Parameter | Type | Format | Description |
Id | Int64 | Id number of the search | |
SearchCriteria | SearchCriteria | Instance of SearchCriteria object (see search criteria) | |
SearchType | String | The type of search requested. Either: "individual" is the only valid value for PEP searches. | |
AffectedByUpdate | Boolean | Has this search record been affected by an update to the pep list, if so a new decision is required for the status of the record, see "ClientInResults" and "ClientNotInResults" | |
ClientInResults | Boolean | True if the record has been updated to indicate that the client was found in the results | |
ClientNotInResults | Boolean | True if the record has been updated to indicate that the client was not found in the results | |
IsDayOneSearch | Boolean | Is this search a day-one search, if false, this is a monitored PEP search that will expire on the "DateRenewal" date, otherwise if true, this is a one-off PEP search | |
DateSearched | DateTime | ISO 8601 | Date the record was first searched |
DateUpdated | DateTime | ISO 8601 | Date the record was last updated (ClientInResults / ClientNotInResults) |
DateRenewal | DateTime | ISO 8601 | Date the search is due for renewal, or null if not applicable |
NumOfResults | Int | The number of search results found | |
IsArchived | Boolean | True if the record has been archived and is no longer being checked during sanctions list updates | |
DateArchived | DateTime | ISO 8601 | Date the record was archived, null if not archived |