parameter | Type | Format | Description |
DOBEquifaxSpecified | Boolean | Was equifax used/requested | |
DOBEquifaxCount | Int32 | Only displayed if Equifax service is used. Shows the number of times the DOB has been confirmed by Equifax. Displays 0 if the DOB is incorrect or not confirmed. Displays -1 if there was an error obtaining a response from Equifax. | |
DOBEquifaxStatus | String | Provides feedback as to the accuracy of the DOB match, a code is returned, the values for the code can be found in the Equifax DOB Status table below. | |
DOBExperianCount | Int32 | Shows the number of times the DOB has been confirmed by the Experian source. Displays 0 if the DOB is incorrect or not confirmed. | |
DOBTracesmartCount | Boolean | Shows the number of times the DOB has been confirmed by a Tracesmart source. Displays 0 if the DOB is incorrect or not confirmed. |
Equifax DOB Status
Flag | Description |
N | Date not checked, applicant under 18. |
A | No date held. |
Y | Matched to supplied date of birth. |
S | Does not match to supplied date of birth, whole date. |
T | The MMDD part of the date is transposed. |
B | The MMYY part of the date matched. |
D | The DDMM part of the date matched. |
E | The DDYY part of the date matched. |
F | The DD part of the date matched. |
G | The MM part of the date matched. |
H | The YY part of the date matched. |
X | Other. |
-1 | Authentication error returned from Equifax |
-2 | Authentication error due to incorrectly specified equifaxUsername |