- 50 - Invalid API User
- 51 - Invalid API Key
- 52 - Unauthorised Account
- 53 - Unauthorised IP Address
- 54 - Invalid Account Subscription
- 55 - Invalid User ID
- 60 - Request for unauthorised data - data belongs to a different user or account permissions do not allow access to this data
- 70 - Insufficient Search Credits
- 71 - Invalid Sanctions List Selection
72 - Sanctions Errors - not returned as an actual error, grouping for error codes below
- 72.1 - No Name Provided
- 72.2 - Not Enough Names Provided - minimum of two names for an individual and one word for a company
- 72.3 - Name With One Letter Detected - single characters's are not allowed, i.e. J Bloggs
- 72.4 - Name Too Long - maximum length of 250 characters
- 72.5 - Address Too Long - maximum length of 250 characters
- 72.6 - Country Too Long - maximum length of 250 characters
- 72.7 - Nationality Too Long - maximum length of 250 characters
- 72.8 - Reference Too Long - maximum length of 250 characters
- 73 - Invalid Date Of Birth - incorrect format, or invalid date (e.g. 31/02/2000). Format should be DD/MM/YYYY
74 - Incorrect Search Type - valid values are "individual", "entity"
- 74.1 - Day one search invalid - Day one search only available for individual searches not entity searches
75 - Invalid Search ID - the specified search ID is invalid.
- 75.1 - Invalid ValidID ID - the specified ID is invalid.
- 75.2 - Invalid CompanyLookup ID - the specified ID is invalid.
- 75.3 - Invalid Pep Search ID - the specified ID is invalid.
- 75.4 - Invalid Bulk Search ID - the specified ID is invalid.
- 76 - Incorrect ValidID Search Type - valid values are "enhanced", "basic"
- 77 - Insufficient Money Balance - not enough money in account balance to afford the search
78 - ValidID Errors - not returned as an actual error, grouping for ValidID error codes below
- 78.1 - Forename Required
- 78.2 - Surname Required
- 78.3 - Name Invalid Length - name (forename, middle name or surname) must be between 2 and 200 characters long
- 78.4 - Date Of Birth Required
- 78.5 - NOT USED
- 78.6 - Gender Required
- 78.7 - Invalid Gender - valid values are "M", "F"
- 78.8 - Address Line 1 Required
- 78.9 - Address Too Long - maximum length of 200 characters
- 78.10 - Postcode Required
- 78.11 - Postcode Invalid Length - must be between 5 and 9 characters long
- 78.12 - Invalid Postcode - incorrect format
- 78.13 - Removed
Telephone Number Required
- 78.14 - Removed
Telephone Number Too Long - maximum length of 200 characters
- 78.15 - Removed
Mobile Number Required
- 78.16 - Removed
Mobile Number Too Long - maximum length of 200 characters
- 78.17 - Passport 1 Required
- 78.18 - Passport 1 Invalid Length - first 9 characters of passport number
- 78.19 - Passport 2 Required
- 78.20 - Passport 2 Invalid Length - next 1 character
- 78.21 - Passport 3 Required
- 78.22 - Passport 3 Invalid Length - next 3 characters
- 78.23 - Passport 4 Required
- 78.24 - Passport 4 Invalid Length - next 7 characters
- 78.25 - Passport 5 Required
- 78.26 - Passport 5 Invalid Length - next 1 character
- 78.27 - Passport 6 Required
- 78.28 - Passport 6 Invalid Length - next 7 characters
- 78.29 - Passport 7 Required
- 78.30 - Passport 7 Invalid Length - next 14 characters (including < symbols)
- 78.31 - Passport 8 Required
- 78.32 - Passport 8 Invalid Length - next 2 characters
- 78.33 - Driving 1 Required
- 78.34 - Driving 1 Invalid Length - first 5 characters of driving license number
- 78.35 - Driving 2 Required
- 78.36 - Driving 2 Invalid Length - next 6 characters
- 78.37 - Driving 3 Required
- 78.38 - Driving 3 Invalid Length - next 5 characters
- 78.39 - Depricated
Driving Postcode Number Required
- 78.40 - Driving Postcode Too Long - maximum length of 200 characters
- 78.41 - Deprecated
Driving Mail Sort Required
- 78.42 - Driving Mail Sort Too Long - maximum length of 200 characters
- 78.43 - Removed Birth Forename Required
- 78.44 - Removed Birth Forename Too Long - maximum length of 200 characters
- 78.45 - Removed Birth Middle Name Too Long - maximum length of 200 characters
