This method will obtain an array of bulk searches that can be paginated using parameters within the method.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Format Description
Page Int32   Specifies which page to get. You should always start with number 1, and you will receive the maximum page number in the response.
PageSize Int32   Searches are sorted into pages of 10 by default. You can specify a different page size with this parameter.
SubUserName string Null or max length 50 characters If this is specified, only Bulk Searches belonging/requested by this Sub User will be shown in the response, otherwise it will include the Bulk Searches requested by the main user account.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Format Description
ResponseStatus ResponseStatus   Instance of ResponseStatus object (see here)
BulkSearchList Array   Array of BulkSearchStatus objects (see here)
CurrentPageNum Int32   The page number of the current response
MaxPageNum Int32   The maximum page number available for the request
TotalBulkSearches Int32   The total number of bulk search records
PageSize Int32   The number of bulk search records per page