Parameter | Type | Format | Description |
YearEndDateOrder | Int32 | Nullable | |
YearEndDate | DateTime | ISO 8601, Nullable | |
SummaryNumberOfWeeks | Int32 | Nullable | |
SummaryCurrency | String | ||
SummaryConsolidatedAccount | String | ||
ProfitAndLoss | CompanyLookupFinancialProfit | Instance of CompanyLookupFinancialProfit | |
BalanceSheet | CompanyLookupFinancialBalance | Instance of CompanyLookupFinancialBalance | |
CapitalAndReserves | CompanyLookupFinancialCapital | Instance of CompanyLookupFinancialCapital | |
Other | CompanyLookupFinancialOther | Instance of CompanyLookupFinancialOther | |
Cash | CompanyLookupFinancialCash | Instance of CompanyLookupFinancialCash | |
Misc | CompanyLookupFinancialMisc | Instance of CompanyLookupFinancialMisc | |
Ratios | CompanyLookupFinancialRatios | Instance of CompanyLookupFinancialRatios |
Parameter | Type | Format | Description |
Turnover | Decimal | Nullable | |
Export | Decimal | Nullable | |
CostOfSales | Decimal | Nullable | |
GrossProfit | Decimal | Nullable | |
WagesAndSalaries | Decimal | Nullable | |
DirectorEmolument | Decimal | Nullable | |
OperatingProfit | Decimal | Nullable | |
Depreciation | Decimal | Nullable | |
AuditFees | Decimal | Nullable | |
InterestPayments | Decimal | Nullable | |
PretaxProfit | Decimal | Nullable | |
Taxation | Decimal | Nullable | |
ProfitAfterTax | Decimal | Nullable | |
DividendsPayable | Decimal | Nullable | |
RetainedProfit | Decimal | Nullable |
Parameter | Type | Format | Description |
TangibleAccounts | Decimal | Nullable | |
IntangibleAssets | Decimal | Nullable | |
TotalFixedAssets | Decimal | Nullable | |
Stock | Decimal | Nullable | |
TradeDebtors | Decimal | Nullable | |
Cash | Decimal | Nullable | |
OtherDebtors | Decimal | Nullable | |
MiscCurrentAssets | Decimal | Nullable | |
TotalCurrentAssets | Decimal | Nullable | |
TradeCreditors | Decimal | Nullable | |
BankLoansAndOverdrafts | Decimal | Nullable | |
OtherShortTermFinance | Decimal | Nullable | |
MiscCurrentLiabilities | Decimal | Nullable | |
TotalCurrentLiabilities | Decimal | Nullable | |
BankLoansAndOverdraftsAndLTL | Decimal | Nullable | |
OtherLongTermFinance | Decimal | Nullable | |
TotalLongTermFinance | Decimal | Nullable |
Parameter | Type | Format | Description |
CalledUpSharedCapital | Decimal | Nullable | |
ProfitAndLossAccountReserve | Decimal | Nullable | |
RevaluationReserve | Decimal | Nullable | |
SundryReserves | Decimal | Nullable | |
ShareholderFunds | Decimal | Nullable |
Parameter | Type | Format | Description |
NetWorth | Decimal | Nullable | |
NetAssets | Decimal | Nullable | |
WorkingCapital | Decimal | Nullable | |
TotalAssets | Decimal | Nullable | |
TotalLiabilities | Decimal | Nullable |
Parameter | Type | Format | Description |
NetCashFlowFromOperations | Decimal | Nullable | |
NetCashFlowBeforeFinancing | Decimal | Nullable | |
NetCashFlowFromFinancing | Decimal | Nullable | |
IncreaseInCash | Decimal | Nullable |
Parameter | Type | Format | Description |
ContingentLiability | String | ||
CapitalEmployed | Decimal | Nullable | |
NumberOfEmployees | Decimal | Nullable | |
Auditors | String | ||
AuditorComments | String | ||
Bankers | String | ||
BankBranchCode | String |
Parameter | Type | Format | Description |
PreTaxProfitMargin | Decimal | Nullable | |
CurrentRatio | Decimal | Nullable | |
SalesNetworkingCapital | Decimal | Nullable | |
Gearing | Decimal | Nullable | |
Equity | Decimal | Nullable | |
CreditorDays | Decimal | Nullable | |
DebtorDays | Decimal | Nullable | |
LiquidityAcidTest | Decimal | Nullable | |
ReturnOnCapitalEmployed | Decimal | Nullable | |
ReturnOnNetAssetsEmployed | Decimal | Nullable | |
ReturnOnTotalAssetsEmployed | Decimal | Nullable | |
CurrentDebtRatio | Decimal | Nullable | |
TotalDebtRatio | Decimal | Nullable | |
StockTurnoverRatio | Decimal | Nullable |