- 78.46 - Removed Birth Surname Required
- 78.47 - Removed Birth Surname Too Long - maximum length of 200 characters
- 78.48 - Removed Birth Maiden Name Required
- 78.49 - Removed Birth Maiden Name Too Long - maximum length of 200 characters
- 78.50 - NI Number Required
- 78.51 - NI Number Too Long - maximum length of 200 characters
- 78.52 - NHS Number Required
- 78.53 - NHS Number Too Long - maximum length of 200 characters
- 78.54 - MPAN 1 Required
- 78.55 - MPAN 1 Invalid Length - first 2 characters of MPAN number
- 78.56 - MPAN 2 Required
- 78.57 - MPAN 2 Invalid Length - next 4 characters
- 78.58 - MPAN 3 Required
- 78.59 - MPAN 3 Invalid Length - next 4 characters
- 78.60 - MPAN 4 Required
- 78.61 - MPAN 4 Invalid Length - next 3 characters
- 78.62 - Bank Sort Code Required
- 78.63 - Bank Sort Code Invalid Length - 6 characters no spaces
- 78.64 - Bank Account Number Required
- 78.65 - Bank Account Number Invalid Length - 8 characters no spaces
- 78.66 - Removed Card Number Required
- 78.67 - Removed Card Number Too Long - maximum length of 50 characters
- 78.68 - Removed Card Type Required
- 78.69 - Removed Card Type Invalid - valid values are "Visa Electron", "Solo", "Maestro", "Visa", "Mastercard", "American Express", "Diners Club", "Discover", "JCB"
- 78.70 - Removed
AVS Card Type Required
- 78.71 - Removed
AVS Card Type Invalid - valid values are "VISA", "DELTA", "MC", "SWITCH", "SOLO", "UKE"
- 78.72 - Removed
AVS Card Holder Required
- 78.73 - Removed
AVS Card Holder Too Long - maximum length of 250 characters
- 78.74 - Removed
AVS Card Number Required
- 78.75 - Removed
AVS Card Number Too Long - maximum length of 50 characters
- 78.76 - NOT USED
- 78.77 - Removed
AVS Card Start Invalid - 4 characters no spaces, format: MMYY
- 78.78 - Removed
AVS Card Expire Required
- 78.79 - Removed
AVS Card Expire Invalid - 4 characters no spaces, format: MMYY
- 78.80 - Removed
AVS Card CV2 Required
- 78.81 - Removed
AVS Card CV2 Too Long - maximum length of 50 characters
- 78.82 - Removed
AVS Card Issue Number Too Long - maximum length of 50 characters
- 78.83 - Removed
AVS Address Line 1 Required
- 78.84 - Removed
AVS Address Line 2 Required
- 78.85 - Removed
AVS Address Line 3 Required
- 78.86 - Removed
AVS Address Too Long - maximum length of 250 characters
- 78.87 - Removed
AVS Postcode Required
- 78.88 - Removed
AVS Postcode Invalid Length - must be between 5 and 9 characters long
- 78.89 - Removed
AVS Invalid Postcode - incorrect format
- 78.90 - Unable To Resolve Sanctions Results - the ValidID record does not have a sanctions component, check for errors in the record
- 78.91 - Company Name Required
- 78.92 - Company Name Too Long - maximum length of 250 characters
- 78.93 - Company Address Required
- 78.94 - Company Address Too Long - maximum length of 250 characters
- 78.95 - Signee Name Required
- 78.96 - Signee Name Too Long - maximum length of 250 characters
- 78.97 - Signee Position Required
- 78.98 - Signee Position Too Long - maximum length of 250 characters
- 78.99 - Signature Required
- 78.100 - Signature Too Long - maximum length of 250 characters
- 78.101 - DPA Number Required
- 78.102 - DPA Number Too Long - maximum length of 50 characters
- 78.103 - Agree To Terms Required - you must agree to our terms to activate ValidID
- 78.104 - Company Number Too Long - maximum length of 250 characters
- 78.105 - ValidID Already Enabled - no need to activate, it is already enabled
- 78.106 - IdCard 1 Required
- 78.107 - IdCard 1 Invalid Length - first 2 characters of Identity Card MRZ number (first line)
- 78.108 - IdCard 2 Required
- 78.109 - IdCard 2 Invalid Length - next 3 characters
- 78.110 - IdCard 3 Required
- 78.111 - IdCard 3 Invalid Length - next 10 characters
- 78.112 - IdCard 4 Required
- 78.113 - IdCard 4 Invalid Length - next 15 characters
- 78.114 - IdCard 5 Required
- 78.115 - IdCard 5 Invalid Length - first 7 characters (second line)
- 78.116 - IdCard 6 Required
- 78.117 - IdCard 6 Invalid Length - next 1 character
- 78.118 - IdCard 7 Required
