PepSearchResult Object
Parameter | Type | Format | Description |
Id | Int64 | The unique ID for the search result, used for the UpdatePepSearch method when a search result matches your client. | |
ResultSimilarity | Decimal | Indicates the relative similarity of the search result compared to the name in the search criteria. | |
ResultResolved | Boolean | True if this specific search result has been resolved. A search result is resolved when the search record is updated with "ClientInResults" or "ClientNotInResults". | |
DateLastUpdated | DateTime | ISO 8601 | Date of the last modification. |
Title | String | Max length 10 characters | |
Forename | String | Max length 250 characters | |
Middlename | String | Max length 250 characters | |
Surname | String | Max length 250 characters | |
SoftDelete | Boolean | Nullable | Whether this data has been soft deleted from the database |
DateOfSoftDelete | DateTime | ISO 8601, Nullable | |
DateOfCapture | DateTime | ISO 8601, Nullable | Date this data was captured |
DateOfBirth | DateTime | ISO 8601, Nullable | |
DateOfDeath | DateTime | ISO 8601, Nullable | |
YearOfBirth | Int | Nullable | |
YearOfDeath | Int | Nullable | |
Gender | String | Max length 6 characters | |
HomeTelephone | String | Max length 250 characters | |
BusinessTelephone | String | Max length 250 characters | |
MobileTelephone | String | Max length 250 characters | |
Fax | String | Max length 250 characters | |
String | Max length 250 characters | ||
Nationality | String | Max length 250 characters | |
Source | String | Max length 50 characters | |
Category | String | Max length 50 characters | |
Picture | String | Max length 250 characters | URL to view a picture of this person |
Addresses | Array | Array of PepSearchResultAddress | |
Addresses > PepSearchResultAddress > AddressLine1 | String | Max length 250 characters | |
Addresses > PepSearchResultAddress > AddressLine2 | String | Max length 250 characters | |
Addresses > PepSearchResultAddress > AddressLine3 | String | Max length 250 characters | |
Addresses > PepSearchResultAddress > AddressLine4 | String | Max length 250 characters | |
Addresses > PepSearchResultAddress > Town | String | Max length 100 characters | |
Addresses > PepSearchResultAddress > County | String | Max length 100 characters | |
Addresses > PepSearchResultAddress > PostCode | String | Max length 100 characters | |
Addresses > PepSearchResultAddress > Country | String | Max length 100 characters | |
Addresses > PepSearchResultAddress > ISOCountry | String | Max length 2 characters | |
Addresses > PepSearchResultAddress > SoftDelete | Boolean | Nullable | Whether this data has been soft deleted from the database |
Addresses > PepSearchResultAddress > DateLastUpdated | DateTime | ISO 8601 | |
Aliases | Array | Array of PepSearchResultAlias | |
Aliases > PepSearchResultAlias > Forename | String | Max length 250 characters | |
Aliases > PepSearchResultAlias > MiddleName | String | Max length 250 characters | |
Aliases > PepSearchResultAlias > Surname | String | Max length 250 characters | |
Aliases > PepSearchResultAlias > SoftDelete | Boolean | Nullable | Whether this data has been soft deleted from the database |
Aliases > PepSearchResultAlias > DateOfSoftDelete | DateTime | ISO 8601, Nullable | |
Aliases > PepSearchResultAlias > DateLastUpdated | DateTime | ISO 8601 | |
Articles | Array | Array of PepSearchResultArticle | |
Articles > PepSearchResultArticle > Url | String | ||
Articles > PepSearchResultArticle > OriginalUrl | String | ||
Articles > PepSearchResultArticle > Source | String | Max length 50 characters | |
Articles > PepSearchResultArticle > DateOfCapture | DateTime | ISO 8601, Nullable | |
Articles > PepSearchResultArticle > DateLastUpdated | DateTime | ISO 8601 | |
Associations | Array | Array of PepSearchResultAssociation | |
Associations > PepSearchResultAssociation > LinkDescription | String | Max length 500 characters | |
Associations > PepSearchResultAssociation > SoftDelete | Boolean | Nullable | Whether this data has been soft deleted from the database |
Associations > PepSearchResultAssociation > DateLastUpdated | DateTime | ISO 8601 | |
Notes | Array | Array of PepSearchResultNote | |
Notes > PepSearchResultNote > Source | String | Max length 200 characters | |
Notes > PepSearchResultNote > Notes | String | ||
Notes > PepSearchResultNote > SoftDelete | Boolean | Nullable | Whether this data has been soft deleted from the database |
Notes > PepSearchResultNote > DateLastUpdated | DateTime | ISO 8601 | |
PoliticalPositions | Array | Array of PepSearchResultPoliticalPosition | |
PoliticalPositions > PepSearchResultPoliticalPosition > Description | String | Max length 500 characters | Description of politican position |
PoliticalPositions > PepSearchResultPoliticalPosition > From | String | Max length 100 characters | Date from |
PoliticalPositions > PepSearchResultPoliticalPosition > To | String | Max length 100 characters | Date to |
PoliticalPositions > PepSearchResultPoliticalPosition > Country | String | Max length 100 characters | |
PoliticalPositions > PepSearchResultPoliticalPosition > SoftDelete | Boolean | Nullable | Whether this data has been soft deleted from the database |
PoliticalPositions > PepSearchResultPoliticalPosition > DateLastUpdated | DateTime | ISO 8601 |