
Parameter Type Format Description
Directorships Array   Array of ValidIdCompanyDirectorshipResult, see below


Parameter Type Format Description
MatchType String   Identifies how this match was found, either "Name & DOB", "Name & Address" or "Name, DOB & Address"
DateAppointed DateTime ISO 8601 The date the person was appointed
CompanyRegNo String   The company registration number
CompanyName String   The name of the company
RegisteredOffice String   The registered office address of the company
Appointments Array   Array of ValidIdCompanyAppointmentResult, see below


Parameter Type Format Description
Title String   The Title of the person appointed
Name String   The name of the person appointed
Address String   The address of the person appointed
DOB DateTime ISO 8601 The Date of Birth of the person appointed
Occupation String   The Occupation of the person appointed
Nationality String   The Nationality of the person appointed
AppointmentDate DateTime ISO 8601 The date the appointment started
AppointmentType String   The type of appointment held