- 78.119 - IdCard 7 Invalid Length - next 7 characters
- 78.120 - IdCard 8 Required
- 78.121 - IdCard 8 Invalid Length - next 3 characters
- 78.122 - IdCard 9 Required
- 78.123 - IdCard 9 Invalid Length - next 11 characters
- 78.124 - IdCard 10 Required
- 78.125 - IdCard 10 Invalid Length - next 1 character
- 78.126 - Removed TravelVisa 1 Required
- 78.126 - Removed TravelVisa 1 Invalid Length - first 2 characters of Identity Card MRZ number (first line)
- 78.127 - Removed TravelVisa 2 Required
- 78.129 - Removed TravelVisa 2 Invalid Length - next 3 characters
- 78.130 - Removed TravelVisa 3 Required
- 78.131 - Removed TravelVisa 3 Invalid Length - first 9 characters (second line)
- 78.132 - Removed TravelVisa 4 Required
- 78.133 - Removed TravelVisa 4 Invalid Length - next 1 character
- 78.134 - Removed TravelVisa 5 Required
- 78.135 - Removed TravelVisa 5 Invalid Length - next 3 characters
- 78.136 - Removed TravelVisa 6 Required
- 78.137 - Removed TravelVisa 6 Invalid Length - next 7 characters
- 78.138 - Removed TravelVisa 7 Required
- 78.139 - Removed TravelVisa 7 Invalid Length - next 1 character
- 78.140 - Removed TravelVisa 8 Required
- 78.141 - Removed TravelVisa 8 Invalid Length - next 7 characters
- 78.142 - Removed TravelVisa 9 Required
- 78.143 - Removed TravelVisa 9 Invalid Length - next 8 characters
- 78.144 - Bank Enabled Required - BankEnabled must be true to use BankLive
- 78.145 - Removed AML Body Number Required
- 78.146 - AML Body Number Too Long - maximum length of 50 characters
- 78.147 - Purpose Required
- 78.148 - Classification Id Required
- 78.149 - Classification Id Invalid
- 78.150 - Removed Poll Number Required
- 78.151 - Removed Poll Number Too Long - maximum length of 50 characters
- 78.152 - Removed Marriage Forename Required
- 78.153 - Removed Marriage Forename Too Long - maximum length of 200 characters
- 78.154 - Removed Marriage Surname Required
- 78.155 - Removed Marriage Surname Too Long - maximum length of 200 characters
- 78.156 - Removed Marriage Partner Forename Required
- 78.157 - Removed Marriage Partner Forename Too Long - maximum length of 200 characters
- 78.158 - Removed Marriage Partner Surname Required
- 78.159 - Removed Marriage Partner Surname Too Long - maximum length of 200 characters
- 78.160 - Removed Marriage Date Required
- 78.161 - Removed Marriage Date Too Long - maximum length of 50 characters
- 78.162 - Removed Marriage District Required
- 78.163 - Removed Marriage District Too Long - maximum length of 200 characters
- 78.164 - Removed Marriage CertIssueNum Required
- 78.165 - Removed Marriage CertIssueNum Too Long - maximum length of 50 characters
- 78.166 - ValidID Not Enabled - you need to sign up for ValidID via our website or contact us for more information
- 78.167 - New Client has no Passport Chip
- 78.168 - New Passport MRZ Line One 1 Invalid Length - must be exactly 5 characters
- 78.169 - New Passport MRZ Line One Invalid Length - MRZ Line 1 fields must have a combined length of 44
79 - CompanyLookup
- 79.1 - Company Name Required
- 79.2 - Company Name Invalid Length - must be between 2 and 250 characters long
- 79.3 - Cannot Find Company - cannot automatically find a company with that name, try searching for a company instead and present the list of search results to the user
- 79.4 - Company Name Or Registration Number Required - either a company name, or the company registration number must be provided
- 79.5 - Company Name Invalid Length - must be between 2 and 250 characters long
- 79.6 - Company Address Too Long - maximum length of 250 characters
- 79.7 - Company Country Too Long - maximum length of 250 characters
- 79.8 - Search Already Completed - cannot resume this search, it has already been completed
- 79.9 - Company Country Required
- 79.10 - Company Country Invalid - Valid values (GBR, IRL) Alpha-3 ISO 3166
80 - Invalid Sort Order - the specified sort order parameter was invalid, please check the method documentation for valid values
- 80.1 - NewInvalid Date Filter - the specified date filter parameter(s) were invalid, please ensure the date range is valid
