This method allows users to add a bulk search by uploading a csv file.


The API method will look for a csv file in the request. Use the following code templates as a guide:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--form 'Request={Type:Individual,IsSanctionsSearch:true,SelectedLists:[HMTSL,HMTUK,OFACL,OFACC]}' \
--form 'Authentication={ApiUserId:MY_API_USERNAME,ApiUserKey:MY_API_USERKEY}' \
--form 'File=@/C:/MyDirectory/MyCSVIndividuals.csv'

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Format Description
IsSanctionsSearch Bool Set to true to run sanctions searches in bulk for the uploaded list.
IsPepSearch Bool Set to true to run PEP searches in bulk for the uploaded list.
Type Required String Max length 10 characters The type of search requested. Specify either: "individual" or "entity".
SelectedLists > ListId Required String Max length 5 characters

Array of sanctions lists to be included in the search. At least one is required.

The following values are valid:

ALL Perform your search against all your enabled lists, no further values are required if you select "ALL"

DFAT Australian DFAT Sanctions List
EUR EU Sanctions List
HMTSL HM Treasury Sanctions List
HMTUK HM Treasury Ukraine Securities List
UKSAN UK Sanctions List
OFACC OFAC Consolidated (Non SDN) List
OFACL OFAC Specially Designated Nationals List
CASEM Canadian Consolidated Sanctions List
OSFI Deprecated Canadian OSFI Sanctions List
CAJUS Deprecated Canadian Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials
SSECO Swiss SECO Sanctions
SNGPO Singapore TSOFA Sanctions List
BELSL Belgium Sanctions List
FRESL French Sanctions List
UN United Nations Sanctions List
NZL New Zealand Sanctions List
UAE United Arab Emirates Sanctions List

Example specifying the All lists lists:
Example specifying the HM Treasury list:
Example specifying the US and HM Treasury list:

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Format Description
ResponseStatus ResponseStatus   Instance of ResponseStatus object (see here)
BulkSearchStatus BulkSearchStatus   Instance of BulkSearchStatus object (see here)