This method will obtain an array of CompanyLookups based on the parameters within the method.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Format Description
Page Required Int32   Searches are sorted into pages of 10. This specifies which page to get. You should always start with number 1, and you will receive the maximum page number in the response.
SortOrder String  

How to sort the results. Default sort is "Status". Possible values:

  • Status
  • Status desc
  • Name
  • Name desc
  • Date
  • Date desc
NameSearch String Max length 250 characters Filter the results to those that have a name that matches the name specified.
FilterReference New String Max length 250 characters Filter the results to those that have a reference that matches the reference specified.
FilterDateFrom New Nullable DateTime   Filter the results to those that were created after (or equal to) this date (can be combined with FilterDateTo).
FilterDateTo New Nullable DateTime   Filter the results to those that were created before this date (can be combined with FilterDateFrom).
FilterUserName New string Null or max length 50 characters Filter the results to those that were created by the specified sub user. The main account username can also be provided and it will filter to searches created only by the main account user.

This filter allows you to dynamically adjust the results to only those that were created by the specified user account, it can be combined with SubUserName to only show results based on both sub user permissions and who the search was created by. If this is not specified, all searches will be returned.
ListIncompleteSearches Bool   Set to true to list incomplete (unfinished) searches only
SubUserName New string Null or max length 50 characters Provide a value to only return searches that the specified sub user has permission to access. If this is null or empty, then sub user permissions will not be enforced and all applicable results will be returned.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Format Description
ResponseStatus ResponseStatus   Instance of ResponseStatus object (see here)
CurrentPageNum Int32   The page number of the current response
MaxPageNum Int32   The maximum page number available for the request
TotalSearchRecords Int32   The total number of search records
CompanyLookupRecords Array   Array of CompanyLookupRecord which does not include search results (see here)