- 80.2 - NewInvalid Type Filter - the specified search type parameter was invalid, please check the method documentation for valid values
- 80.3 - NewInvalid Reference Filter - the specified search type parameter was invalid, please check the method documentation for valid values & constraints
- 80.4 - NewFilter User Name Invalid - maximum length of 50 characters
- 80.5 - NewFilter User Name Unknown - filter user does not exist
- 81 - Invalid Resolution Of Search - the boolean values "ClientInResults" and "ClientNotInResults" must be different in value, i.e. one must be true, one must be false
- 82 - Cannot Delete Sanctions Record Belonging To A ValidID - this sanctions record cannot be deleted because it is part of a ValidID check
- 83 - Cannot Archive A Sanctions Record That Is Unresolved Or Requires An Update - this sanctions record cannot be archived because it is either unresolved or has updated search results from a sanctions list update
- 84 - SubUserName Invalid - maximum length of 50 characters
- 85 - SubUserName Unknown - sub user does not exist
- 86 - Search has already been resolved - this search record cannot be resolved because it has already been resolved
- 87 - Cannot Archive A Pep Record That Is Unresolved Or Requires An Update - this pep record cannot be archived because it is either unresolved or has updated search results from a database update
- 88 - Unable to include search results - This indicates that a new search was created successfully, but the response does not contain the list of search results. There was a problem getting the full list of search results, and therefore only the summary data is included in the response
89 - Bulk Search Errors - not returned as an actual error, grouping for error codes below
- 89.1 - Your account does not have a valid subscription, please activate your subscription
- 89.2 - You must select at least one Sanctions List to search against.
- 89.3 - No files found in the request.
- 89.4 - Multiple files found in the request.
- 89.5 - File name is null.
- 89.6 - The file you have uploaded appears to be empty.
- 89.7 - The file you have uploaded does not have the .CSV extension required. Please do not upload an XLSX or XLS spreadsheet.
- 89.8 - The CSV is missing columns - please ensure you have uploaded the correct spreadsheet for your type of bulk search
- 89.9 - The upload didn't work - please try again
- 89.10 - Search type not specified
- 89.11 - Incorrect Search Type - valid values are "individual", "entity"
- 89.12 - Initials detected - please re-upload your csv file with full names instead of initials
- 90 - Account is read-only - this account can't add search notes
Account operations
100 - Add Sub User Error
- 100.1 - UserName Invalid - maximum length of 50 characters
- 100.2 - Password Invalid - maximum length of 100 characters, minimum of 6 characters
- 100.3 - Email Invalid - maximum length of 250 characters, or invalid format
- 100.4 - Name Invalid - maximum length of 250 characters
- 100.5 - Account Creation Failed - please check the response for more details
101 - UpdatedGeneral (Sub) User Errors
- 101.1 - SubUserName Invalid - maximum length of 50 characters
- 101.2 - SubUserName Unknown - sub user does not exist
- 101.3 - UserId Invalid - the supplied user id is invalid
- 101.4 - UserId Unknown - user does not exist
- 101.5 - UserId or UserName Required - the user id or username is required
102 - NewUpdate Sub User Error
- 102.1 - NewPermissions Invalid - permissions is null or empty
- 102.2 - NewCannot grant a sub user permission for themselves
103 - NewAccount Registration Errors
- 103.1 - NewUsername Invalid
- 103.2 - NewPassword Invalid
- 103.3 - NewEmail Invalid
- 103.4 - NewFullName Invalid
- 103.5 - NewCompanyName Invalid
- 103.6 - NewCompanyPhone Invalid
- 103.7 - NewAddress1 Invalid
- 103.8 - NewAddress2 Invalid
- 103.9 - NewAddress3 Invalid
- 103.10 - NewCity Invalid
- 103.11 - NewPostcode Invalid
- 103.12 - NewCountry Invalid
- 103.13 - NewCompanyType Invalid
- 103.14 - NewCompanyIndustry Invalid
