This method enables the creation of SubUsers, which function as distinct accounts subordinate to the main account. Sanction, PEP, ValidID, and CompanyLookups can all be generated with a specified SubUserName, initiating searches under the designated SubUser.

By default, SubUsers are segregated and cannot access searches performed by each other. However, this behavior can be modified using the UpdateSubUser method.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Format Description
UserName string   The sub user's UserName (i.e. the sign-in username)
Name string   The sub user's name
Email string   The sub user's email address
IsAdmin bool   Does this sub user have admin privileges, such as managing purchases and sub users
CanResolveSearches bool   Can this sub user resolve searches (UpdateSearch) they have access to
CanDeleteSearches bool   Can this sub user delete searches (UpdateSearch) they have access to
SendWelcomeEmail New bool Defaults to 'true' If set to 'false', the new sub user won't be sent the email with instructions for setting up their password

Response Parameters


Parameter Type Format Description
ResponseStatus ResponseStatus   Instance of ResponseStatus object (see here)
SubUser SubUser   Instance of SubUser object (see here)