This method allows firms within the api to activate the service of ValidID. This method can only be used once and can be substituted by the user logging into their account online and activating ValidID that way.

You need to get the agreement text from the CheckValidIdStatus method which should be displayed to the user prior to submitting this request. This is crucial as it describes what the user is agreeing to with the "AgreeToTerms" parameter

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Format Description
CompanyName Required String Max length 250 characters  
CompanyAddress Required String Max length 250 characters  
CompanyNumber Required String Max length 250 characters Company registration number
Name Required String Max length 250 characters Name of the person signing the agreement
Position Required String Max length 250 characters Position of the person within the company
Signature Required String Max length 250 characters Electronic signature of the person signing, re-enter the person's name
DPANumber Required String Max length 250 characters DPA number of the user, must be a valid DPA number
ClassificationId Required Int   A valid number referring to a business classification (see below)
AMLBodyNumber String Max length 250 characters AML Regulatory Body/Number
Purpose Required String   Purpose for access
AgreeToTerms Required Bool   Must be true, indicating agreement to the terms and conditions (see here to get the terms and conditions)

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Format Description
ResponseStatus ResponseStatus   Instance of ResponseStatus object (see here)
AgreementText String   The text of the agreement, including the details on when it was signed if applicable
ValidIdActivated Bool   True, if ValidID has been activated on the account

Business Classifications

Id Name
3 Accountancy
4 Bank
5 Building Society
6 Casino
7 Consumer Credit Financial Institution
8 Credit Card
10 Financial Services
11 Finance House
12 Mortgage Supplier & Services
13 Property Managements / Estate Agents
14 Solicitor
15 Trust or Company Service Providers
16 Communication Supplier
17 Distribution & Wholesalers
18 Employment Agency
19 Energy Supplier
20 Hire Car Rental
21 Health Services
22 Hotel & Travel
23 Leasing
24 Motor Dealer
25 Manufacturing / Industrial
26 Media
27 Miscellaneous
28 Mail Order
30 Public Utilities
31 Rentals
32 Retailer
33 Security Services