- 103.15 - NewCompanyNetwork Invalid
- 103.16 - NewAgreeToContract Invalid
- 103.17 - NewAgreeToTerms Invalid
- 103.18 - NewAgreeToDataProtection Invalid
- 103.19 - NewVoucherCode Invalid
- 103.20 - NewVATCountry Invalid
- 103.21 - NewVATNumber Invalid
- 103.22 - NewUnexpected Validation Error
- 103.22 - NewAccountActivationCode Invalid
Client operations
110 - NewGeneral Client Errors
- 110.1 - NewInvalid Client ID
- 110.2 - NewInvalid ClientFile ID
111 - NewAddClient Errors
- 111.1 - NewInvalid ClientType - allowed values are 'ValidateMe', 'PassportChipVerification'
- 111.2 - NewName Invalid - maximum length of 250 characters, required
- 111.3 - NewEmail Invalid - maximum length of 250 characters, required, must be an email address format
- 111.4 - NewMobileInternational Invalid - maximum length of 15 characters, required, must be an international phone number format
- 111.5 - NewPostCode Invalid - maximum length of 250 characters, required, must be a postcode format
- 111.6 - NewUnexpected Validation Error
- 111.7 - NewPassportChipVerification is disabled on the UserAccount - when ClientType is set to PassportChipVerification but the feature is not enabled
- 111.8 - NewProofOfDocumentCategories Required if ProofOfPreset ValidateMe
- 111.9 - NewProofOfDocumentCategories not allowed if ProofOfPreset PassportChipVerification
- 111.10 - NewProofOfPreset Invalid - allowed values are 'ValidateMe', 'PassportChipVerification'
112 - NewGetClientDocument Errors
- 112.1 - NewOriginal Document Image Not Found
113 - NewUpdateClient Errors
- 113.1 - NewAll Documents Must be Verified
- 113.2 - NewClient State not PendingVerification
- 113.3 - NewInvalid OtherDocument Type - see OtherDocument for allowed values
114 - NewProofOfDocument Errors
- 114.1 - NewProofOfDocumentCategory Not Found - must be a known ID
- 114.2 - NewProofOfDocumentCategory Empty
- 114.3 - NewProofOfDocument Not Found - must be a known ID
- 114.4 - NewProofOfDocument Not Found in Category - ProofOfDocument must be a child of the category
115 - NewDeleteClient Errors
- 115.1 - NewPassport Chip Verification searches must be deleted before client - PCV searches are dependent on the client, so must be deleted first
120 - NewPagination Errors
- 120.1 - NewInvalid PageLimit - must be between 0 and 20
- 120.2 - NewInvalid PageOffset - must be greater than 0
- 120.3 - NewPageOffset must be a multiple of PageLimit
DBS Searches
130 - NewGeneral DBS Errors
- 130.1 - NewDBS is not enabled - the DBS feature is not enabled for your account
- 130.2 - NewInvalid DBS ID
131 - NewAddDbsSearch Errors
- 131.1 - NewInvalid DisclosureLevel - allowed values are 'Basic', 'Standard'
- 131.2 - NewName Invalid - maximum length of 250 characters, required
- 131.3 - NewEmail Invalid - maximum length of 250 characters, required, must be an email address format
- 131.4 - NewMobileInternational Invalid - maximum length of 15 characters, required, must be an international phone number format
- 131.5 - NewDateOfBirth Invalid - maximum length of 10 characters, required, must be a DD/MM/YYYY formatted date
- 131.6 - NewJobLocation Invalid - allowed values are 'England', 'Northern Ireland', 'Scotland', 'Wales'
- 131.7 - NewReference Invalid - maximum length of 250 characters
- 131.8 - NewUnexpected Validation Error
- 131.9 - NewEmail is not allowed - you can't use the same email as your account as you cannot create a dbs for yourself
140 - NewLinkedTo Errors
- 140.1 - NewUnauthorised Link - not authorised to access the search id
- 140.2 - NewLink Type Required - the type is required for links
- 140.3 - NewLink Subtype Required - the subtype is required for validid links
- 140.4 - NewLink Id Required - the id is required for links
- 140.5 - NewCannot Use Client and Link Id - only specify Id and Type 'client'
- 140.6 - NewLink Type Invalid - the type specified is invalid
- 141.0 - NewLinked To Required - link to is required
- 142.0 - NewMultiple Client Ids - only one client id is allowed
Other errors
- 99 - Unknown error
- 98 - Service offline temporarily
- 97 - Service starting up